"And then,
poof gif.gif

"He's gone!"
View attachment 1246775


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well funs over she called earlier she's do in tomorrow...............g'night all............

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Well researched. I'd give a low A.
A high A if you wore that damned diving helmet for the presentation!:laughing7:

Great Job!

Always look to the right and look to the liberal.....

I meant, "look to the left."

"Isn't that the same damned thing?"
To know the enemy and, yada, yada....



"Irony? Sure! I got a coupla shirts that need pressin'!"

Good night....

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Well my son is ok. A few years ago he had 3 subdural hematomas. I'm being careful here about my truck. I'm thinking the frame might be bent Dram because the bed somehow hit the cab and bent the cab below my rear window, but the bed seems to be back in place. Sorry pal, growing up we owned a Chrysler Cordoba and a Dodge Ram.....worse vehicles made. I'm hoping to get my vehicle repaired. If not I want a used F-250 4x4 gasoline power on a lift kit....with 4 doors. I want a steel bar for a front bumper and a steel bar (4 inches) with a trailer hitch for my rear bumper..... Next time some PT CRuiser want to rear end me, it will be a speed bump!!!!!!!! Or a 4 door 4x4 jeep 4 door and make a mudding / hunting machine out of that! Momma called a little while ago and I told her what my next vehicle will be. She said. " your back is so bad you can't climb up and get in a Monster Truck" I said Woman, you won't let me have a cabin, a boat, a life, if I have to get a new vehicle I pay the bills around here and I'm a getting what I want or you can find you another Sugar daddy!!!! The phone went quiet, then she actually agreed! I asked the 9 y /o to pinch me! Hahaha

In that case I'd choose the jeep. I agree (mostly) about the Chrysler products. If my truck weren't diesel I wouldn't fool with it. It has 413,000 miles on it. The only thing dodge on it is body and frame. Other companies made the rest of it. I have a 2010 Jeep Wrangler as well. It's been trouble free but it only has about 37,000 miles on it. I bought it new and garage it all winter to keep road salt off it.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well my son is ok. A few years ago he had 3 subdural hematomas. I'm being careful here about my truck. I'm thinking the frame might be bent Dram because the bed somehow hit the cab and bent the cab below my rear window, but the bed seems to be back in place. Sorry pal, growing up we owned a Chrysler Cordoba and a Dodge Ram.....worse vehicles made. I'm hoping to get my vehicle repaired. If not I want a used F-250 4x4 gasoline power on a lift kit....with 4 doors. I want a steel bar for a front bumper and a steel bar (4 inches) with a trailer hitch for my rear bumper..... Next time some PT CRuiser want to rear end me, it will be a speed bump!!!!!!!! Or a 4 door 4x4 jeep 4 door and make a mudding / hunting machine out of that! Momma called a little while ago and I told her what my next vehicle will be. She said. " your back is so bad you can't climb up and get in a Monster Truck" I said Woman, you won't let me have a cabin, a boat, a life, if I have to get a new vehicle I pay the bills around here and I'm a getting what I want or you can find you another Sugar daddy!!!! The phone went quiet, then she actually agreed! I asked the 9 y /o to pinch me! Hahaha
A relief that your boy is half alright..

I am not a take pictures person...a G.M.C. I rolled and did a partial endo I pushed the roof up and after lots of pounding and bending between two trees managed to make the doors slam-able ,despite some generous gaps.
Ya, bed into cab was no problem.
A plastic champagne cork held the transmission shaft for the linkage.
Put a lot of miles on it afterwards.

Beds come off easy enough and a flat bed rail side is always an option if the bed is shot.
A tapered (shortest length on top) effect to side boards adds styling.
Drive train,engine and transmission mounts need checked, frame of course and suspension and alignment.
Things settle down with recovery more focus can be directed towards the subject....Tough when your ride is out of commission but bigger challenges may be first priority.

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You guys are awesome. Hey Scott low A high still equals an A. I use to give officers crap because I have a Masters whereas Officers only require a Bachelors degree. One Marine Helo pilot use to tell me "D = Diploma" haha...... Well she just landed in's over! Don't let me kid ya, I still missed her. Mad at her but missed her nonetheless !

Any word from insurance company?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

A relief that your boy is half alright..

I am not a take pictures person...a G.M.C. I rolled and did a partial endo I pushed the roof up and after lots of pounding and bending between two trees managed to make the doors slam-able ,despite some generous gaps.
Ya, bed into cab was no problem.
A plastic champagne cork held the transmission shaft for the linkage.
Put a lot of miles on it afterwards.

Beds come off easy enough and a flat bed rail side is always an option if the bed is shot.
A tapered (shortest length on top) effect to side boards adds styling.
Drive train,engine and transmission mounts need checked, frame of course and suspension and alignment.
Things settle down with recovery more focus can be directed towards the subject....Tough when your ride is out of commission but bigger challenges may be first priority.

Yup, I've rolled one over as well. It was a 1981 Toyota 4x4 pickup. Freezing rain, bald half flat tires and driver inexperience. Only about 25 mph though. Put a jack on center console and popped roof back out and kept driving it for a few more months!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I rolled over a 1975 Chevy Blazer down an embankment. Got caught by a couple trees or would have ended upside down in a river. I had my grandmother , my girlfriend and my dog with me! Thank The Lord for those trees!

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DR said he impacted a wall in gym class...... I said I bet that gym wall is still standing meaning he has issues...... But that wall don't! Well she called me for about 2 minutes last night. I thought she would be home today...... Oh no..... They are going to Ensenada Mexico, won't be home til late Monday night...... I'm beginning to think that woman don't like me ..... Oh well, basketball game soon and we bought some new lures headed to a new place after some bass all day tomorrow and NO GRIPING!!!!!! Hehe



Can't hear it?
Got my headphones on to not disturb the neighbors.....

Here ya go!




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Started on my teeth around forth grade. Crooked sure, but one grew where a tooth shouldn't as well.
Sixteen extractions and braces resulted in twenty four teeth.
Many decades later...too many fights didn't help I'm sure, and sugar mainly, left missing teeth on each side to make chewing a new challenging sport..
Any way.
The eighth of Nov. I had an implant put in to replace a canine/eye tooth. I go back Feb.(?) for a torque test on it and if secure then on to a fake tooth.
A couple days of Motrin and the heat went out of the implant after seven or eight days.
Just local anesthesia ,a quarter inch hole maybe drilled and the implant screwed in and a cap screwed onto it to cover,left exposed.
Other types the gums are closed over while healing. Likely in a graft.

Bone grafting will lengthen time of project..
A friend had his upper front teeth all studded in his twenties (hit by car years ago) and results were great.
Bone strength and integrity the base needed.

I've debated dentures...
In time I'll have an anchor with this stud, as an option should dentures be required.

I USED to have "teeth problems...."

Not anymore....


Hope it all works out for you Dram and RC, my Friends.



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I rolled over a 1975 Chevy Blazer down an embankment. Got caught by a couple trees or would have ended upside down in a river. I had my grandmother , my girlfriend and my dog with me! Thank The Lord for those trees!

Hey them was nice blazers too.
They would go almost anywhere!:laughing7:

I USED to have "teeth problems...."

Not anymore....

View attachment 1247488

Hope it all works out for you Dram, my Friend.



I count twenty-eight teeth.
Better carry a pack of black jack gum in case you need to go incognito and black a couple out.

Oh ya gonna chew it?:skullflag:

Well folks I'm glad to be alive. I'm a little messed up hurting from head to toe. We had just left my grandsons basketball game. I was sitting behind my son in my truck at a stop light when BOOM..... A car hit me, causing me to hit my son. My head snapped back I was sitting a little forwArd in my seat, because I hit the seat belt so damn hard I couldn't breathe.......3 car pile up. I'm afraid she totaled my truck.... God I am pissed. It happened about 2 miles from the police headquarters they were there quickly. And of course friends of mine . Oh man I was mad, confused at what happened ...hit my sons car, looks like his wife broke her wrist she put her hand on the dashboard when she heard my wheels squealing because I had my foot on the brake but she was traveling so fast it slammed me into my son .... Most of my family right there..... I could have lost everybody.... My ribs are killing me......just what I need before Christmas...... My truck is messed up. Thank god my little buddy and other 2 grandsons are ok. My son is still in the hospital.......... WTF? Really?


Number one, I hope everyone will be OK.

Never mind the totaled vehicle....

I don't have words...

With no words,
I offer my Prayers.

PM me if you need anything I can help with.

In my thoughts,


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TGF, if frame is bent many times they can pull it back straight. Depends on how much other damage there is as to if its worth repairing. If it was mine and I had a choice I would say goodbye to it. It doesn't matter how good the shop is that repairs it, a vehicle that's been hit is never the same again. Even the paint will fade differently over time where it's been resprayed vs the original paint. Vehicle age plays a factor here...
Hmm a ford diesel. NO!!!! At least not one with a 6.0 or a 6.4 diesel (these have been out of production for a couple years now). The new Ford built diesel I can't say as I have yet to drive one. I haven't heard bad about them but I also haven't heard good either. I strongly believe the best option for a diesel in a pickup is the cummins found in the dodge trucks. Are we talking brand new? If not a second generation Dodge Ram with a twelve valve cummins is by far the very best choice...hands down.
Got any pictures of your truck?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Sure, we can unbend the frame, thus weakening it. We can replace all the nick-nacks, yada yada.

But, at the end of the day, do you REALLY want to drive this vehicle?

Start shoppin', Bro! :thumbsup:

Personally, I don't like Hummers or anything diesel unless it has 10 wheels....



In that case I'd choose the jeep. I agree (mostly) about the Chrysler products. If my truck weren't diesel I wouldn't fool with it. It has 413,000 miles on it. The only thing dodge on it is body and frame. Other companies made the rest of it. I have a 2010 Jeep Wrangler as well. It's been trouble free but it only has about 37,000 miles on it. I bought it new and garage it all winter to keep road salt off it.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Personally, I've never liked Mopar after the push button transmission Valiants.....
(Yeah. I'm THAT old. Got something to say?)

Helpful image of a Dodge Valiant....

Newer model Mopars require a "PIN" code to program the chip keys.

Mo' money, Dig?



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As long as we are talking about new rides and rides of the past,

I thought I might share a song that reminds me of my Pappy and the times that we shared, working on cars together.......


My Best Wishes,


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Personally, I've never liked Mopar after the push button transmission Valiants.....
(Yeah. I'm THAT old. Got something to say?)

Helpful image of a Dodge Valiant....
View attachment 1247522

Newer model Mopars require a "PIN" code to program the chip keys.

Mo' money, Dig?



Scotty, my first car was a 64 dodge 440(body not engine). I loved the push button.

My locksmith Friend is planning to be in Florida starting next week...
Until after the first of the year....

(Lucky Dog!)

I will thus have time on my hands until the new year...

I still have some leaf-wrangling to do, including the roof and gutters, this Spring Semester's textbooks to purchase, then...Maybe....


I've surely "went fishing,"

In my mountains.

Not for fish, per se, but peace in my life.
I seek the wonderment of Nature....
A new sight or experience.
Being one with my environment....

"Omunye emhlabeni futhi ngifuna ukuba."

For a week? Longer?

I'm sure that I'm prepared! :thumbsup:

(Eric Rudolph? Boy was a "wanna-be."
Was busted diggin' through the dumpster of a grocery store. Sheesh. Really? Dumba$$...
Had been breakin' into cabins to survive. And the media calls this punk a "Survivalist." Obviously NOT!)

Sunday is the day that my Mom died 14 years ago.

I am making plans for a Christmas Camping Trip!

Everyone is welcome to "ride along" on the narratives that
I post on my "Camping" thread!

Best Wishes,



Dang! Anybody see where I laid my glasses down?

They were FULL! :laughing7:


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