Crispin said:
No new memberships, looks like we may have culled the top of the cream. ......


Now that I see there is a second wave of applicants, I will work on a resume for submittal. Any position is fine with me as long as the job description is so vague that I can have great latitude. A tactic that I learned in my former job. I was trained by experts in the art of looking busy while doing absolutely nothing, and claiming to be overworked thus requiring more staff and higher pay. Damn ... I miss the old days!

Short version of yet to be dreamed up resume:
(1) I may already be a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes
(2) Able to talk about guns and even familiar with which end to place against shoulder.
(3) Born in USA, and will provide Photoshopped birth certificate if I'm harassed enough.
(3a) Nobody questions the marital status of my parents. Matter of fact they often remind me of it.
(4) No criminal record to speak of
(5) Completed seven years of high school with distinction
(6) Generally an optimist. Still hoping for that "When the moment is right" thing mentioned frequently in those TV commercials.

Note ... there are more qualifications but these are the highlights.


Welcome Bum Luck and MoonRover! We are blessed to have two stellar additions to our list. I would also like to congratulate Bum Luck on his appointment of Ambassador to the AARP. We are looking for the appropriate position for MoonRover, now accepting ideas from the floor.

Updated list:

Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President, Zen Master of Music)
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair (NRA member, Ambassador to the NRA)
Barb alias Squiggy (Minister of Equality)
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
BBcamay (Admiral of Models, Minister of Sass)
Davest (Secretary of the Interior)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War, Ambassador to Zombies)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Chief Chef and culinary advisor)
KevinInColorado (Provisioner of Libations)
Dejapooh (Minister of Commerce)
Hvacker (Chief of Civil Service)
Au24K (Ambassador to the Wolf Pack, Asst. Minister of Music)
Dano Sverige (Black-Ops Coordinator)
Ammonhotep (Captain of the Homeguard)
ReconDigger (Antiquities Recovery Specialist)
# 24: Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend (Ambassador to NASCAR, Ambassador to NFL)
LordDean13 (Ambassador to Robot Citizens)
IvanSalis (Head of ex-military C&R Firearms Dept.)
Bum Luck (Ambassador to AARP)
MoonRover (Director of Space Exploration)
Big Bird (the yellow one)

Who is next? Bar stays open all night.


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Here you go.....

THAT would be THE LUCK OF THE IRISH! DJ, cue the music... LUCK OF THE IRISH by John Lennon. THEN! GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH by Paul McCartney... THANKS!

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Here you go.....

Better yet, anything by Eire Og.
boys of the old Brigade
The IRA will set them free
Take it Down from the Mast
any song about Bobby Sands
.............................................St. Patrick's and the Fourth of July...the two best Holidays on earth.

Im gonna give myself a "WTG" & a "Great find!" For finding this thread!

Im gonna give myself a "WTG" & a "Great find!" For finding this thread!
well congratulations and maybe if you ask, you can be the Minister of Finding Threads. It's a pretty big club at this point. I don't think I've ever seen this many pages on one, ever.

Im gonna give myself a "WTG" & a "Great find!" For finding this thread!

WTG! Great Find! Should I add you to the list?


How about Moonrover for 'Director of Space Exploration' or 'Ambassador to UFO's'

Better yet, anything by Eire Og.
boys of the old Brigade
The IRA will set them free
Take it Down from the Mast
any song about Bobby Sands
.............................................St. Patrick's and the Fourth of July...the two best Holidays on earth.

I'm sending in a 'Bobbie' to keep the peace, and a 'Yank' to keep the Brit in check.

Zombie Bobby.webp

How about Moonrover for 'Director of Space Exploration' or 'Ambassador to UFO's'

What a great idea! Congrats to Moonrover for his appointment to Director of Space Exploration! You were a shoe in for the job all along.



Eva Puppy reporting for Zombie Control, Sir!

<img src=""/>

Eva Puppy reporting for Zombie Control, Sir!

Ha! Ha! There is that face again!

Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 10.21.46 PM.webp

Eva Baby.... put the 'ol man so sleep and get ready
for some zombie lovin!

Well OK, sure. It will be an excuse to get out of the office for long periods of time. Just don't cut my funding off while I'm still "out there".


Now that you have a space program you'll want to recruit some "space cadets" there are a few around. Just watch your budget, the first thing they'll want to do is go to the moon so they can be the first ones to step foot on it. ;)


This tune should do the

Now that you have a space program you'll want to recruit some "space cadets" there are a few around. Just watch your budget, the first thing they'll want to do is go to the moon so they can be the first ones to step foot on it. ;)

Now that you have a space program you'll want to recruit some "space cadets" there are a few around. Just watch your budget, the first thing they'll want to do is go to the moon so they can be the first ones to step foot on it. ;)

Need to keep the space program small at first. Low budget economic space craft. Maybe some used UFOs with a fresh paint job. I'll hire a couple of space cadets to search for low miles saucers.

You mention first to put prints on the moon? Thought that place was already staked and claimed. Saw pictures of boot prints on the surface.

My space program will be better equipped. Going to send along a metal detector, and digging shovel. The guys will have orders to not return until they locate some key date coins and maybe a gold high school ring. No more goofy stuff like jumping around and singing, and putting foot prints all over the surface.


The boot prints you've seen...arn't necessarily "on the moon"! I think. Think "fake". ;)

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