I am not sure what to say Rocky...I have always been fascinated by stories and tales of lost mines and treasure tales...I have been reading and studying tales of treasure since I was a teen...And I was baptized at the age of 15...So, I believe I have been fairly religious for many years...When I enlisted in the USMC, I enlisted as a conscientious objector...I was young, dumb, and full of...Anyhow...The Lord had a lot in store for me...I did quite a bit of drinking in my youth...And my drinking got me in a bit of trouble...There was one incident where a gay navy Filipino corpsman fondled me while I was in restraints at a Naval hospital on Okinawa...Said incident traumatized me for the rest of my military tour...I am even haunted by it today...It even led me to punch out a Navy Captain who was treating an injury on my right hand...I had cut my hand by hitting a broken window at an old burned out building on Oki...I was in good spirits on my trip to the hospital...But I lost it when the ambulance member told me that they had to put me in restraints to take me into the hospital for treatment...Of course I freaked out and tore the ambulance up...lol...
As for what led me to prospect in good old Mexico...I met some friendly Mexicans while I was living in Vacaville, CA...We would get together and head to Nevada to prospect at times...At the time I was working for a cannery, American Home Foods, and I could afford to prospect as a hobby...Any who...My Mexican friends would tell me stories of old mines that they or their friends would talk about...They even told me that IF I ever made it down there, they would lead me to or contact friends, I could see the mines they talked about...And of course one thing led to another...And I eventually made my way down there and saw some of the locations that they spoke to me about...
The location I speak of which I believe to be the site mentioned on this thread was shown to me by one of the friendly Mexican gambusinos whom I met on my journeys...IF I had not seen the sole and luna with my own eyes...I would not have drawn the conclusion of the site being said area...And IF anyone on this site has been through what I have been through...Well...You too would believe as I do...
As for your offer Rocky...I don't have any further plans of prospecting...I have had enough of the adventurous journeys to last me a lifetime...I have been to some locations only many of you treasure hunters may only dream about...I have joked on this site many times that IF any rich adventurers would ante up...I just might get up the nerve to make my way back to one of the areas I have frequented in my youth...I am not in the greatest of shape but I can still stroll around town at about 3 miles per hour...Mind you that the terrain is flat and it is just a stroll around town...There are not many dangers to worry about...I don't have to carry any food and water with me and there are no snakes and the likes to watch out for...After all...I believe the location mentioned in the Cursum Perficio to be the location mentioned in the Book of Revelation...I believe that the Knights Templer found the ark of the covenant and it made its way to the New World thanks to the Catholic Church...Quite possibly through the Society of Jesus...I am not sure how they lost the way to the location...But there are many treasure tales that all lead to the same area...Though who is to say
The funniest part of this story is...Many years ago...On one of my strolls around the little town that I live in...I came across what I have come to consider as my little white rock...I also believe it to be the seal of the living God...I sealed myself with the seal and tossed it aside after I judged mankind as mankind had judged me...I even consider myself as the Alpha and Omega...The first and the last sealed with my seal...I just hope my little signet seal is returned to me before said judgement is fulfilled...Oh well..
That is a tale for another day Rocky...
Ed T