Cursum Perficio Map or the Abe Reid Map

It must be rough living in paradise.

Ed T

Hola amigo tough life but one has to make the best of it.:tongue3:

My place is called moe'uhane in Polynesian meaning generally translated as "soul sleep" but better understood as "night experiences of the soul", since for traditional Hawaiians and Polynesians, dreaming is very much about traveling. The soul makes excursions during sleep.

Such awaking in such a place it is if you have fallen into dream.



Gidday all getting back to the document. I think it is easy to take what is written there out of context and most likely just christian Jesuit research notes on theology faith being the true treasure.


Gidday all getting back to the document. I think it is easy to take what is written there out of context and most likely just christian Jesuit research notes on theology faith being the true treasure.


I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, I have been there and done that…I know what I know and I am not in any rush to share what I know with anyone, unless the price is right…

Oh well…Maybe one day someone will ante up but until then I will continue to toss ya’ll little tidbits here and there…

Heck…Maybe one day God himself will let me hit the lottery too let me know it is time to share what I know with the world…lol

Ed T :)

Gidday all getting back to the document. I think it is easy to take what is written there out of context and most likely just christian Jesuit research notes on theology faith being the true treasure.


CursumPerficio Stone.webp

Although the purpose of the artifact may not be entirely clear.... in context the title "EL Tesoro De Los Eglisas De Santa Fe" certainly suggests something different than simple musings of the author/artist's "holy faith" IMO.

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Although the purpose of the artifact may not be entirely clear.... in context the title "EL Tesoro De Los Eglisas De Santa Fe" certainly suggests something different than simple musings of the author/artist's "holy faith" IMO.

You are right on that.. it's all physical. If you know where they drew it you would know. The triangle u are to notice in the middle is the same as the point of arrow on the hidden map on the end of the "peralta" post stone map. How I know is it's the answer I posted of a question a long time ago... It also answered if the "peralta stone" maps were actually Jesuit.. search u will find the answer If ya look at the big picture. Also is same fornix as the latin heart. All ties together. C/p map is of the area of the latin heart. Everyone misses the hidden map. Why I keep saying figure out the knife and u have figured out one for the biggest mysteries. It is truely an amazing ahh ha moment when u figure it out. No joe shmoe coulda made these maps so accurate. That is a pun on the finder on the stone maps.. Don't believe all what u read. I could give the answer to the knife and any one here would have the it figured out in less than 5 min. Lil reverse engineering to figure the h/p, not how I felt fired it out. But that is a my baby and secret. I can steer ya in the right direction but I won't give the answer.. I've given the biggest clue many times to the knife...I've shown the heart on the c/p.. and many more clues to the location on the latin heart, publicly and privately. I won't ever get to them. H/p is all I have time for and for good reason.

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If I were speaking hypothetically…IF I have found the area I claim to have found, how much might said information be worth???

Heck there is a space race among billionaires…And it would appear not one of them is interested in visiting the area I have stumbled upon… lol

I guess there isn’t a single wealthy TH’er interested in bringing said area into the light…

Oh well…You can lead a horse to water… etc…etc…

Ed T ;)

Ka-knickers and Buzzard,

Many years ago, I translated both the Latin Heart and Cursum Perficio. Ocean Child email doesn't work. Email me, please. It is either a fake, or it describes landmarks. Only two options to me.

When I get home from work, I'll shoot you an email about this. It is an interesting subject.


No game trail at the church's site . Only the Trail from the stone trail map , which is also invisible marked on the LH . In the LH the trail goes from down Meus ( beside Specus ) to Transeo Ecclesia till Meus , and turns to Caverna Aurum . I believe are the last 5 Lugares ?
The church is very hard to find . Only if you are infront or at the LDM mine you can see it .
hey friend. could i bug you to ask a few dumb questions? If so, what is your abreviation for LH stand for? also, is this church that you speak of something that you speculate about or is there a place of info that has lead you to believe that there is an old church outpost in the superstition mountains? thank you for your time.

hey friend. could i bug you to ask a few dumb questions? If so, what is your abreviation for LH stand for? also, is this church that you speak of something that you speculate about or is there a place of info that has lead you to believe that there is an old church outpost in the superstition mountains? thank you for your time.
Rocky…I believe markmar means LatinHeart when he speaks of LH…And I am just guessing that when he speaks of the church he could be referring to Tayopa…

I could be wrong about the church…

I am going to try my luck tomorrow with the power ball…IF I get lucky I may possibly reveal the location of the area I believe to be the location revealed in the CP…

Oh well…It May not be time for said location to be revealed…

Ed T🤪

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Rocky…I believe markmar means LatinHeart when he speaks of LH…And I am just guessing that when he speaks of the church he could be referring to Tayopa…

I could be wrong about the church…

I am going to try my luck tomorrow with the power ball…IF I get lucky I may possibly reveal the location of the area I believe to be the location revealed in the CP…

Oh well…It May not be time for said location to be revealed…

Ed T🤪
I see. Thank you for your reply. Best wishes with the lottery! My household is playing it as well. In regard to your location, I hope you keep it a secret. In the words of Clay Worst to me; "if you give a man your gun, you can ask him for it or even beat him down to get it back but once you reveal a secret location, you can never take it back." He told me this because I have made 2 amazing legitimate discoveries in the mountain this year (Gold in hand) and went to Clay to ask his advice and show him what I found. If for some reason, you decided to disclose your information at some point, I would be willing to show you a location of potentially equal value in exchange. also If you need it, my brother is a helicopter pilot and has a greed to fly me into rural areas of the superstition on the east side per my request if you ever decided to reveal the location. I offer that because I thought i had read somewhere that you may have a hurt back. With that being said, I hope you continue to keep your secret safe or explore it yourself!

please show a picture of the gold you found..

I see. Thank you for your reply. Best wishes with the lottery! My household is playing it as well. In regard to your location, I hope you keep it a secret. In the words of Clay Worst to me; "if you give a man your gun, you can ask him for it or even beat him down to get it back but once you reveal a secret location, you can never take it back." He told me this because I have made 2 amazing legitimate discoveries in the mountain this year (Gold in hand) and went to Clay to ask his advice and show him what I found. If for some reason, you decided to disclose your information at some point, I would be willing to show you a location of potentially equal value in exchange. also If you need it, my brother is a helicopter pilot and has a greed to fly me into rural areas of the superstition on the east side per my request if you ever decided to reveal the location. I offer that because I thought i had read somewhere that you may have a hurt back. With that being said, I hope you continue to keep your secret safe or explore it yourself!
I have a few sites that I have been playing with Rocky...Most of them are located in old Mexico...And my Mexican friend and guide who has accompanied me over the last 30 years is currently incapacitated...He had a bad accident and he is in a paralyzed state...He can't even speak at this time...So I don't think I will be doing any further prospecting down South...

I have been thinking that I have better odds of hitting the power ball than of ever finding another diamond, that is IF I really did find a diamond in Reno...I am a poor man and I can't even afford the cost of gas to go to Reno to look for diamonds...I read somewhere that the odds of finding any diamond is 1 in 10,000,000 and the odds of finding a diamond over 2 grams is 1 in 1,000,000,000...So I think that I will stick to playing the lottery...And wish all of those who wish to search for diamonds near Reno all the best...Here is a link where I got the info from

In my current health I don't even think much about prospecting anymore...In addition to my bad back I have a bad right shoulder and neck pain as well...And I am not quite sure IF I will ever reveal the location mentioned in the Cursum Perficio...I believe it is a Society of Jesus site...I will even go as far to say that I believe that it may even contain some very important religious artifacts...Heck...It may even contain the ark of the covenant...But who can say for certain??? I don't believe that God is finished with dishing out his wrath upon mankind...After all... I believe that mankind has been judged and the sentence is far from being inflicted upon man as of yet...

Only time will tell Rocky...I guess that we will just have to wait and see what is in store for mankind...I hope mankind is able to change its current judgement and punishment...But I will not hold my breath...IF things don't change soon...Inflation will be the least of man's worries...

IF I were you Rocky...I would not reveal any of my locations to anyone...There is an old saying about loose lips...And I am sure you have heard the story about Pandora and her box...

Good luck to you Rocky...And to all of you treasure hunters...

Ed T

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please show a picture of the gold you found..
I may upload some photos the next time that I go out. I misplaced a phone with the pictures that I had and the sight of my big discovery is deep in the wildernees miles off trail. I ran out of water 5 miles from the trail in the middle of June but thank The Lord that I found a dripping spring. It spooked me and I haven't been back since. I do plan to go out again before it gets hot. Ill try to remember to upload.

I have a few sites that I have been playing with Rocky...Most of them are located in old Mexico...And my Mexican friend and guide who has accompanied me over the last 30 years is currently incapacitated...He had a bad accident and he is in a paralyzed state...He can't even speak at this time...So I don't think I will be doing any further prospecting down South...

I have been thinking that I have better odds of hitting the power ball than of ever finding another diamond, that is IF I really did find a diamond in Reno...I am a poor man and I can't even afford the cost of gas to go to Reno to look for diamonds...I read somewhere that the odds of finding any diamond is 1 in 10,000,000 and the odds of finding a diamond over 2 grams is 1 in 1,000,000,000...So I think that I will stick to playing the lottery...And wish all of those who wish to search for diamonds near Reno all the best...Here is a link where I got the info from

In my current health I don't even think much about prospecting anymore...In addition to my bad back I have a bad right shoulder and neck pain as well...And I am not quite sure IF I will ever reveal the location mentioned in the Cursum Perficio...I believe it is a Society of Jesus site...I will even go as far to say that I believe that it may even contain some very important religious artifacts...Heck...It may even contain the ark of the covenant...But who can say for certain??? I don't believe that God is finished with dishing out his wrath upon mankind...After all... I believe that mankind has been judged and the sentence is far from being inflicted upon man as of yet...

Only time will tell Rocky...I guess that we will just have to wait and see what is in store for mankind...I hope mankind is able to change its current judgement and punishment...But I will not hold my breath...IF things don't change soon...Inflation will be the least of man's worries...

IF I were you Rocky...I would not reveal any of my locations to anyone...There is an old saying about loose lips...And I am sure you have heard the story about Pandora and her box...

Good luck to you Rocky...And to all of you treasure hunters...

Ed T
Ed, thanks for the reply. May I ask what lead you
I have a few sites that I have been playing with Rocky...Most of them are located in old Mexico...And my Mexican friend and guide who has accompanied me over the last 30 years is currently incapacitated...He had a bad accident and he is in a paralyzed state...He can't even speak at this time...So I don't think I will be doing any further prospecting down South...

I have been thinking that I have better odds of hitting the power ball than of ever finding another diamond, that is IF I really did find a diamond in Reno...I am a poor man and I can't even afford the cost of gas to go to Reno to look for diamonds...I read somewhere that the odds of finding any diamond is 1 in 10,000,000 and the odds of finding a diamond over 2 grams is 1 in 1,000,000,000...So I think that I will stick to playing the lottery...And wish all of those who wish to search for diamonds near Reno all the best...Here is a link where I got the info from

In my current health I don't even think much about prospecting anymore...In addition to my bad back I have a bad right shoulder and neck pain as well...And I am not quite sure IF I will ever reveal the location mentioned in the Cursum Perficio...I believe it is a Society of Jesus site...I will even go as far to say that I believe that it may even contain some very important religious artifacts...Heck...It may even contain the ark of the covenant...But who can say for certain??? I don't believe that God is finished with dishing out his wrath upon mankind...After all... I believe that mankind has been judged and the sentence is far from being inflicted upon man as of yet...

Only time will tell Rocky...I guess that we will just have to wait and see what is in store for mankind...I hope mankind is able to change its current judgement and punishment...But I will not hold my breath...IF things don't change soon...Inflation will be the least of man's worries...

IF I were you Rocky...I would not reveal any of my locations to anyone...There is an old saying about loose lips...And I am sure you have heard the story about Pandora and her box...

Good luck to you Rocky...And to all of you treasure hunters...

Ed T
Ed T, thank you for your reply. I am greatly sorry to hear about about your friend. Ill say a prayer for him now. I'm curious to ask if your search for that silver mine is what lead you to search south of the border. If not, perhaps you might consider sharing what lead you in to make such a devotion of time to searching that area in particular. I find it somewhat rare that a treasure hunter would make the lion share of his search in another country instead of chasing local legends. Also, If I may ask. Is your potential Cursum Perficio site located in the superstition range? As for the location of the ark of the covenaant, I believe that there is a good chance that its discovery was documented years ago. here is a reference- The location scripturally must be directly under jesus cross because according to daniel 9- the blood must be literally be spilt on the mercy seat of God (the ark) for redemption to be made available.
Concerning God's wrath, I agree with you that we have only just begun to see the labor pains mentioned in mathew and revelation. The un believing world will encounter a darkness that it has never before been seen in the final days while believers simultaneously experiencing the greatest revival the earth has ever seen according to Acts chapter 2. I have a theory about that the the foundation of the great deception and "turning away" and also the great revival if you would care to hear it. Regardless of that, I would be willing to bet you that I have a piece of information that you will find valuable enough that you would consider letting me search your area with you in responce. Im so confident in it that I propose to you the following deal...I will show you something without any handshake that you will show me anything in return and if you personally feel that is valuable enough than perhaps you would wish to share your research with me. If you dont find it as valuable as I propose, that we will part on the matter as friends without any further request from me per the subject per your research. If you care to entertain this for a moment, Surely we would need to take this to a private chat through email, text, or another private platform of your convenience. Care to give it a shot and see what I have?

hey friend. could i bug you to ask a few dumb questions? If so, what is your abreviation for LH stand for? also, is this church that you speak of something that you speculate about or is there a place of info that has lead you to believe that there is an old church outpost in the superstition mountains? thank you for your time.
Like JohnWhite wrote, the LH is for the stone Latin heart map. Actually, somewhere in the Superstitions are two churches ruins few dozen yards apart. One, the older, was made by Spaniards, and the second by the Jesuits.
The church which is mentioned In the Latin heart map, it's that made by the Jesuits and the info in regards to this church someone can read in Bob Ward's book " Ripples of lost echos " at page 57-58. The cave with the gold bars mentioned in Ward's book belonged to the Spaniards who builded the first church. The same discovery of the gold bars was mentioned also in Estee Conatser's book " The Sterling legend ".
This is the text from Ward's book which mentions the church outpost in the Superstitions.


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Ed, thanks for the reply. May I ask what lead you

Ed T, thank you for your reply. I am greatly sorry to hear about about your friend. Ill say a prayer for him now. I'm curious to ask if your search for that silver mine is what lead you to search south of the border. If not, perhaps you might consider sharing what lead you in to make such a devotion of time to searching that area in particular. I find it somewhat rare that a treasure hunter would make the lion share of his search in another country instead of chasing local legends. Also, If I may ask. Is your potential Cursum Perficio site located in the superstition range? As for the location of the ark of the covenaant, I believe that there is a good chance that its discovery was documented years ago. here is a reference- The location scripturally must be directly under jesus cross because according to daniel 9- the blood must be literally be spilt on the mercy seat of God (the ark) for redemption to be made available.
Concerning God's wrath, I agree with you that we have only just begun to see the labor pains mentioned in mathew and revelation. The un believing world will encounter a darkness that it has never before been seen in the final days while believers simultaneously experiencing the greatest revival the earth has ever seen according to Acts chapter 2. I have a theory about that the the foundation of the great deception and "turning away" and also the great revival if you would care to hear it. Regardless of that, I would be willing to bet you that I have a piece of information that you will find valuable enough that you would consider letting me search your area with you in responce. Im so confident in it that I propose to you the following deal...I will show you something without any handshake that you will show me anything in return and if you personally feel that is valuable enough than perhaps you would wish to share your research with me. If you dont find it as valuable as I propose, that we will part on the matter as friends without any further request from me per the subject per your research. If you care to entertain this for a moment, Surely we would need to take this to a private chat through email, text, or another private platform of

Ed, thanks for the reply. May I ask what lead you

Ed T, thank you for your reply. I am greatly sorry to hear about about your friend. Ill say a prayer for him now. I'm curious to ask if your search for that silver mine is what lead you to search south of the border. If not, perhaps you might consider sharing what lead you in to make such a devotion of time to searching that area in particular. I find it somewhat rare that a treasure hunter would make the lion share of his search in another country instead of chasing local legends. Also, If I may ask. Is your potential Cursum Perficio site located in the superstition range? As for the location of the ark of the covenaant, I believe that there is a good chance that its discovery was documented years ago. here is a reference- The location scripturally must be directly under jesus cross because according to daniel 9- the blood must be literally be spilt on the mercy seat of God (the ark) for redemption to be made available.
Concerning God's wrath, I agree with you that we have only just begun to see the labor pains mentioned in mathew and revelation. The un believing world will encounter a darkness that it has never before been seen in the final days while believers simultaneously experiencing the greatest revival the earth has ever seen according to Acts chapter 2. I have a theory about that the the foundation of the great deception and "turning away" and also the great revival if you would care to hear it. Regardless of that, I would be willing to bet you that I have a piece of information that you will find valuable enough that you would consider letting me search your area with you in responce. Im so confident in it that I propose to you the following deal...I will show you something without any handshake that you will show me anything in return and if you personally feel that is valuable enough than perhaps you would wish to share your research with me. If you dont find it as valuable as I propose, that we will part on the matter as friends without any further request from me per the subject per your research. If you care to entertain this for a moment, Surely we would need to take this to a private chat through email, text, or another private platform of your convenience. Care to give it a shot and see what I have?
I am not sure what to say Rocky...I have always been fascinated by stories and tales of lost mines and treasure tales...I have been reading and studying tales of treasure since I was a teen...And I was baptized at the age of 15...So, I believe I have been fairly religious for many years...When I enlisted in the USMC, I enlisted as a conscientious objector...I was young, dumb, and full of...Anyhow...The Lord had a lot in store for me...I did quite a bit of drinking in my youth...And my drinking got me in a bit of trouble...There was one incident where a gay navy Filipino corpsman fondled me while I was in restraints at a Naval hospital on Okinawa...Said incident traumatized me for the rest of my military tour...I am even haunted by it today...It even led me to punch out a Navy Captain who was treating an injury on my right hand...I had cut my hand by hitting a broken window at an old burned out building on Oki...I was in good spirits on my trip to the hospital...But I lost it when the ambulance member told me that they had to put me in restraints to take me into the hospital for treatment...Of course I freaked out and tore the ambulance

As for what led me to prospect in good old Mexico...I met some friendly Mexicans while I was living in Vacaville, CA...We would get together and head to Nevada to prospect at times...At the time I was working for a cannery, American Home Foods, and I could afford to prospect as a hobby...Any who...My Mexican friends would tell me stories of old mines that they or their friends would talk about...They even told me that IF I ever made it down there, they would lead me to or contact friends, I could see the mines they talked about...And of course one thing led to another...And I eventually made my way down there and saw some of the locations that they spoke to me about...

The location I speak of which I believe to be the site mentioned on this thread was shown to me by one of the friendly Mexican gambusinos whom I met on my journeys...IF I had not seen the sole and luna with my own eyes...I would not have drawn the conclusion of the site being said area...And IF anyone on this site has been through what I have been through...Well...You too would believe as I do...

As for your offer Rocky...I don't have any further plans of prospecting...I have had enough of the adventurous journeys to last me a lifetime...I have been to some locations only many of you treasure hunters may only dream about...I have joked on this site many times that IF any rich adventurers would ante up...I just might get up the nerve to make my way back to one of the areas I have frequented in my youth...I am not in the greatest of shape but I can still stroll around town at about 3 miles per hour...Mind you that the terrain is flat and it is just a stroll around town...There are not many dangers to worry about...I don't have to carry any food and water with me and there are no snakes and the likes to watch out for...After all...I believe the location mentioned in the Cursum Perficio to be the location mentioned in the Book of Revelation...I believe that the Knights Templer found the ark of the covenant and it made its way to the New World thanks to the Catholic Church...Quite possibly through the Society of Jesus...I am not sure how they lost the way to the location...But there are many treasure tales that all lead to the same area...Though who is to say???

The funniest part of this story is...Many years ago...On one of my strolls around the little town that I live in...I came across what I have come to consider as my little white rock...I also believe it to be the seal of the living God...I sealed myself with the seal and tossed it aside after I judged mankind as mankind had judged me...I even consider myself as the Alpha and Omega...The first and the last sealed with my seal...I just hope my little signet seal is returned to me before said judgement is fulfilled...Oh well..

That is a tale for another day Rocky...

Ed T

Like JohnWhite wrote, the LH is for the stone Latin heart map. Actually, somewhere in the Superstitions are two churches ruins few dozen yards apart. One, the older, was made by Spaniards, and the second by the Jesuits.
The church which is mentioned In the Latin heart map, it's that made by the Jesuits and the info in regards to this church someone can read in Bob Ward's book " Ripples of lost echos " at page 57-58. The cave with the gold bars mentioned in Ward's book belonged to the Spaniards who builded the first church. The same discovery of the gold bars was mentioned also in Estee Conatser's book " The Sterling legend ".
This is the text from Ward's book which mentions the church outpost in the Superstitions.
Ah, thank you for the info and time friend. If I may ask, have you ever heard any seemingly honest declarations that they have been found?

I am not sure what to say Rocky...I have always been fascinated by stories and tales of lost mines and treasure tales...I have been reading and studying tales of treasure since I was a teen...And I was baptized at the age of 15...So, I believe I have been fairly religious for many years...When I enlisted in the USMC, I enlisted as a conscientious objector...I was young, dumb, and full of...Anyhow...The Lord had a lot in store for me...I did quite a bit of drinking in my youth...And my drinking got me in a bit of trouble...There was one incident where a gay navy Filipino corpsman fondled me while I was in restraints at a Naval hospital on Okinawa...Said incident traumatized me for the rest of my military tour...I am even haunted by it today...It even led me to punch out a Navy Captain who was treating an injury on my right hand...I had cut my hand by hitting a broken window at an old burned out building on Oki...I was in good spirits on my trip to the hospital...But I lost it when the ambulance member told me that they had to put me in restraints to take me into the hospital for treatment...Of course I freaked out and tore the ambulance

As for what led me to prospect in good old Mexico...I met some friendly Mexicans while I was living in Vacaville, CA...We would get together and head to Nevada to prospect at times...At the time I was working for a cannery, American Home Foods, and I could afford to prospect as a hobby...Any who...My Mexican friends would tell me stories of old mines that they or their friends would talk about...They even told me that IF I ever made it down there, they would lead me to or contact friends, I could see the mines they talked about...And of course one thing led to another...And I eventually made my way down there and saw some of the locations that they spoke to me about...

The location I speak of which I believe to be the site mentioned on this thread was shown to me by one of the friendly Mexican gambusinos whom I met on my journeys...IF I had not seen the sole and luna with my own eyes...I would not have drawn the conclusion of the site being said area...And IF anyone on this site has been through what I have been through...Well...You too would believe as I do...

As for your offer Rocky...I don't have any further plans of prospecting...I have had enough of the adventurous journeys to last me a lifetime...I have been to some locations only many of you treasure hunters may only dream about...I have joked on this site many times that IF any rich adventurers would ante up...I just might get up the nerve to make my way back to one of the areas I have frequented in my youth...I am not in the greatest of shape but I can still stroll around town at about 3 miles per hour...Mind you that the terrain is flat and it is just a stroll around town...There are not many dangers to worry about...I don't have to carry any food and water with me and there are no snakes and the likes to watch out for...After all...I believe the location mentioned in the Cursum Perficio to be the location mentioned in the Book of Revelation...I believe that the Knights Templer found the ark of the covenant and it made its way to the New World thanks to the Catholic Church...Quite possibly through the Society of Jesus...I am not sure how they lost the way to the location...But there are many treasure tales that all lead to the same area...Though who is to say???

The funniest part of this story is...Many years ago...On one of my strolls around the little town that I live in...I came across what I have come to consider as my little white rock...I also believe it to be the seal of the living God...I sealed myself with the seal and tossed it aside after I judged mankind as mankind had judged me...I even consider myself as the Alpha and Omega...The first and the last sealed with my seal...I just hope my little signet seal is returned to me before said judgement is fulfilled...Oh well..

That is a tale for another day Rocky...

Ed T
Thanks for the reply friend. The ark of the covenant cannot be touched by human hands or else immediate death follows( per scripture ) so the ark is right where it was placed originally witch would be under Golgotha, the place of Jesus. secondly, I am bewildered about you saying that you consider yourself the alpha and omega and also feel as though you have the authority to judge mankind. This is a very strange thing to hear from an adult, an older adult, and also a person who considers himself a believer. I do not mean to sound harsh, i say it not to insult you or even because it satisfies me to express but more that it seems like it might be in love. Mayb you will consider what I have said but I'm not sure that i would put my money on that. I did suspect that you may have some across something significant as I have but after confessing openly that you believe that you are the person of God, Im not sure of your credibility at this point sir. I only offered my deal because the CP map has a (seemingly) direct correlation to my finding. If you would like me to delete this thread at any point, and It is an option on my end, i will do that per your request. thanks

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