
Maybe it's an age thing....but if I've got a roof over my head, food for the table and a bit of beer and or wine....everything's cool.....the rest is mostly window

Regards + HH


Not worried about a Govt. takeover, and the only thing lately I would need a microscope for is my income:laughing7: Must be clients don't realize you eat more when the weather is bad!

Not posting any details but I just want to say that I am mad as hell about "something". Crispin tried to make me feel better but for some reason I am still just fuming over here... Maybe some words of wisdom from this fine group of folks might help?

Not posting any details but I just want to say that I am mad as hell about "something". Crispin tried to make me feel better but for some reason I am still just fuming over here... Maybe some words of wisdom from this fine group of folks might help?

If you don't control your emotions,someone else will.

just hoping it wasn't me this time


I feel your pain. Several times a topic or person jumps out and just set's me off, and although you try and calm down before responding, your tongue or finger's overrule your brain, and the damage is done. Let it go, we all have confrontations that upset us, and ruin our outlook on the world, but holding it in only damages you, and you thought process, and the problem that set you off still exists. As you have most likely know, I don't always take my own advice, and I can live with that, we are all different, we have diferent backgrounds, upbringing, education strengths and weaknesses.......we are all individuals, and sometime piss people off, and sometimes provide comfort...Move on, pop a cold one, mix a rum and coke,( Blackheart, 93 proof spiced is exceptional), relax, listen to the music of Bill, and Scott, get up in the morning and go on with whatever makes you tick...........I'm not a Dr., but played it a lot when younger................Gary

wow, Vermonter's are very wise!


This song should do the trick......don't let others push your buttons....if you take the bait you're your own worse enemy....

Luba - Let it go.

Not posting any details but I just want to say that I am mad as hell about "something". Crispin tried to make me feel better but for some reason I am still just fuming over here... Maybe some words of wisdom from this fine group of folks might help?

yeah, all we get here is humid corn field air

Well good night all........5:30 am, not that far away, and forecast for 4-5 dry days, time to make the doughnuts.......later, Gary


Another tune for you....

Bread - The guitar man.


Not posting any details but I just want to say that I am mad as hell about "something". Crispin tried to make me feel better but for some reason I am still just fuming over here... Maybe some words of wisdom from this fine group of folks might help?

My two cents is to pm the person and work it out. The last thing you should do is stuff it or drink it away..that's how problem drinkers or worse begin...

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Jersey, I'm not sure what upset you but I assume it was something posted on TNET?? If so best to just let it go. As you know it's easy for people to post mean, insensitive, rude, and unthoughtfull posts ( of which I'm sure I have done this as well) that face to face most of these people would never say. As worldtalker and GMD52 said and Bill's song he posted advised just let it go. The world will still keep on turning...

I want to say thanks to Backbacon for the Caesar dressing recipe and I will be making this weekend. A few of the ingredients are going to require me heading to the store to gather.
:icon_thumright: :occasion14:

Not posting any details but I just want to say that I am mad as hell about "something". Crispin tried to make me feel better but for some reason I am still just fuming over here... Maybe some words of wisdom from this fine group of folks might help?

No wisdom from me, just how worst slights/ moods are dealt with. i ask self if its worth the energy to fret,and if it will matter to me in a year.
Upset is all right,do i react or respond or let it go.Some things need dealt with,emotion changes with a breather, and dealing with such as must be addressed goes better when i can employ logic after i cool off.
As long as you know your thinking straight you can be mad. If its me that upset you...l.o.l. don,t be upset!:angel12:

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Just keep it all in perspective my friend. "No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it." --Chinese proverb

The test of a man's convictions can be measured in many ways. Standing up for what one believes is one way. Staying silent when being goaded by those who look to organize strife and discord is another... (I made that one up.)


That us so true Crispin

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