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Crispin was paroled last night....
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Looks like one to go..ie Jeff
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Crispin was paroled last night....
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Hey all, today sugared off to be a real nice day, after a lot of rain the skies cleared and the sun appeared.....Life is good. Seems that we are in a period of rebelling, and several have been caught, but will soon be back among us! Wonder who will be the next to say too much, but that's not a worry, it's just a spur of the moment outburst, and we are all guilty. But like in all events, we learn and prosper......Sorry guy's, even I hate it when I start thinking too much!
Scott, no problem with being called a punk-assed kid.....no offense taken and actually thought you might have been right...all fine here, besides been called a lot worse.
Bill, thanks for taking care of all of us, how about a rendition of..." We are theWorld"......Gary
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT......give up on that that makes you you! We are all accepted or rejected for what we are, and that should never change. We are all products of our family, culture, and environment, and are molded by those factors....we do not compromise our feelings and beliefs to make others feel good...you above all know that what I say, is how I conduct my life. If you quit confronting obsticles that are placed in front of you, you no longer are a part of the world that surrounds you. You do not stop doing what you think is right, even against mounting opposition. We are all in the same boat, being swallowed up by what others think, but frankly all that matters to me is what I think, and how I conduct my life! Others can do what they feel is right, and I will give them that right, as did a much higher authority.....But Iwill not, and you will not compromise ideals, that make us what we are! Welcome back, and while you were missed, it was because you didn't back down to what others thought.....enough said, after all you are the professional in this field not me.....I'm just a simple woodsman!
Bill, if you please, Queen: " We are the Champians" Gary
Here is lembas crumb,and in the grass away from iron shod orc tracks are small bare feet sign and an elvin clasp. They live yet, lead on Strider,to Fangorn then...Thank you my friends! I will learn from this experience and apply it towards future endeavors. We will move forward from here without hatred or malice in our hearts. I will not abandon Merry and Pippen to torment and death. Let us hold true to ourselves. We travel light. Lets hunt some Orc!
Crispin (Aragorn)