Allow me to reflect upon yesterday's session of Veterans Court.
First, 2 members had completed the course and were honored with graduating.
They weren't either of my guys, but, in a way, they were....
One was chosen to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance and I felt so proud to be a Volunteer Mentor.
When the session was being conducted, all were on the "Top Team," called before the judge, for favorably progressing through their requirements..,...
Until Cory, one of my guys, was called to answer to Judge Roberts.....
In the hallway, before court, I make sure that I talk with all of the Vets to see how they are doing and especially my guys.
I use the time to sign their paperwork and talk about other things.
When I talked to Cory, I asked, "How's things going? You seem to never call me."
He answered, "As well as possible, I guess."
That should have been a clue, but I didn't catch it.....
Anyway, Cory had a positive on an alcohol screen and was standing at "parade rest" in front of Judge Roberts.
I have never seen Judge Roberts as angry as that moment in all of the times I have been a Volunteer mentor.
He even swore...
"Cory, what in the hell is this positive screen? What kind of Sh*t are you trying to sell this court?
If you didn't just have a baby with your wife and have a good job, I'd sure as hell revoke you and in 10 minutes you'd be wearing orange for the next month!"
My heart broke as I sat on the edge of my seat, feeling like I was the one who should answer......
The sanctions that Cory received was an additional 16 hours of Community Service, extra classes of self help and some other meetings with court staff.
He was VERY lucky.
When he was dismissed, he came back to where I was sitting, a look on his face as a child whom had just been spanked.
I leaned over to him and whispered, "Cory, you should have called me. You have my number. I'm always that close, anytime."
Well, being young, (I'd guess that he is in his late 20's) His attitude is, "I'm right, even when I'm wrong," He said,
"I'm getting out of this sh*t program."
Can one's heart break twice within a few minutes?
Mine did.
I said, "Cory, please call me anytime, soon, before you make a decision that you might regret."
I said no more.
I cannot push myself on anyone; it will push them farther from possible help.
Another guy that I mentor, Ernesto, hasn't been to court session for the last 2 times.
I don't know if he is still in the program or not.
As a Mentor, it is not up to me to call them;
They are to contact me.
I asked the Director of the Mentorship program, Keith, for information and he said that he'd get back to me.....
At the end of yesterday's session, Keith had written a statement to read before the court about Mentors.
As he read it, he looked at me and basically said that those who freely give of their time ask only for others to respect their Mentor's sacrifices for them and continue to show the character and discipline that was learned during their service.
I spoke with my Boss about a possible transfer to Houma, LA and he was very sympathetic to my inquiries.
He said that all inter-job opportunities come to him and management before it is released otherwise.
He said that he had once applied for a Plant Manager position there before he came to Oakwood where we both work.
He said that he would let me know if anything came his way that I'd be interested in,
including Maintenance Supervisor and that he would give me a great recommendation.
I guess y'all 'bout done listenin' to me, so,
Hope everyone is well.
Best Wishes,
As Always,