busted is about time to do a clutch on my ford...4 speed granny, boat anchor with a transfer case...
how I love ancient clods of dirt in my eyes, black widows down my sleeves...and all the rest...

What year are we talkin'?

Basically a 4 speed or a "three on the tree?
Gotta be on the floor...
Don't never member hearin' of no "4 on the tree..."

Tricked out?
Hurst shifter?

I earned my licks at 8 years old helping my Daddy do work in our garage,
late at night, on his '57 Chevy pick-up.

We bonded with that truck, he and I.

I first learned how to "shine that damn light here" or hand the right tool.
I soon learned automotive mechanics, having at 5 years old learned horology.

No, really!
Google it and I can provide the story.
With pictures!

I guess that my point is, is maybe to go to school, learn, be the boss, and,

My Philosophy, held close for many years, is thus:

"Life is a shyt sandwich; the more bread that you have, the less shyt that you have to eat."

My Best,



Too Political?
Sheesh, seems like somebody always gets butt-hurt about the smallest.......

Shuddup, Scott?


I get it.....

Here it is.

Anyone who can read this obviously has on their ring;
Obtained for the benefit of mankind,
(after sending in 6 box-tops and waiting 6 to a million years)
given from the benefit of mankind to better mankind.
If you can read this, it is apparent that you will be a positive force in many people's lives.
It also shows great compassion towards children, animals, nature and the elderly.

If you can read this message,
you are truly one of the few.....

Go, Children,
Spread your wisdom upon the youth, learn, and enjoy life for your time draws short...
as we all must face sooner or later.....
How's it to be that you're remembered?

{Me? Party!}


This is just twixt you an me, right?




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Mercedes had a four on the some older sedans...
84 ford f-150...beast...four on the floor...compound 1st...pulls stumps out of the ground.

frank zappa - Bing Videos

sorry, the zappa was for me...I had one too many insults today.{outside this thread}

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Scott, that's too funny! Been there! Being the only child, I had to sit by the car with the toolbox, while dad was up underneath or inside the engine, and hand him the tools. I knew what tools were what, before I could read and write.
It would take about 3 or 4 tries on the sockets though. Not my fault, no one had taught me numbers yet! :laughing7:
I can do bands and batteries, anything else, forget about it, That is a cool craft!

Oh, I can't believe you drug out the Commander Cody! Now I have to go crank up my turntable! Dig through my albums! :laughing7:

I'll have to check out your studies later, thanks for link. I'm glad you enjoy it and I know you are very smart. I so disliked school, I had to cut my teachers loose after 7 yrs. :laughing7:


You kids just wait until Scott goes "full senile!"

My! The stories that he'll likely relate, loosed of current morality standards!
And the statutes of Limitations.....


"Yeah, like, this dude, he's all like talking, like, and ya know.... maybe he's right....."

{{Ah, the "silly putty" of youth and the future of society....}}

Anyone care to discuss this topic?

Perhaps a new topic for my page here at Tnet....

I'm always up for a lively discourse, perhaps I have provided my friends a forum....



PM if necessary....



Always my Best to All,


Here PWP, just in case some have their pop-up blocker set.

Don't let 'em get to ya!

One more try posting Johnnys version of custom.


Not sure how many of you folks have a garden but the tomatoes are producing fast and furious these days....on the menu tonight.

Tomato salad, sliced up 1/2 of a spanish onion and soaked for a bit in cold water to take off the edge, added some black olives, feta cheese and sprinkled some dried oregano all over....I'll drizzle on some oil and vinegar dressing at serving time and some good crusty bread on the side....mmm good.

Regards + HH



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Scott, that's too funny! Been there! Being the only child, I had to sit by the car with the toolbox, while dad was up underneath or inside the engine, and hand him the tools. I knew what tools were what, before I could read and write.
It would take about 3 or 4 tries on the sockets though. Not my fault, no one had taught me numbers yet! :laughing7:
I can do bands and batteries, anything else, forget about it, That is a cool craft!

Oh, I can't believe you drug out the Commander Cody! Now I have to go crank up my turntable! Dig through my albums! :laughing7:

I'll have to check out your studies later, thanks for link. I'm glad you enjoy it and I know you are very smart. I so disliked school, I had to cut my teachers loose after 7 yrs. :laughing7:

If you're an old fart, like me, you never had to worry about that metric crap.....:occasion14:



A lot of Folks who knows me, would swear before a judge, their Mother or God that I'm a pretty "straight-up" kinda guy.

I survive upon humor, supplemented by irony, humor, satire, humor, and, well, dammitsomuch!
Who amongst us was shot by their last wife?

(Excellent for "white noise" to fall asleep to....)
to play in the middle of winter, lulling you to sleep with thoughts of that spring hiking trip.
Or that late night fishing trip with your Friends, where somebody had a bit too much to drink?

What's my point?


Move along,
Nothing to see here......



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I have a request for the DJs: They Might be Giants, I hope that I get old before I die.

I'm going to go back and listen to all the good songs I missed last night. I scrolled past some great ones.


If you're an old fart, like me, you never had to worry about that metric crap.....:occasion14:



Once you get used to metric you will never want to do without. It makes it so easy to convert from weight, to volume, to distance. Try converting pounds, to miles, to ounces....what moron allowed that system to come into use? I'll take grams, to meters, to liters any day of the week.


Gee- thanks.

I appreciate the gift and good thoughts.

monkey wink.gif

Once you get used to metric you will never want to do without. It makes it so easy to convert from weight, to volume, to distance. Try converting pounds, to miles, to ounces....what moron allowed that system to come into use? I'll take grams, to meters, to liters any day of the week.

Okay, let's try some!!!

  • Referring to football as a “game of millimeters” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
  • Inchworms will become centipedes.
  • Meter sticks are very stubborn — they won’t give an inch!
  • Currently, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The conversion to metric would mean that a gram of prevention is worth approximately one‑sixtieth a kilogram of cure. Yuck.
  • Nobody wants to go traipsing all over Hell’s half‑hectare.
  • Cemetery workers would strike if they were asked to bury the dead “six meters under.”
  • You could no longer love someone a bushel and peck. You would have to love them 37.9 liters.
  • The famous barroom reprimand, “Mind your p’s and q’s” (pints and quarts), would become, “Mind your h’s and l’s” (half‑liters and liters).

I have a request for the DJs: They Might be Giants, I hope that I get old before I die.

I'm going to go back and listen to all the good songs I missed last night. I scrolled past some great ones.




That was hilarious. But don't we already have centipedes?

Let's try some more metrics....

1 million microphones = 1 megaphone
1 million bicycles = 2 megacycles
2000 mockingbirds = 2 kilomockingbirds
10 cards = 1 decacards (or is it 52 cards = 1 deck-a-cards?)
1/2 lavatory = 1 demijohn
1 millionth of a fish = 1 microfiche
453.6 graham crackers = 1 pound cake
10 rations = 1 decoration
10 millipedes = 1 centipede
3-1/3 tridents = 1 decadent
10 monologs = 5 dialogues
2 monograms = 1 diagram
8 nickles = 2 paradigms

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