Bill I served 4 tours in that hell hole called Afghanistan. I fought alongside a lot of different nations soldiers. I was given a Canadian flag from a friend of mine that I served with there. When I fly my American flag at my home, I proudly fly my Canadian flag, and my Australian flag. It's my way of showing respect to the men and to their memories......I remember doing my job, and realizing how important 9-11 was to democracy. Fighting and dying right beside Americans (who the tragedy happened too) where our friends, our neighbors to the north, across the oceans, down under, that were willing to come to Americas side. Not to protect America so much, but to protect the freedoms that we as a free world enjoy. I made friends and comrades from many country's .......they came willing to give their lives and many did for democracy for a free world. Let me not forget the Dutch, and the Brits who also were valiant warriors.....I can't name all countries participants..... But these were the men that I fought alongside. Let me tell you this- from what I saw the Canadians are WARRIORS they, like the Aussies take the fight to the *******s...... But like most ISAF forces, we were limited in our Rules of Engagement......John Gallagher This wasn't your fight, but you took the fight to the Worlds enemies because you sir are a Warrior fighting for a greater cause. I salute you comrade! Here in a couple days when I fly my American flag, my Australian Flag ( given to me by an Aussie SAS Senior Enlisted) and a Canadian Flag ( given to me by a Canadian sniper) I will salute you loudly John Gallagher and all your countrymen for coming to the aid of the US......and answering the call to arms.