Cutting to the Chase what's the top Metal Detector in the World-Money no object


Aug 20, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
Wife turns to me and says she wants to get a metal detector and check out our property here in rural Louisiana. Used to be an old train depot here in the 1880's and there are 3 old homesteads on our property from the 1800's as well. My wife also knows a lot of these old country folk and won't have trouble getting permission to search other possible areas and old home sites.

She has worked extremely hard over the years to put herself through college and med school while holding down a full time job. After that she spent the last 2 years working 12-20 hour shifts, all nights and weekends and wore out many pairs of shoes along the way. Now that she has established herself she has a better rotation of 4 days on and 6 days off, we can start enjoying life.

In all the 12 years we been together my wife never asked me for hardly anything. She wanted a car that ran to get her to school and work, a new pair of shoes every 3 months and food cooked when she got home. She never asked me for anything for Christmas, birthdays, etc. Now she out of the blue says she wants a metal detector and asked me to do some research and order her one.

I Googled around for top metal detector but as you can imagine every company would like to think they are the best. I come to you because I know that many of you have put in years of real world testing, research and for some of you it is your main hobby and you take it seriously.
I'm not looking for a beginner machine or something easy to learn. My wife is super smart, she can name off every bone and muscle in the body. She can pronounce medical words I can't even spell, lol. I'm pretty sure no matter the difficulty, if she puts her mind to it, she will learn to use it.

I just want to know what you would purchase today if money were no object. Let me identify the possible places she would be using it as well.
Mainly she will use it on old homesteads and rural Louisiana land. She may want to take it down south to the beach or to Florida when we go, but she won't be putting it in the water. Our beach trips are just a couple times a year so not a big priority. We probably won't ever go out west and hunt nuggets or anything like that. She has more of a historical interest than anything else.
I fully intend by the end of next week to order her the best machine I can find. I am just still shocked she asked for something and I'm determined to put the best in her hands. She never said no to me when I wanted a boat or an ATV, etc. I will never deny her anything in this life if it's within my power. I love her more than anything on earth an if she wants to detect something I'll be her chauffeur and personal digger, lol.

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I swing the Deus now, but my favorite do it all detector after 40 years of swinging has been the Garrett AT Pro. Get the optional 5x8 coil, a pinpointer and Lesche digger and she will have great capability at a very reasonable price. If she is small the Deus maybe a great machine. Lightest machine on the market, wireless and very capable.

My experience with the awesome Minelab machines is that I did not get it. Hated those machines, but your wife sounds smart so the CTX 3030, which is waterproof like AT Pro, maybe way to go. Probably 3030 is most capable hobbiest machine on the market

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That's one of the nice features of the CTX. You don't have to hunt in multitone if you don't want to. It has a 4 tone or 2 tone option too..

I'm a Minelab guy, love the CTX - it's everything I wanted in a machine. If she chooses that, just swing it from the stock menu, .....

cuda-Mark and Deep-seeker, I've seen this supposed "fix" for offering tanks to beginners before. That they can still adapt no problem, by simply going with the default menu, pre-set settings, dumb it down by going into 2-tones (verus full-orchestra), and so forth.

SO TOO was the same logic promoted back in the days when the Spectrum and XLT were all the rage (1990s): Veterans would still consider them to be equally beginner machines, because "all you have to do is use the pre-sets and don't mess with the advanced settings".

On the surface, this sounds totally logical. But in my experience, hardly any beginners can resist fiddling around with the controls "lest they be missing out" ! Doh!

Example: There was a beginner at our club meeting who complained of not being able to figure out the XLT. So one day I agreed to meet up with him and help him out. I took a look at his controls, and he had them ALL "maxed out". I asked him "why'd you do that?", and he said "because I didn't want to miss anything". Because in his mind's eyes, the default stock settings would be like riding bumper cars at the carnival, rather than real driving, and he was certain he'd be "missing out" if he didn't go in and fiddle with the "adult" options. I saw this same scenario play out with multiple others, so I assume it would play out for the CTX as well.

So you can see from all of the threads there are two schools of thought...

Get the CTX but she is going to have a very steep learning curve OR

Get a mid level machine that will be significantly easier for her to learn

In considering these options here are some things to think about. Metal detecting involves skill, luck, and knowledge of the machine, etc. That skill part is huge and takes a long time to learn. When you first start out you really know nothing. Even reading about it isn't the same as being out in the field. I keep a detailed journal and reflect on each hunt to learn more about the area I hunted, my finds, and my machines. The thing about the CTX is that it is one of the best machines out there but it is complicated. When I got mine I already how to detect and the machine was still very complicated even though I knew how a lot of the settings affected my other machines. So your wife is going to have to learn to detect while at the same time learning one of the most complicated machines out complicated think if you were trying to learn to drive and have never driven before but decide to start with a mac truck instead of a small automatic car...and then imagine trying to learn to drive that mac truck without a teacher there. It can be done its just going to take dedication on her part and in the beginning its going to be frustrating for if she is prepared for that and is willing to learn I see no reason why she shouldnt go CTX but remember she is going to have like 100+ hours on it before she figures out the machine and knows how to metal detect.

CTX, Etrac, Nokta FORS Relic, Makro Racer2 or 1, F75, F19, G2+, Tesoro Vaquero/ Tejon. Just get one of each and try them all!

You guys are offering her a tank, when she should be driving a technical. Lol. My advise get her a easy to learn mid level detector. As she advances in skills over the year, then buy her a 3030 or deus or what ever high end detector people here offer up.....
They asked for the best, not the easiest. If she's as smart as she's supposed to be, she won't have any problem learning the CTX. All machines have a certain learning curve and take time to master. Starting with the CTX, she won't be bringing any bad habits from a previous machine! :laughing7:

They asked for the best, not the easiest. If she's as smart as she's supposed to be, she won't have any problem learning the CTX. All machines have a certain learning curve and take time to master. Starting with the CTX, she won't be bringing any bad habits from a previous machine! :laughing7:

That is my thinking as well. If you have to learn something why not learn the best. That was my thought process when I bought my deus, then the ctx. That way I learn just once.

That is my thinking as well. If you have to learn something why not learn the best. That was my thought process when I bought my deus, then the ctx. That way I learn just once.
Which one do you like the best, the Deus or the CTX?

Very rarely ever a good idea to start with a high end machine - More than likely you'll have it on craigslist or ebay at a decent loss within half a year, and it doesn't matter if she knows how to spell every state capital backwards ect ect.

That said, as a coin shooter, if someone walked up to me and said they are going to buy me any metal detector I want for being such a handsome fellow, I'd go with a Minelab Etrac.
What I'd advise is a Garrett Ace 400.

Very rarely ever a good idea to start with a high end machine - More than likely you'll have it on craigslist or ebay at a decent loss within half a year, and it doesn't matter if she knows how to spell every state capital backwards ect ect.

That said, as a coin shooter, if someone walked up to me and said they are going to buy me any metal detector I want for being such a handsome fellow, I'd go with a Minelab Etrac.
What I'd advise is a Garrett Ace 400.
There again, that isn't what they asked for. We can debate the merits of a starter machine if you like, but, they asked our opinion on which machine is the best. I don't think there is any machine out there that a newbie couldn't turn and go with a stock program and be reasonably successful. My only concern with someone who has never detected before is, will they stick with it, or, give up because either they decide "it's not for me" or they just can't handle the physical part of it.Figuring out how to best tweak the machine for their type of hunting just takes time and experimentation (and advice from us here on Tnet!) :laughing7:

Sovereign XS 2 Pro with W.O.T. Coil. :thumbsup:

as said Before , it all comes down to what your Comfortable with.
& it's made by Minelab

in detectors Price isn't always important. You need to swing Over the Target
and Dig it up. whether the detector says Good or bad.
Sometimes Iron things are worth More then Gold Things.
the Detector won't tell you if your signal is a Rusted Bottle cap, $1.00 Gold Piece, a Pull Tab from a Beer can, crumpled up aluminum foil that was wrapped around a 1960's Sandwich , or the edge of a Pirate era Cannon stuffed with Doubloons.
till you dig it up, it is all & non of those things.

No Metal detector on Earth will Tell you what is in the ground before you Dig.
(unless it is in the hands of a former pro Rastler) There are some that supposedly show you the Shape of the Object.
But I think in that case the Objects need to be the size of a Car & shaped like a foundation. (Ground Penetrating Radar) :tongue3:

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They asked for the best, not the easiest. If she's as smart as she's supposed to be, she won't have any problem learning the CTX. All machines have a certain learning curve and take time to master. Starting with the CTX, she won't be bringing any bad habits from a previous machine! :laughing7:

Yes and really the CTX is a turn on and go machine as is the Etrac. Sure you can adjust many settings but you certainly do not have to.

Minelab sov xs 2 bet its just as deep n a lot more cheap

Yes and really the CTX is a turn on and go machine as is the Etrac. Sure you can adjust many settings but you certainly do not have to.

I would add, Detectors like that Will grow with the User.
it can be as Simple or as complicated as you want, as you Learn

The Deus is wayyyyyy better than any Minelab!

Which one do you like the best, the Deus or the CTX?
They are both excellent machines. Each has there place. For beach and water it has to be the ctx because the deus is not water proof and does nt do well in wet sand. In the field you can the swing the deus all day with out any fatigue. I am sill learning both machines. I had never detected before January 2016. Got the deus for Christmas. I enjoyed it. Said if I still like detecting come summer I would buy a water unit. And then I bought 2 water units. The first water unit I bought was a vintage excal sword. Guy I bought it from said there would be no problem finding someone to work on it and finding parts. ( I was warned by the good folks on this site that there are no parts for this machine, but I bought it anyway. You guys are right. It works well but now I am afraid to use it at the beach.) So the ctx is my beach machine. A bit heavy, so I bought the pro swing. I just dont understand the logic behind get something simple because treasure hunters aren't smart enough understand new digital technology. If you buy quality, and you need to sell for what ever reason, that quality will sell. With both the deus and ctx I was able to start em up and start hunting. Do I and did I know every little tweek to get the most out of the machine no. Still don't. I imagine most long time hunters don't know how to get the most out of their machines either. However many do. And I thank each of you for helping educate. That is why there is so many hunters on this site and other sites still learning and sharing.

If money is no object buy the best you can. If money is an object the buy the best you can afford. Many good suggestions as to what is to best. Can't go wrong with any of them.

I went from a Minelab Xterra 305 - Cheap, easy to use... I then upgraded to a Garrett AT-Pro... I found it too easy to use and super simple... I then upgraded to a CTX 3030. It is a very difficult machine to LEARN but if shes a smart cookie, I would go in this direction. the CTX and the XP are top choices for the eager and for those that can afford. The CTX would almost require the "Andy Sabish" CTX book - it is invaluable and puts the Minelab 3030 manual to rest as it is very non descriptive.

So.... CTX 3030 OR XP Deus 4.0 =)

Best of luck!

There again, that isn't what they asked for. We can debate the merits of a starter machine if you like, but, they asked our opinion on which machine is the best. I don't think there is any machine out there that a newbie couldn't turn and go with a stock program and be reasonably successful. My only concern with someone who has never detected before is, will they stick with it, or, give up because either they decide "it's not for me" or they just can't handle the physical part of it.Figuring out how to best tweak the machine for their type of hunting just takes time and experimentation (and advice from us here on Tnet!) :laughing7:

I told him exactly what he asked for, since when are we bound not to add additional comments and suggestions ?
He is looking at it from the wrong angle, IQ has 0 bearing on whether or not someone will take to a particular hobby, and starting with an advanced machine, IMO, will have the opposite of the effect intended.

I told him exactly what he asked for, since when are we bound not to add additional comments and suggestions ?
He is looking at it from the wrong angle, IQ has 0 bearing on whether or not someone will take to a particular hobby, and starting with an advanced machine, IMO, will have the opposite of the effect intended.

I have to agree if you hand someone who has absolutely no idea what to expect,
a top of the line detector with all it's settings.
and they don't have someone beside them who they can bounce questions and frustrations off.
odds are that frustration will come fast.

I had no Problem going from an early Whites Coinmaster to the Sovereign.
But it took me 3 different attempts at 3 different Explorers over approximately 8 Years,
Before I actually wasn't completely Frustrated with one of them.
and I still have my days where I'm not sure if the SE is set up correctly,
or just Satisfactorily.

I have no idea how I'd feel if I went from TV shows about detecting to an Explorer.
With no other Knowledge of how they work.

Yes and really the CTX is a turn on and go machine as is the Etrac. Sure you can adjust many settings but you certainly do not have to.

I would add, Detectors like that Will grow with the User.
it can be as Simple or as complicated as you want, as you Learn

Fletch88 & Jeff: I disagree. Although it's theoretically possible for someone to stay in default modes , and theoretically possible to not-adjust anything, yet it never works out that way. I have never seen a beginner YET who simply can't resist going into the menus. And fooling around "lest they be missing out". Or the mere fact that those advanced adjustments are there (even if they don't fool with them) will simply have them confused, intimidated, etc....

AdamBomb and x-raywolf are right when they said:

.... Get the CTX but she is going to have a very steep learning curve ..... The thing about the CTX is that it is one of the best machines out there but it is complicated. .... if you were trying to learn to drive and have never driven before but decide to start with a mac truck instead of a small automatic car...and then imagine trying to learn to drive that mac truck without a teacher there. It can be done its just going to take dedication on her part and in the beginning its going to be frustrating for her..........

Very rarely ever a good idea to start with a high end machine - More than likely you'll have it on craigslist or ebay at a decent loss within half a year, and it doesn't matter if she knows how to spell every state capital backwards ect ect..... What I'd advise is a Garrett Ace 400.

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