Silver Member
Hey Mr Techno can you PM via phone?
Hey Mr Techno can you PM via phone?
I have an IPhone not that tap a talk. Not working fer me
Wow 0132 already another sleepless night. At least the backyard Pitbulls are quiet so far so I don't have to jump up and down every couple minutes. I think they get together at night and have a discussion " hey I bet you I can get the old man out here in 10 minutes walking around barefooted in his underwear" "no way, I'll get right under their window, I can do it in 5 minutes and I bet the 10th time he comes, I can make him sit out here with us to make us shut up" your on " ready? GO
Well it's 0456 guess I'll try to get a nap in before daylight... Night all. Night uh TGF..... Night self. Oh shut up already hehehe