I feel your pain. Several times a topic or person jumps out and just set's me off, and although you try and calm down before responding, your tongue or finger's overrule your brain, and the damage is done. Let it go, we all have confrontations that upset us, and ruin our outlook on the world, but holding it in only damages you, and you thought process, and the problem that set you off still exists. As you have most likely know, I don't always take my own advice, and I can live with that, we are all different, we have diferent backgrounds, upbringing, education strengths and weaknesses.......we are all individuals, and sometime piss people off, and sometimes provide comfort...Move on, pop a cold one, mix a rum and coke,( Blackheart, 93 proof spiced is exceptional), relax, listen to the music of Bill, and Scott, get up in the morning and go on with whatever makes you tick...........I'm not a Dr., but played it a lot when younger................Gary