
Just got a message yesterday from Danielle Gunn, from Veteran's Court.
It is a reply to "Good News At Noon" and me, to wit:

Hey there Beth,
I would like to apologize for the delayed response. I was away at training, and things have been insane trying to catch up. I was very happy that Scott approached me with the idea of partnering with Good News at Noon to get some things done and for our Veterans to give back to the community. I am unsure how you would like to proceed, but I would love to chat or discuss what would need to happen in order to partner with you all.

At this time, we have a community service document that outlines agencies that veterans can contact to complete their community service work. Good News is on the list, and I wonder why the guys are not utilizing your agency to complete their hours. Do you all have stipulations on who can work there or what charges exclude people being able to volunteer with you all? I am so thankful that Scott is willing to partner and help with the signing off on hours and such.

This partnership will give the guys an opportunity to give back to the community by doing things that are important to them. Most of them are very handy and talented; I hope everyone can benefit from this connection. Thank you, Scott!
Beth, I hope to hear from you soon. Please feel free to call, email, whatever works best.

I'm still waiting for a reply from Congressman Collins regarding a Visit to the Court....

Hope all are Well.


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I’m at the baseball field for the 12 y/o’s first scrimmage.Hes moved up to the Juniors this year. My 16 y/o won our high school game last night 6-2!!

All of the 78 rpm's that I sent out arrived at their destinations safe and sound!

Got a few more "bites" for more from others....

Turned the funds around for more coins and currency for my collection!


I’m at the baseball field for the 12 y/o’s first scrimmage.Hes moved up to the Juniors this year. My 16 y/o won our high school game last night 6-2!!

As the 12 year olds first experience having moved up, be prepared that he may not be as skilled yet as the older kids.
Nurture him and always tell him how proud you are of him and that he is so close to being one of those who shine.
Encourage him, mentor him and always let him know that he shines..Win or lose!

I know that you already do these things, but, I just thought I'd mention it because.....

Well, I played Little League ball when I was coming up as a kid.
My Pap was always there.
I was a left-handed pitcher and I was good enough (I thought) to later try out for the Baseball team at Kansas University back in '87.
Oh, I was good enough, but the coach thought that I was too old. (27) Their loss!
About the same time, I played Co-Ed softball and had a .750+ batting average.

Give him all of the "Critter's" Love!


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Thursday, my locksmith Friend called me to help him this weekend with his washer and dryer.
So I went over this morning and his dryer isn't drying properly.

I investigated and found that his stackable set up is not properly vented for the dryer.

Upon further investigation, I see that his dryer vent is on a wall directly behind the dryer, but it makes a 90 degree turn, somewhere behind the wall, before it vents outside!
Also, from the dryer to the interior vent, there is 6 feet of that silver flexible vent tubing that goes straight down from the dryer and back up 4 feet to the vent in the wall.
And, the vent tube is full of wet lint!

So, I said that the dryer vent must have a short distance to the outside vent.
Well the shortest distance, straight out, has brick for an exterior.....
OK. I got this.

He's picking up a new dryer vent for the exterior and tomorrow I'll make it all happen.
100% chance of rain tomorrow.
Makes no difference.
I told him that he can hold the umbrella!

I'll certainly take pictures!


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Thursday, my locksmith Friend called me to help him this weekend with his washer and dryer.
So I went over this morning and his dryer isn't drying properly.

I investigated and found that his stackable set up is not properly vented for the dryer.

Upon further investigation, I see that his dryer vent is on a wall not directly behind the dryer.
It makes a 90 degree turn before it vents outside!
Also, from the dryer to the interior vent, there is 6 feet of vent tubing that goes straight down from the dryer and back up 4 feet to the vent in the wall.
And, the vent tube is full of wet lint!

So, I said that the dryer vent must have a short distance to the outside vent.
Well the shortest distance, straight out, has brick for an exterior.....
OK. I got this.

He's picking up a new dryer vent for the exterior and tomorrow I'll make it all happen.
100% chance of rain tomorrow.
Makes no difference.
I told him that he can hold the umbrella!

I'll certainly take pictures!


Looked at a house for sale years ago....
An un- properly vented dryer often offers a scent to warn about it.
This one did too.
Looking it over the owner installer builder of the eclectic house (each exterior side looked like a different house for starters) cut a hole in the partition wall behind it and vented the dryer into the hollow wall.
He did have a vent high in the wall on the other side into the next room. Not sure the intent.
All that moisture being fed between two layers of drywall . Plus filling the void between firestops (assuming there were fire stops) with highly flammable lint. Whoo wheee.

Looked at a house for sale years ago....
An un- properly vented dryer often offers a scent to warn about it.
This one did too.
Looking it over the owner installer builder of the eclectic house (each exterior side looked like a different house for starters) cut a hole in the partition wall behind it and vented the dryer into the hollow wall.
He did have a vent high in the wall on the other side into the next room. Not sure the intent.
All that moisture being fed between two layers of drywall . Plus filling the void between firestops (assuming there were fire stops) with highly flammable lint. Whoo wheee.

A few years ago, when I first met my locksmith Friend, I went to his house for him to help me with computer issues I was having.
He was having a hispanic guy remodel his living room, (a pre-fab house) and this joker was not qualified to even own a hammer....
He was nailing sheetrock to panelling, missing studs and over-mudding, using silicone caulk on trim prior to painting, etc
I told my friend, "I can do you better. If you don't tell this jackass to pack and drag, I WILL!"
And I DID!

I ended up remodelling, repairing and updating the entire interior of the house, including plumbing, electrical, drywall, mudding,
painting and also the framing in of a new hallway door.
3 bedroom, one bath.
And charged him $0.
There were many long nights with him, his wife and I working together...

I am now the only person that he calls when he has "house" problems.
And, we call each other, "Brother."

I wish that he would have asked about the outside laundry room back then.....


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So, now some music, as is my wont and being so inclined....

Seeing how my life will change, and I'll be "on the move" soon,
I thought this might be apropos as I box up that I want to keep and what I dismiss as trash....
I have boxes stacked 5 feet tall, waiting for the call....
Louisiana(?) Here I come!

Certainly, I'll keep my Friends here as treasure!


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As you may have gleaned from my posts, it appears that I may soon leave Georgia and my beloved Mountains where I once hiked and camped.
And, where I have a Treasure buried....

The treasure is still there and waiting for someone to find.

Perhaps a treasure will soon be buried in Louisiana....:dontknow:

Doesn't everyone love finding a Treasure?


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Some more music on a Saturday night?

How about this?
Don't play with me when it comes to music, dig?

Turn it up!

Reached #1 January 1976.

Bet you can't remember that far back..,...


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My wife just woke me. I had finally fallen asleep. I think I left claw marks on the ceiling. She said she heard a gunshot outside. Bless her heart. I retrieved my handy sidearm ( you might call her a 60 pound Pit bull) and outside we went. Didn’t see, hear or smell anything. That was 40 minutes ago...... Son what’s the private’s 11th General Order?” Sir the Private’s 11th General Order is to walk my post from flank to flank and take no **** from any rank SIR!!!!

Mary was discussing the various aspects and possible outcome of an insurance policy with the clerk at the insurance agency. During the discussion, she asked, "Suppose I take the life insurance for my husband today for a million dollars, and tomorrow he dies? What will I get?"

The clerk eyed her suspiciously and replied, "Probably a life sentence."

My favorite scene



Chief Dan George was from British Columbia in Canada great actor.

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