AU2 this is scary bud,,,,, I actually thought of posting this video a couple days ago but couldn't remember the name of the song. Oh lord scary we had the same thought!!!
You reminded me of a story during my last stay in Afghanistan at my FIre Base we had a 3 bed hospital. A 5 year old Afghani child was brought in to us via a mule. We named him Sammy. His 10 year old uncle would stay with him all the time. Never get close to your patients they say, he reminded me of home. I slept under his gurney until I went on missions. Little Sammy was diagnosed with cancer. First the doctors amputated his legs..... I would blow up surgical gloves and play volleyball with him and his uncle. Then the cancer spread they had to amputate below both arms. The village could only send his 10 year old uncle as a male figure, why because the others were Taliban fighting us. So I got an idea, I contacted everyone I knew and said please send me soccer balls and non descript stuffed animals. I started handing them out to the kids. I wanted to show we weren't the ugly Americans they had been taught. I was gone for a week and came back I ran to the hospital looking for Sammy, hey where is he,,,,, they just bowed their heads and I knew.... My legacy was giving these kids's all I have
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