tabasco burns the bugs too

However, I don't like the burn on BOTH ends....

Ya know that you're feeling better when you crave something spicy....
Not nuclear!

I did buy a bottle of Tabasco when I went grocery shopping earlier today.


Great minds, and all that rubbish, eh?

Best Wishes,


yep Scott, tabasco is the best condiment. It should have it's own level on the food pyramid


For the fans of Johnny Cash - live from Glastonbury, Scotland circa 1994.



Glad you're getting back in form and the volunteering effort is paying off....heck you might even get a few referrals from the staff for some paid work courtesy of your efforts.

Regards + HH


However, I don't like the burn on BOTH ends....

Ya know that you're feeling better when you crave something spicy....
Not nuclear!

I did buy a bottle of Tabasco when I went grocery shopping earlier today.


Great minds, and all that rubbish, eh?

Best Wishes,


yep Scott, tabasco is the best condiment. It should have it's own level on the food pyramid

I'm a Tabasco man from way back.

Due to the influx of Hispanics,
I've been sampling some different brands.

Not a one, I'm here to tell ya,
not a one can beat Lousianna's Best! :headbang:

{done "tryin" the rest, Tabasco's the Best!}



Hey time try relying on friends instead of the drink...Healthier attachment. ..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Ahh, Louisiana's Best......The very brand that lies in a place of security in the fridge.....I order it with my Cajun seafood direct from La.

hey Uncle Bill, do you get tabasco up in Canada?

Hey time try relying on friends instead of the drink...Healthier attachment. ..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Bless your Heart!

I am not an alcoholic.
I really don't like the taste of "hard" liquor; I usually only drink beer.

From my early indications, from my Grandmother, born in 1898,
and subsequent gleaning of information,
alcohol plays an important role in medicine,
even the surprising use in various forms,
in a variety of prescription and OTC preperations.

Back to my Grandmother,
Whenever she felt "ailin,'"
she'd make a "toddy."
The "toddy's" that I've learned of later included an alcoholic ingredient.
My Grandmother, being a total prohibitionist, substituted vinegar for the alcohol.
The total ingredients were:

1 T honey
2 T vinegar
3/4 cup hot water
lemon to taste

Knowing toddy recipes,
mine used no honey. No vinegar.
No hot water.

I substituted the vinegar with foul tasting "medicinal" whiskey.

{always the danger of "over-medicating"}

My Best!

Luv up on Winston for me, K?


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My mother's cure for a cough when I was a kid was a table spoon of Southern Comfort, I was weaned early! Gary

Hey time try relying on friends instead of the drink...Healthier attachment. ..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Ok, who would not want Squig as a mom?


Yeah got to admit Barb is very protective of the crew on the between the missus, Barb and my Monday pub outing with my regular waitress Melanie I have nowhere to hide....oh well it could be worse.

Regards + HH


Ok, who would not want Squig as a mom?


We supply Louisiana also.....sorry it was just to

Le Bon Ton Roule!

What other musical genre would an accordion be a lead instrument?

Then we have a quasi-zydeco spin on a Hank Williams Sr. tune.

Luv me some gator tail gumbo!




Yeah got to admit Barb is very protective of the crew on the between the missus, Barb and my Monday pub outing with my regular waitress Melanie I have nowhere to hide....oh well it could be worse.

Regards + HH


Hey Bill..brings a song to mind..can't remember all the words..nowhere to? nowhere to hide! :)

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Thanks Scott for the sweet video. .:)
FYI I never said you were an alcoholic!! Some solutions, however are healthier than the vinegar one better!
Winston is a love...quite a character. ..:))

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta


It's getting late, and I'm tired.

I'll sign off for tonight to rest.

This upcoming week is my last "free" week before the regimens of
academia and other volunteer activities consume my time.

Any further postings of academia will be posted here:

It promises to be a memorable Semester.
How will it play out?


I close with a song to bring sleep and rest.

Until later,

My Best,


Ain't someone about due for a Charter Membership?

Just a few more dollars, and your input on who will be next to receive.
My thanks to all who have made this possible for 3 of our Friends!

PM me for questions and details about how you can also help
to be a part of the gift of Charter Membership.​

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