unless it's billy bob camay

Can somebody please tell my Daddy to go to bed? I am exhausted!!

<img src=""/><img src=""/>

Beautiful Eyes!!! Sweet thing!

Your dog has some knarly toes growing out of his/her ear!! Seek help!

GIB - Ya just jealous coz they sank your Carrier! :tongue3:

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is that a nutria?

i doubt anybody tells your daddy what to do

Mr. Ambassador to NASCAR and are wrong on that...who can resist this?

(FYI: he is still not going to bed, despite his exhausted puppy)


it is kinda cute
I tried to get rebgirl to order you to bed, but man is she slow( if you get my drift)

Ontario checking in.... There is still no sign of a dubious plan in regards to a government takeover. Good night everyone. "May pleasant dreams find you during the continued journey towards the dawn of a gracious new day" BackBacon 2013

No new memberships, looks like we may have culled the top of the cream. Crispin

Well, now that the "cream" has been recruited, it's time for the rest of us. :dontknow:

Will you have me Crispin? If so, I'd like to be either Director of FEMA (FEeble Minded Associates - snicker) or Direktor of Heimat Sicherheit.

Here's my qualifications:
Director of FEMA-
-I'm getting feeble minded, but still not nearly bad enough to think the Goobermint has it together enough to take over the budget - never mind anything else.
-I hate camping.

Direktor of Heimat Sicherheit:
I'm pretty insecure myself, so how can anything else be? On top of that, I can't ever find my glasses or phone, never mind keep track of all the reprobates that really need it?

So - I think that my qualifications at least equal the Goobermint's ability to take over.

Maybe the government will take over today-

They have a plan ya know...

Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 8.53.51 AM.webp

Hey D.J.! How bout a Bobby Russell flashback, "Saturday morning confusion"?

Well, now that the "cream" has been recruited, it's time for the rest of us. :dontknow:

Will you have me Crispin? If so, I'd like to be either Director of FEMA (FEeble Minded Associates - snicker) or Direktor of Heimat Sicherheit.

Here's my qualifications:
Director of FEMA-
-I'm getting feeble minded, but still not nearly bad enough to think the Goobermint has it together enough to take over the budget - never mind anything else.
-I hate camping.

Direktor of Heimat Sicherheit:
I'm pretty insecure myself, so how can anything else be? On top of that, I can't ever find my glasses or phone, never mind keep track of all the reprobates that really need it?

So - I think that my qualifications at least equal the Goobermint's ability to take over.

NOT suitable!

Not enough coffee in the coffee for sure.
Practice for St. Patricks Day.:4leafclover::leprechaun-hat::pot-of-gold::occasion14::drunken_smilie:

YEP! Irish Coffee WAS good, back in the "old days"... don't drink alcohol, now; don't miss it. STILL do the "IRISH THING", tho...

Not enough coffee in the coffee for sure.
Practice for St. Patricks Day.:4leafclover::leprechaun-hat::pot-of-gold::occasion14::drunken_smilie:

You ain't kidding. Talk about practicing all year for a one day event. If the government wanted to take over March 18th would be the day to do it. Any resistance could be taken care of on May 6th.

You ain't kidding. Talk about practicing all year for a one day event. If the government wanted to take over March 18th would be the day to do it. Any resistance could be taken care of on May 6th.

THAT would be THE LUCK OF THE IRISH! DJ, cue the music... LUCK OF THE IRISH by John Lennon. THEN! GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH by Paul McCartney... THANKS!

You ain't kidding. Talk about practicing all year for a one day event. If the government wanted to take over March 18th would be the day to do it. Any resistance could be taken care of on May 6th.

I don,t hardly drink anymore. But the 17th! Less mischief too. But still green dye and gold dollar coins. last couple years i have not brought one of the dogs barhopping. He misses it i,m sure. I,m confident the government would not want me on the 18th.

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