This is neat idea for those wishing to live affordably.


A Sunday school teacher said to the children, "We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But, there is a Higher Power. Can anybody tell me what it is?"

One child blurted out, "Aces!"

Sunday I went over to my locksmith Friend's house to put in a new dryer vent.


If you look, you can see the old existing vent at the bottom and right of the siding next to the downspout.
Yeah, I'm going to put a new vent in on the brick side....


So, from the inside, I took an 18" long masonry bit, 3/8" diameter, and centered it in the 4" opening and drilled through.
I then went outside and made a 4" circle with a sharpie© centered on the pilot hole.
Next I made a series of holes on the marked line with a 1/4" masonry bit. Kinda like connect the dots.
Then, a 3# hand sledge hammer knocked out the brick in a circle.


All that was left was to connect the silver flex dryer tubing to the new vent, wrap duct tape around the joint,
silicone the vent in after setting masonry anchors and then connecting the dryer to the inside.


Just as soon as I set the outside vent, it started raining.
Done Just In Time!

He said, "What do I owe you, Scotty?"
I said, "Brother, your Friendship is payment enough! Call me the next time that you cook out."



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Got another message about volunteering at Good News at Noon, from the Director's wife as CC also to the Veterans Court, to wit:

Thanks for getting back to me.
I am not sure why the guys are not using our community service.
We used to receive an overabundance on community service workers, but recently we have cut back.
We ask the workers to speak with our director and make a plan, instead of just showing up to do whatever occurs to a staff member at the moment.
For this reason, Scott's involvement is very helpful to us.
We look forward to working with him & with more veterans.


Still no word from Congressman Collins on a potential future visit to a court session.
Perhaps I'll speak with Judge Roberts to see if he has more influence to offer an invitation to the Congressman.....

Hope all are well!


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Today, as I was laying on my back, changing a drive tire on a Crown 4500 double pallet jack, the phone in my pocket buzzed....

A message, from my Boss, wanting me to work with the Safety Manager to change out and install several new First Aid kits in various locations.
I replied, "I'm on my way, Boss!"

I met with Steve and he told me where to change out the first aid kits as it was time to update them due to the expiration dates involved.

As I'm performing this task, I'm thinking to myself, "Perhaps I am limiting the scope of my future transfer...."

I later talked with my Boss and he said that PFG has locations all over the country.
This, I already know....

I thought to myself that I really don't want to move north....
Dang! I never want to see snow and ice again.
I don't ever want to even own a coat!


Texas? Florida? Arizona? Southern California?

Friends, I am as Free as a Bird.
I can go wherever I want.
Or, I can stay here in Georgia.

It's getting near "crunch-time...."

Give me some input on where I might want to go when I move....
Whether it is across the street or across the country....

My Boss said that he would support me no matter what I choose.
Certainly, he recognizes my skills and abilities...


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Been to fl. It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Too crowded in all the good spots on the coasts, but the key to living on the coast is to own a boat. The woods are still alright but they keep getting smaller. i like Arizona it's too far from the fishing for my taste, but if I lived there I'd be too busy panning to fish much anyways.

If you don't want to worry about snow the land starts to get crowded.

Just paid rent and my Landlord said that his house is coming along.


Time for ole Scotty to get serious!

Perhaps, as a 10+ year tenant, he might give me a good reference.....:dontknow:
I'm sure that he will miss my sometimes twisted humor, political discourse,
ability and willingness to help with his race cars and the times we spent going shooting together....
I know that I will....


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[Give me some input on where I might want to go when I move....]

I have no idea...
You have defined climate ,as far as temp being above "winter"/coat.
Water (preferably some of which is fish-able) within range and not limited, or having to be bought at exorbitant prices comes to mind.
You don't object to mountains in view.

A jumping off point is always nice and depending on range of future desires of excursions could be in a favorite state , or near centered among multiple states.

Medical facilities and groceries near the more civil side of such a jumping off point , and rural regards fading into less populated region(s) beyond as distance is covered on the other side would suit me.
But , I'm not you...

An apartment? A shotgun shack? A Mc Mansion? A Gypsy caravan/R.V.?


Are you not my Brother?
One who knows me?

I prefer mountains, for hiking, camping, exploring....
I care not for oceans, water nor boats.

I would like to buy an acre or four, build a comfortable cabin, wake every morning with a cup of coffee in hand,
look out from my front porch, over a vast valley and say, "This is the Heaven that I've dreamed about!"

Thank you for allowing this thought....

And Where?

My first thought is Virginia. Or Kentucky. Why?
Somewhere I've never been; An experience yet to live.
What would you give to be as free in life as I am?

More 78 rpms to sell.....Dig?


OK. You want some original tracks?

Here you go....
Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys.....

Told ya.
I got the 411 on music, Dig?

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Are you not my Brother?
One who knows me?

I prefer mountains, for hiking, camping, exploring....
I care not for oceans, water or boats.

I would like to buy an acre or four, build a comfortable cabin, wake every morning with a cup of coffee in hand, look out from my front porch,
and say, "This is the Heaven that I've dreamed about!"

Thank you for allowing this thought....


Zoning requirements will factor. Depending on where.
Planning commission plans are worth knowing , but seldom are promoted in the open.

My hunting site took a while to find.
Lots of property was looked at and only a couple parcels suited the goal and vibe of peace and quiet , without the short term threat of development while not being so remote that it was a hassle to reach from more civilized areas.
Laissez faire is both good and bad in a community.
But it's nice not having an address . And when arguing taxes indirectly with the county through the township , folks had no idea (and still might not be too sure) of where exactly I am. They are learning though...

A home on it would change the aura , but it is a great site. A younger me might have been skinning logs by now.

Kentucky? (For example) I looked at online real estate offers years back.
Found some neat stuff , lots cheaper than here but most everything on a slab (if that) with no basement .But without knowing a work destination proximity it might not matter the deal to you.
I wanted to be out far enough that deer sightings were more regular than vehicle traffic.
You find a worksite and determine max distance you're willing to travel and you might wind up how I did trying that when costs are weighed . And zoning.
Made for a long commute. Worth it when home. But ....Gas. Vehicle expenses per mile. Weather. Time.

Just paid rent and my Landlord said that his house is coming along.


Time for ole Scotty to get serious!

Perhaps, as a 10+ year tenant, he might give me a good reference.....:dontknow:
I'm sure that he will miss my sometimes twisted humor, political discourse,
ability and willingness to help with his race cars and the times we spent going shooting together....
I know that I will....

Hmmmm...... I'll have to think about that.

Just kidding. I will of course give a good reference to anyone that asks, or give you a letter you can have for your records if you would prefer.

As to where to go? I think you might like Texas. I don't think you would like California. Other than that go where you want.

Don't let your dreams die?

For years while struggling and getting by in my previous homestead shack I kept a page out of Calvin's Wilderness Cabin book stuck on a wall.
The one room unimproved log cabin layout was on it.

Kept practicing with logs and poles. And acquiring some (little) knowledge and kept eyes out for tools....
Looked over original cabins. Helped out on preserving one my sister and her husband at the time built.

About the time I had wiggle room to start searching for a site (and Calvins book despite it being out of my hands for decades has a chapter titled insights into sites that is ..Insightful/incitefull..) Things went haywire.

Then while looking for housing beyond a friends basement a small home for sale (that really wasn't when the realtor let me look it over) struck my fancy for layout and design.
Dragging this post out describing all it's attributes , it mentally edged the one room unimproved cabin a little bit.
All plumbing on one side. (And plumbing and wiring in a log home takes some consideration ahead of time...)
Two partition walls ran 3/4 ish of the width and defined kitchen from living room from bedroom. The labyrinth type non door openings provided line of sight separation to a point not far removed from "shotgun" shack style.
Kitchen had bi-fold doors beside sink on left corner , (doors were directly behind kitchen table centered pretty much in kitchen. Which made the livingroom not a dining room , basically l.o.l.)) for washer dryer combo. To their right was the boxed in bathroom. Bathroom door met livingroom far wall at the small gas wall heater. Bedroom next down that wall beyond livingroom and that was it. We just followed the one far wall. In the crawlspace below , most everything needing service was on/ near that one wall.
My current shack has similar plumbing layout. Needs an elevator to basement though...
I'm a fan of at least a partial basement for tornado shelter.
Not having one hints of needing one . Having one seems to reduce the need. So far.

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