My locksmith Friend is planning to be in Florida starting next week...
Until after the first of the year....
(Lucky Dog!)
I will thus have time on my hands until the new year...
I still have some leaf-wrangling to do, including the roof and gutters, this Spring Semester's textbooks to purchase, then...Maybe....
I've surely "went fishing,"
In my mountains.
Not for fish, per se, but peace in my life.
I seek the wonderment of Nature....
A new sight or experience.
Being one with my environment....
"Omunye emhlabeni futhi ngifuna ukuba."
For a week? Longer?
I'm sure that I'm prepared!
(Eric Rudolph? Boy was a "wanna-be."
Was busted diggin' through the dumpster of a grocery store. Sheesh. Really? Dumba$$...
Had been breakin' into cabins to survive. And the media calls this punk a "Survivalist." Obviously NOT!)
Sunday is the day that my Mom died 14 years ago.
I am making plans for a Christmas Camping Trip!
Everyone is welcome to "ride along" on the narratives that
I post on my "Camping" thread!
Best Wishes,
Dang! Anybody see where I laid my glasses down?
They were FULL!