Before I ask to be considered for membership, I'd like to read over the "Policy and Mission Statement" (PMS).
Lingering questions:
Why is there not a "Secretary of Transparency" (SOT)? It could be an old guy, yes?
There are no "Czars" mentioned as high level advisors. Why is that? Are Czars not useful?
Do cabinet level positions have a salary and signing bonus? Benefit package (free meals, ammo)? Free use of "company" vehicles (Gulfstreams, helicopters, limos, etc)?
Is a urine test required for membership consideration? If so, who do I send it to?
In preparation I've already packaged it up along with a complimentary stool specimen. Is there an IRS in this newly formed group? (Internal Resource Service). If so I will send it there. Already tried an address in DC last year ... they didn't appreciate my effort.
In case you haven't guessed, I'm confused as to the makeup and intent of this group. Just a hypothetical scenario of course, but if I show up in my night ops clothing would I be considered acceptable? And if I sort of hinted that I can pilot, oh lets say ... black helicopters, would I get chased off? If I move around the country without a paper trail or mailing address, and travel in an unmarked RV, would I be considered a candidate for membership? Just asking, since I might know someone like this or not.