Silver Member
One of my favorites................good night to all
Scott I've decided when we stop learning.....we stop living my friend. I was a brilliant Academic. I hAd a photographic memory. What is it the ACT college entrance exam? Highest score I think was 36 or something like that? I scored a 36 in 1976!Unbelievable right? Going to college late in my years a jerk professor accused me of plagiarism! Made me very angry. So I challenged the Dean and Department chair. I took them both into the library. I asked either one to pick out any of the thousands of books. She did. I asked her to picked any passage, she did. I asked them to giver 30 minutes and let me read it. They did. I asked for a pencil and piece of paper . In 15 minutes I wrote down verbatim the passage they chose. I blew their damn pants off...... Today I can't get a damn grocery list correct! See how disgraced I feel. I wish I had half the knowledge some of you guys have forgot.....I use to be somebody........
Oh, but you are somebody 2 G.F.!
Disgrace, at least in academics , would be to not use what you do have to persevere.
And you have always persevered.
Some stuff fades away with time.
Some stuff don't is all.
COMMS to the surface team. Putting that in the rebuild would just be a waste of money. This will be something cool to look at. My personal best dive wearing a rebreather, special air mixture was 300 feet. That was years ago. Somebody bought us shirts I think they said something like at 300 feet, no one can hear you scream. Or something like that..... I liked it. At that depth, it's a long way to the top..... If you want to rock and roll!!!!!!
Scott you got me on that one clue.........
HAHAHA Bill youre my kind of guy!!!!!!!!
오늘은 어떻게 지내
Glad you didn't take a tumble like last
Regards + HH