Getting ready for my annual July fish fry, and thought on this hot, and sultry night, I would regale you all the fixens.
Each year my brother-in-law travels from So. Fla. to the lake for a couple weeks of bass fishing. Champlain has been rated by the pro's as one of the best 10 bass lakes in the country. While here, the bass, perch and pike are all filleted, and stacked in the freezer. The night finally arrives, and the lake community gathers.
Gin and tonics, and the ever present rum flows, and the frying , and grilling begins: marinated shrimp, duck, and venison get skewered, and hit the grill, the alligator and froglegs are breaded and hit the hot oil......That's the first course......
The fish fillets are now ready for the hot, 375 degree oil, 2-3 mins. later the platter is piled high and placed on the table with the corn on the cob, potato salad, cole slaw, and pickles of many types.
the grill and the deep fryer are now off , and the watermelon is passed around, always followed with more of Capt. Morgan's fine grog.
It's hot night's like this that get me thinking of this, and the other meals that mostly come from the fruits of your own foraging! Something to ponder..... and perhaps some time in the future, this could be all of us........Gary