"Uncle Scott! One more story! Please?"
OK. It's getting late and I want you kids to sleep with a smile....
Here's a story while you listen to this....
Back when I worked at the University of Kansas Medical Center as a Maintenance Specialist,
or whatever the damn title was,
It had become aware to me that a certain coworker smoked weed.
At the time

I did not.
So, I followed him around as much as possible to learn his "habits."
I learned where he would go to smoke.
So, I created a realistic looking camera.
Remember, this was in the 80's.
I "surreptitiously" installed this creation in proximity to his "smoking lair."
One evening, we worked second shift, I pulled him aside and said that I had
seen a camera in the hallway of so and so building where you go to smoke!
We went on a "maintenance call" that took us down that hallway
and I told him to notice but don't look directly....
When we were away from the hallway, he broke down crying,
saying that he couldn't afford the repercussions of being busted.
I led that boy to giving up the weed.
Yes, indeed.....
I never did tell him of my ruse,
and, to the best of my knowledge, that "camera" is still
mounted in that hallway, at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City.
My Best,
"Yeah, Well, you won't have Uncle Scott to mock and laugh at forever, you know!"