Let's have a little celebration....I have just made a batch of rum runners, lift up your glasses,( consist of , rum, 151 rum, banana liquer, black raspberry liquer, grenadine, and Roses lime juice...lots of ice and a blender, served frozen and often....). Then we will cut huge pieces of pie, your choice of , key lime, strawberry-rhubarb, peach or mincemeat, something for everyone.. Now as we settle in to our drinks and dessert, let's let the DJ's pick the music for this celebration....SC, the evening is yours.....let's boogie....Gary


Here's a fun set......a Rockabilly set with Jeff Beck and Friends....enjoy!


Here's Eric Burdon, when he was with "The Animals."

They released this album in August 1977.

My copy is a few years later, as a re-release.


The same song was released by Percy Mayfield who wrote it,
27 years earlier, in 1950, on 78 rpm.

(the record in the video is NOT my copy, but it is identical)


I'm a big fan of early Blues!




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wish I could stay...library closes soon...
thanks again guys...I sure needed some positive interaction...

Ah, my Friend,

I, too, must travel soon to the Library; A place that I'd rather go to than a bar....

(Quick thought...Open a bar called "The Library," or "The Office," or "The Gym.....")

I guess that you can see the "connection..."

Anywhich, I am going to see if I can check out any of the required reading of the 6 texts,
required of this Fall's Honor's Philosophy Course, mentioned in the syllabus....

To Start with:

Kolak, Daniel and Raymond Martin. 2002. Wisdom without Answers: A Brief Introduction to Philosophy. Belmont: Wadsworth ISBN: 0-535-53465-1

Bloom, Allan. (1968). The Republic of Plato (pp. 127-192). Basic Books: Harper Collins Publishers.

Hamilton, Edith and Huntington Cairns. (1961). “Phaedo”. The Collected Dialogues of Plato (pp. 40-98). Bollingen Series LXXI: Princeton University Press.

Kuhn, Thomas S. (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (pp. 1-22 and 43-51). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Locke, John. (1987). “Of Power”. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (pp. 233-287). Oxford: Clarendon Press.

_____ . (1980). Second Treatise of Government (pp. 7-32). Indianapolis: Hacking Publishing Company.

McKeon, R. (1941). “Politics”. The Basic Works of Aristotle (pp. 1146-1169). Random House Inc.: Oxford University Press.

I know about "inter-library loans."

I've already purchased the first on the list, online, and got it in the mail today.

Plenty of time to read it and be that much ahead before the Semester starts!




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Another one for you.....

Stand Tall - Burton Cummings.



Here you go....

Chuck Berry - Guitar Boogie...

Let's have a little celebration....I have just made a batch of rum runners, lift up your glasses,( consist of , rum, 151 rum, banana liquer, black raspberry liquer, grenadine, and Roses lime juice...lots of ice and a blender, served frozen and often....). Then we will cut huge pieces of pie, your choice of , key lime, strawberry-rhubarb, peach or mincemeat, something for everyone.. Now as we settle in to our drinks and dessert, let's let the DJ's pick the music for this celebration....SC, the evening is yours.....let's boogie....Gary

Ya know, I was thinking about what song to post next; a song that I last heard, on the radio in the 70's, and this one came to mind....

(I believe that "River Rat" {Judy} knows something about Lou-sianna...)

It peaked at #8 Feb. 27, 1971, for two weeks, and was in the top 40 for 14 weeks.

And I'm Kasey "Scott,"

and we'll be back with the Number 1 hit of 1971

{"bumper" music cue in}
"Scott's Coast To Coast Oldies"

Fade to commercial....



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"Welcome back."
"I've answered "The Call of Nature," and I hope that you will also."
"Available at your local bathroom."

"This group recorded this song early in 1971, and it rose steadily in the charts, hitting #17 when released."

"It reached #1 in April, was #1 for 6 weeks,
and on the top 40 for 15 weeks."

"The Band's name is taken from a cold winter's night in the north, where, to sleep warmly, "man's best friend"
would share your bed. On the coldest nights, you'd have 3 dogs...."

"And I'm Kasey "Scott."

"Thanks for listening, keep your heart for Humanity, and your goals for Benevolence."

"Until next time...."

My Best,



{Ya know, Uncle Scott has a story about this song and bein' in a (Pentecostal) church on a Sunday morning....}

{If you're interested....}


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"Welcome back."
"I've answered "The Call of Nature," and I hope that you will also."
"Available at your local bathroom."

"This group recorded this song early in 1971, and it rose steadily in the charts, hitting #17 when released."

"It reached #1 in April, was #1 for 6 weeks,
and on the top 40 for 15 weeks."

"The Band's name is taken from a cold winter's night in the north, where, to sleep warmly, "man's best friend"
would share your bed. On the coldest nights, you'd have 3 dogs...."

"And I'm Kasey "Scott."

"Thanks for listening, keep your heart for Humanity, and your goals for Benevolence."

"Until next time...."

My Best,


You sleep with dogs,you'll get fleas,guaranteed!:laughing7:

Here is a video for some laughs...

And now,
A band that Carol turned me onto,

(yes, I have that album....)

And many more albums...



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You sleep with dogs,you'll get fleas,guaranteed!:laughing7:

An excellent generic and pedestrian maxim, my Friend,

But, in the Northland, in the winter, where daytime highs MIGHT reach 0 degrees,

there would be no fleas....

And even so, I'd rather scratch tomorrow than freeze to death overnight....

Lot's of "connections" in there, if ya get my drift......

My Best,


An excellent generic and pedestrian maxim, my Friend,

But, in the Northland, in the winter, where daytime highs MIGHT reach 0 degrees,

there would be no fleas....

And even so, I'd rather scratch tomorrow than freeze to death overnight....

Lot's of "connections" in there, if ya get my drift......

My Best,

I hear you my man.

An excellent generic and pedestrian maxim, my Friend,

But, in the Northland, in the winter, where daytime highs MIGHT reach 0 degrees,

there would be no fleas....

And even so, I'd rather scratch tomorrow than freeze to death overnight....

Lot's of "connections" in there, if ya get my drift......

My Best,

A dog in bed with you does wonders to keep you warm at night. A dog puts out an incredible amount of heat...


Do I really have ANY hope for my Honors Philosophy course this fall?

I mean, I have my ideas, formed from years of experience and "STORIES!"

As usual, my passion is to help others, be a better person, and get BETTER GRADES!

(I'm so close to a College or two more classes......)

I will be the first in my family;
Mother's side
Fathers side

to earn a College Degree.

Though I have very few relatives,
and have no progeny,

I wish that I'm remembered more of one who is "always there,"
one who will give of themselves, and one whose memory sparks others to continue helping others.



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Scott, I have no doubt you will earn your degree and do well in your
Philosophy course. Keep the faith!

For Carol,
And my Friends....



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