Today is a big day. My 13 y/o grandson is going to Medieval Times. It’s a dinner theater with real Knight fights in Orlando. I went 5 years ago with my 16 y/o....... it marks the ending of 6th grade and that giant leap into Middle School. I understand his struggles, for I have shared them with him. His mother is out of the picture....... his father ( my son) is too busy with the OTHER 3 children..... I’ve raised this young man since birth. I have been to every field trip with him since kindergarten. I asked him if he wanted me to go this time he said “ no that’s ok grandpa you don’t have to go” His mother didn’t even speak to him on his birthday much less do anything for him. He’s my fishing buddy. For his birthday I took him to Bass Pro shop ( a mile from our home) and bought him over $200.00 in fishing supplies! That’s mostly lures!!!!!!! I too fished a lot when I was a kid. By the time I was in the 9th grade, we had lived with several different families. I felt “lost, and like another throw away kid” soooooooo I had this little collapsible fishing rod. I had a backpack and Sterno stove. I would walk the 2 miles towards school, side stepping this mean ol collie dog, find these beautiful Australian pines by a lake and skip school at least one day a week! Haha man I use to catch some Bass there. I would take my canteen and a can of Campbell’s Chicken noodle soup! Man those were the days!!!!!! I attended that school after December...... until I too graduated from the ninth grade. Back then we had 7-9th grade here in Florida and that was called junior high. Well, these 2 grandkids are growing up........ I prayer I influenced them well.......later my friends!!