Dang, RC and Bill,

Y'all givin me ideas to post of music that leads to memories.

And you know memories lead to stories.....

Let me throw in one more "laid-back tune" that reminds me of my Pop.


First, the story....

My Pop was a good man. He was the product of a widowed Mom who needed help around the farm.
Pop quit school in the third grade.

He reached his "maturity" in the late 50's when he met my Mom, they got married and my Sister was born in 1958.

18 months later, you get Scott.

(Pop in the 60's)

Pop was a proud man, of German Descent.
However, with his last name, it is hard growing up during WWII.
Even his middle name was "Dietrich." (actually a variation thereof....)

My Father enlisted, or was drafted for US Naval Service
but was not accepted due to an eye injury that had occurred in his youth.

Things went by smoothly, as far as stupid Scott could tell,
until one day my Mom and Pop were getting divorced.

A pic or two of my youth...

(my Sister, Pop and Me)

(this was a vacation in Arkansas. Me, Pop and my Sister, Penny)


The divorce occurred when I was a Senior in High School and I'd already volunteered for the Army as an MP.

I finished High School, worked the summer and went active duty Sept. 1977.

To make this long story longer,

Years later, my Pop became an alcoholic.
He was banned from all of the local bars.
Judges knew him by name and sight......

More in a minute...



Please forgive me,

It's hard going through old photographs....


My Pop would say,

"My Boy's protecting America!" He'd often say this to strangers.
"My Boy is awake tonight so that you can sleep!"

I'm sure such statements were told to Judges during his many
misdemeanor offenses with the law in the old "Home Town."

When I returned to the States from Military service, he was in bad shape.
I saw to it that he had Social Security Benefits,
was named executor to his affairs and Finances through a legal grant of Power of Attorney....

I was there for Pop.

I often joke about not drinking anything stronger than pop,
but, Pop could drink some pretty strong stuff....

So, I return to the States, and my father is living under the Kansas River bridge in Lawrence, Kansas.

I go to see him.

We talk and I promise him a better life.

Next day, the cops call me and say that he's been arrested.
Seems he was arrested for getting loaded in a no loading zone....

I go to court and tell the Judge, a Friend,
that I once raked leaves at his house 10-15 years previously,
"Look, Ben, (yeah, like I'd use his real name here....)I've known you for awhile,
and you know my Word and my Honor,
How 'bout you release Pop to my care and custody for a "work release?"

Pop was in my care....

We went fishin', we went for car rides, we ALWAYS had a great dinner,


I had to take him, back....

But my Pop loved me, because I was his Son.
And I still Love him, 'cause he's my Pop....

We believed in each other when no one else would.....

And now,
the song that reminds me of Pop....

Guess I'll get on back to studyin' now...

Want you to be proud, Pop....




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This is the last picture that I have of my Pop....

(notice the photo in the back.....)

Here's a song for you tonight,

Best Wishes,


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Easy to crawl into a bottle when you lose your anchor.Crawling back out a whole nother story though,mostly like the adage ,"first the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man".
Sweet you got to catch up with your dad,most when grown kids around exhibit something a little bit different than rest of daily life.A good thing.

Rockin' to April Wine!

Cruisin' through Chap. 6 of Psyc.
Already turned in my three extra credit questions.

Did I say three?
I meant four. Again!
Tryin' to get extra credit on extra credit....


Feel the rock n' roll, Brother!



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"Well, I'd say that Scott's got this school thing in the bag.
So, here's some follow-ups to RC's posts.
In no particular order...."

and this, when he was just a little ankle biter.




Though the memories of going through old photos and records may be hard,
the surprises of forgotten events and the memories they stir can be enriching and rewarding.
And amusing....

For example...

I found an old correspondence requesting me to appear on "Jeopardy."
Back about '95 or '96, I think....

That would have meant either flying or drivin' to California....


Now, Folks,
My car wouldn't have made it there, let alone back...

And I do NOT like flyin'....


Perhaps I missed out on Fame, Fortune and Glory?



I finally figured out how to change my "wallpaper" to a photo of my choice, etc.

Here's my two choices.



Can they be "shopped" to be side by side as one pic?
Changing back and forth?

Damn computers and following a trail without bread crumbs....

What do you like for a Winston cat photo wallpaper?



( choice is #1. But I like the closeness of #2)​

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While going through photos,
I found some old pics that I'd forgotten about with Otis playing.

Here's the quick story.....

I cut down a fishing rod and tied a small stuffed animal or something to the end of the line, I don't remember....

But, before laser pointers were used for human entertainment of cats,
This is how I and sophisticated rednecks did it.




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Those pics now remind me of this song.....

Sweet "Ovation" guitar.....
I once owned a blue-top Ovation 6 string with an electric pick-up.
Best. Guitar. Evar!



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Gratuitous Heart posting....

Playin' that Ovation, even back then....



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