Cutting to the Chase what's the top Metal Detector in the World-Money no object


Aug 20, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
Wife turns to me and says she wants to get a metal detector and check out our property here in rural Louisiana. Used to be an old train depot here in the 1880's and there are 3 old homesteads on our property from the 1800's as well. My wife also knows a lot of these old country folk and won't have trouble getting permission to search other possible areas and old home sites.

She has worked extremely hard over the years to put herself through college and med school while holding down a full time job. After that she spent the last 2 years working 12-20 hour shifts, all nights and weekends and wore out many pairs of shoes along the way. Now that she has established herself she has a better rotation of 4 days on and 6 days off, we can start enjoying life.

In all the 12 years we been together my wife never asked me for hardly anything. She wanted a car that ran to get her to school and work, a new pair of shoes every 3 months and food cooked when she got home. She never asked me for anything for Christmas, birthdays, etc. Now she out of the blue says she wants a metal detector and asked me to do some research and order her one.

I Googled around for top metal detector but as you can imagine every company would like to think they are the best. I come to you because I know that many of you have put in years of real world testing, research and for some of you it is your main hobby and you take it seriously.
I'm not looking for a beginner machine or something easy to learn. My wife is super smart, she can name off every bone and muscle in the body. She can pronounce medical words I can't even spell, lol. I'm pretty sure no matter the difficulty, if she puts her mind to it, she will learn to use it.

I just want to know what you would purchase today if money were no object. Let me identify the possible places she would be using it as well.
Mainly she will use it on old homesteads and rural Louisiana land. She may want to take it down south to the beach or to Florida when we go, but she won't be putting it in the water. Our beach trips are just a couple times a year so not a big priority. We probably won't ever go out west and hunt nuggets or anything like that. She has more of a historical interest than anything else.
I fully intend by the end of next week to order her the best machine I can find. I am just still shocked she asked for something and I'm determined to put the best in her hands. She never said no to me when I wanted a boat or an ATV, etc. I will never deny her anything in this life if it's within my power. I love her more than anything on earth an if she wants to detect something I'll be her chauffeur and personal digger, lol.

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This is likely not a fair judgment but will state it anyways, and I don't like to make decisions for anyone best to ask around and way the pros and cons of each. But if I were too..

If your wife has a strong arm go with the CTX 3030 over the Deus even though it is a great machine as well, I would lean to Minelab. Ease of use and swing longer without strain Deus, both great machines I imagine in depth and performance, seperation and discrimination and GPS features, I agree CTX greater learning curve from what I seen and heard, or go with the Deus v4 ...all I know if I purchased the Deus without trying the Minelab CTX 3030 I believe I would be mad at myself, but if I bought the Minelab CTX 3030 withought trying the Deus first I wouldn't be overly upset with my purchase of the CTX.

This is what I think from what I seen withouht even trying either, hope this helps you..

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Had to go back and look at the age of this and everyone posts here the suspense is killing where is Deathgiggle...


"that is the question" :icon_scratch:???

A great turn on and go is a Minelab 705.. it light and a very good machine... I have one and its great. you can get different coils which makes it a different metal detector... very easy to learn . Then if she likes move up to the ctx.

D.G., Our wives sound an awful lot alike in that they have a medical background, they are smart, and driven. My wife is an RN of 30 years. It sounds like yhall' have a great marriage and that you support one another. Congrat's to the two of you. As far as choosing a detector, I would recommend watching Utube videos. They have videos on nearly every MD make and model known to man today. A lot of these video's show the detectors in use in the field and this could help possibly in making a decision. It sounds as if she would mainly be ground searching around old home places, so this would be a start in helping to narrow down your search. It sounds as though she may be looking for a detector best suited for relics. There are many out there. As already said, to ask which detector would be best, you will get Many different answers. Just my two cents worth which probably don't account for much, but here are some possibilities that might work for her. Some of these have already been mentioned. 1) Fisher F 75 LTD, 2) Garrett AT Gold, or AT PRO, 3) Minelab CTX or Minelab Safari, or 4) XP Deus. This may give you at least an idea to look these up on Utube and see what you think. Best of Luck to you in your search. I'm sure you will come across a unit best suited for your wife. Once found, I wish her the best of Luck with it. I left out one. The Whites MXT PRO. This is a good all around detector.

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This is likely not a fair judgment but will state it anyways, and I don't like to make decisions for anyone best to ask around and way the pros and cons of each. But if I were too..

If your wife has a strong arm go with the CTX 3030 over the Deus even though it is a great machine as well, I would lean to Minelab. Ease of use and swing longer without strain Deus, both great machines I imagine in depth and performance, seperation and discrimination and GPS features, I agree CTX greater learning curve from what I seen and heard, or go with the Deus v4 ...all I know if I purchased the Deus without trying the Minelab CTX 3030 I believe I would be mad at myself, but if I bought the Minelab CTX 3030 withought trying the Deus first I wouldn't be overly upset with my purchase of the CTX.

This is what I think from what I seen withouht even trying either, hope this helps you..

She will pay a price on alternate coils with the CTX. I think an Etrac would be wiser if it's going to be a Minelab.

Same goes with the Deus. jm2c

Yes I'm a fool. Bought a 1700$ dollar rig to hunt zinc's in the park. Like a good hat or sun glasses I like to be comfortable. What price do you place on peace of mind. Watched some videos. Said a Russian detector forget the name was best and F75 was second. Had this discussion with wife. She knows what the F75 can do as her ring dresser is full.

As was mentioned in sjvalleys's comment, if the learning curve is not a problem, I'd recommend Minelab Ctx3030 at the top.

I would call DENNIS at METALDETECTORS. COM, for a great deal on the 30-3030 or any detector of your choice

First I Want To Say...YOU, Sound Like A Great Husband!! She Sounds Like A Great Wife! Good on ya for taking the time to ask people who have First Hand experience!

My thought process might be a tad different but...No Matter What Equipment Anyone Uses In Life...Car/Truck/SUV...3 on the tree, Granny Low vs 6speed on the floor and AWD vs RWD or 4x4- Boat..Outboard vs Inboard (remembering the blower) vs Dual Engine...learning to use one or the other to turn in tight places and slide up to the dock- Gun...Revolver vs Pistol or Automatic vs Semi Auto vs Pump-Fishing Reel....Zebco 33 vs Ambassador 5000c Open Face..Remembering to put your thumb on the reel to prevent Overwind-Cell Phone...Flip Phone vs IPhone 7-Computer...Apple vs HP. You get the idea. IF you have NOTHING To Compare To.... You quickly and automatically learn THAT First Piece Of Equipment.
Metal Detectors...It's when you Change Detectors that you have that learning curve of different readings and sounds. I Love My Whites DFX! But I want to MD in water too. I'm not getting rid of the DFX so I have to get a Water Proof Detector. I asked A lot of people, even Tnet members for their advice. I primarily would be Fresh Water, But when I travel I want to be able to also use it in Salt Water, Beach and Dry Land. I, like you am not price shopping...I just want to get One Unit that I can learn in water and not worry if I slipped and ruined the motherboard of the DFX. I've gotten great opinions on what would be best for my wants. My opinion is that No Matter which unit you choose, make sure that Manufacturer has other units for different needs or accessories that can accommodate your machine. Your wife sounds determined and smart so don't worry about settings...she can learn them fast. Not knowing her age, strength or stamina...weight may or may not be an issue. I know I didn't Answer your question as asked but her not having any experience in MDing or worrying about cost is a Plus for her. Get a good multi-use unit no matter how 'complicated' it may seem. It will be all she knows. Good Luck to Both of You! This is a Great Place for Opinions and Advice! Looking forward to hearing about all of her finds!

Looking forward to hearing about all of her finds!

The OP hasn't been bothered to check back in over a year. I doubt anyone will be hearing of his wife's finds.

XP Deus. I think the options, fit, and weight are a good choice. For a beginner, there are quite a few automatic setting to chose from to get going right at the start. It adjusts very easy for storage and use. The unit charges with a USB connector, so charging in the car, or with standard aux batteries is easy in the field. There are many dedicated users groups online for advice and to share stories.
Add to that, a hell of a detector!

The OP hasn't been bothered to check back in over a year. I doubt anyone will be hearing of his wife's finds.

Just noticed that....

Mods should close the thread so we dont waste out time!

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The OP hasn't been bothered to check back in over a year. I doubt anyone will be hearing of his wife's finds.

Hey Deft...I JUST SAW THAT!....Jeez, I've Gotta Start Looking At Dates! My Bad...I Get Caught Up In Reading Posts and Not Dates! lol! I'll TRY and Stop That!

cuda-Mark and Deep-seeker, I've seen this supposed "fix" for offering tanks to beginners before. That they can still adapt no problem, by simply going with the default menu, pre-set settings, dumb it down by going into 2-tones (verus full-orchestra), and so forth.

SO TOO was the same logic promoted back in the days when the Spectrum and XLT were all the rage (1990s): Veterans would still consider them to be equally beginner machines, because "all you have to do is use the pre-sets and don't mess with the advanced settings".

On the surface, this sounds totally logical. But in my experience, hardly any beginners can resist fiddling around with the controls "lest they be missing out" ! Doh!

Example: There was a beginner at our club meeting who complained of not being able to figure out the XLT. So one day I agreed to meet up with him and help him out. I took a look at his controls, and he had them ALL "maxed out". I asked him "why'd you do that?", and he said "because I didn't want to miss anything". Because in his mind's eyes, the default stock settings would be like riding bumper cars at the carnival, rather than real driving, and he was certain he'd be "missing out" if he didn't go in and fiddle with the "adult" options. I saw this same scenario play out with multiple others, so I assume it would play out for the CTX as well.

I always used my xlt in the pre-set modes , & just got used to it / learned it that way over many years .
I only used the back-light, Volume , Bottle-Cap Reject & the BCR was in the last 2 years.

I could have changed it up but 'I did not want to mess with "What I Knew"'.

Don't get me wrong , some fine tuning would have been great at times, but still was able to 95% say imo what the target was.

For the OP , Any Decent detector would work great at a Site like yr talking about ,' Used XLT $250 + or a $2.000 Minelab.

Research (as you are) , fig, $ to spend , and know it can be some work finding good stuff./ Not like on TV or most You-Tube.

IMO Even a Garrett Ace 200-Or 400. Would 'do y'all good'

Like Tom said it's all about learning & knowing yr Machine.

The OP hasn't been bothered to check back in over a year. I doubt anyone will be hearing of his wife's finds.

Maybe he got her a complicated detector & she lost interest , or was not happy finding $10 Barbers , $25 seated , & 50 cent Indians.

You got to love history , & the thrill of the hunt.

IMO It takes a certain 'personality ' to start & Keep detecting , or be lucky enough to live in Hawaii , Untouched 1600-1800's land, un-hunted Civil War camps.

I need a time machine.

"Ford ,Chevy, or Dodge.???

Hey Deft...I JUST SAW THAT!....Jeez, I've Gotta Start Looking At Dates! My Bad...I Get Caught Up In Reading Posts and Not Dates! lol! I'll TRY and Stop That!

Me To , spent a-lot of time on a old post , but boy some are into their Brands.

My sig-line used to read ' It's not so much the detector but the Site'

I am sure it has been said before in these 11 pages of comments but, we would be more than happy to come and help you hunt that hunny hole of a property!

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