FYI, sorry all for being so quiet lately.
Just picked up a trail rig and I have spent the past 2 weeks turning a wrench trying to get this beast (more) road worthy.
It is a 1997 Ford F350 Powerstroke turbo diesel, 4x4. So far I have done general maintenance and replaced the shocks (only broke 1 bolt). I am having the rear spring hangers shured-up (braced) this weekend due to some frame rot. I just pulled a nice front fender at the you-pull-it this weekend. Sourced a new bed for it this week so once I get the other fender, it is going to a local body shop with the parts for the frankenstein build to get this truck looking nice (lots of rust). Already ordered all new front end parts (tie rod ends) and will be getting it aligned once those get installed.
I havent been so cut up, bruised, and sore in a longggg time. Wish me luck!