Went to Pirate Fair today. I was carrying my dog. This young lady walks by and says “ how is it you are carrying a Dragon?” I replied “ oh I tamed this Dragon long ago. Or did she tame me?” Hahaha

Just bought a "wind-up" table-top model Victrola and a stack of 78's including "The Carter Family," and many rare recordings found only in the long lost collections of Families whom gathered when the kerosene lamps were lit and the record machine was wound-up and a-playin'.....
The records alone are worth more than the machine.
Purchased from a man whom I suspect was older than me...LOL!

View attachment 1671723
Manufacture date of this machine is around 1916, over 100 years ago.

It's in rough shape, but Scotty's hand will restore....

I've restored several 78 rpm machines in the past. In fact, one that I've restored was donated to a museum.

Once restored, this machine will be worth around $1000.
Perhaps another donation?

It has a "double spring barrel," and was once over-wound breaking a spring.
Other than that, and some cosmetic cures, I got this!

Can't wait to play some of my 78's on this machine!


The process of restoration has begun!

From this:
(As purchased)

To complete disassembly:

(Complete disassembly)


mechanism disassembled.webp
(Mechanism disassembled)

(Reproducer disassembled)

(Empty base and black parts)

I have purchased all of the appropriate sized screws in brass to replace the steel screws.
I still need to purchase some replacement felt for the turntable.
What color would you recommend? Yellow or green? Perhaps red?

Still need to lightly steel wool the cabinet and top oak to prep it for a drink of Murphy's oil.
A light steel wool for the black parts before repainting.
About a half-dozen small black parts need to be cleaned and hand painted with acrylic paint and a small brush.
And a light steel wool for the reproducer and tube assembly.

Oh, and I was right...One of the barrel springs is broken. Not enough drive for a disc to play....
I suspected as much when I purchased the Player....

I'll have to open it up and repair the spring. I hope the break is near the end of the spring.
Most likely I'll have to drill another hole in the spring to reattach it. I'll have to use a special drill bit to pierce the spring steel.
Should be a relatively easy fix.


I'll keep y'all updated.



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Many Victrola's in my area (well , slightly East of here) were cannibalized for making handlining rigs for fishing Saginaw bay and certain other waters.
Simply re-purposing an outdated unit at the time. The spring units were the attraction.

Not sure how far back they go. Mention of the twenties on one.
They don't sell for much today ,oddly enough as folks are still handlining.

Scott my brother in law has the Judge but I have never fired one. Next time you go shooting, post pictures of your targets!!

Yes I will.

I have 3 pistols that I've recently bought that I have yet to shoot.
Not to mention the .45 long colt lever action rifle.
Next weekend looks like a good time to go shooting.....

Here's a target from my last outing with my Ruger "9E" 9 mm auto at about 30-40 yards...."Rapid-Fire, hip drawn...."

"Getting the job done."

Be Well, My Brother.


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Went to Pirate Fair today. I was carrying my dog. This young lady walks by and says “ how is it you are carrying a Dragon?” I replied “ oh I tamed this Dragon long ago. Or did she tame me?” Hahaha

I have always hated small dogs.....Especially "Ankle Biters."
You know them...
They sneak up on you from behind and nip at you.
I kick them like footballs!
Once, while on a locksmith call, a dog came and tried to bite me. I told the owner,
"If you do not control your dog, I will kick him into his next life."

When I was younger, my Aunt was in charge of my Sister and I for after school babysitting.

One day we were at my Aunt's house after school and she made our lunch.
After lunch, my Aunt allowed her "Yip, yip" dogs to lick her plate!

But, what made me sick was when she put the (dental) plate back in her mouth! EWW!


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Many Victrola's in my area (well , slightly East of here) were cannibalized for making handlining rigs for fishing Saginaw bay and certain other waters.
Simply re-purposing an outdated unit at the time. The spring units were the attraction.

Not sure how far back they go. Mention of the twenties on one.
They don't sell for much today ,oddly enough as folks are still handlining.
View attachment 1672802

The loss of antique Victrola's for any reason makes the remaining restored machines more valuable!
Certainly they are becoming more rare....

Perhaps one can make money in your area restoring them.

Yes. I can perform magic in restoration.
"Do you believe in magic?"

Ever heard of John Sebastian?
Reached #9 in 1965.

Yeah. I'm your "Go to Guy" for old music, Dig?
Music from your past, music that you love. Music that you remember when you.....Ahem!
Anywhich, I hope that you love music as much as I do.



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Yes I will.

I have 3 pistols that I've recently bought that I have yet to shoot.
Not to mention the .45 long colt lever action rifle.
Next weekend looks like a good time to go shooting.....

Here's a target from my last outing with a Ruger "9E" 9 mm auto at about 30-40 yards...."Rapid-Fire, hip drawn...."

View attachment 1672851
"Getting the job done."

Be Well, My Brother.


Sweet grouping at such a distance!

Sweet grouping at such a distance!

Fired as a "left-handed" grouping.

But, I was trained for firing both.

Won shooting accolades for both in competition.....
Have I mentioned awards for hand grenades and LAWS? (Light Anti tank Weapons)

I'll post a "right-handed" grouping later....
Whether my several 9 mm, .45, .357, .38 or the Judge as a 45 long colt /.410.

Either way, I'll enjoy my ability to go shooting and cherish my 2nd Amendment right that I've promised my life to defend......
America is safe while Vets and active military have the watch....Dig?

Thank you, 2GF for your service and know that I've always got your a Brother should....


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So, what 78 would you like to hear when I finish restoring the Victrola?

I'm fond of a "Picture Record."
Like Clyde McCoy. On Vogue....
Yes, I have this disc....


Not my record nor my player, but, here is the tune....

Perhaps some Elvis?
Or Hank Williams Senior?

We all can relate to "Big Band."
Like Benny Goodman.
Or many others of the time.
Perhaps your passion is early blues?
I got ya.
Bluegrass? Country?
I got you covered.
What shall be the first disc played on my restored Victrola?

I have over 1000 78's waiting to be played.

What do you want to hear for the first 78 that I play on my restored Victrola?

Make me want to also hear your request and I will play it.
I will also post a video of it being played.

Let's hear another disc that I have, shall we?

Tell y'all what....If you can guess my favorite disc to play,
I'll send it to you postage free!

Hint...It is worth over $100....
More clues later....

Now, what genre would be Scotty's favorite? ???


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You should never stop believing that you can win, no matter the odds.
Keep on believing and you will win!
Though odds are against you, and the future seems dim, dig deep within yourself, find the strength to show success and KICK ASS!
You have the strength.
You have the fortitude.
You, my Friend, have the means to "Carry On!"

Many years ago, I thought there was no reason to live.
A Veteran, many considered "damaged merchandise," I thought my life was just a .357 away to a cure of my aching brain.

But, somehow I found a way to share and talk of my pain and help other Vets....

My story still hurts but I am still ready to share and help other Vets....
And, anyone who would diss me has no idea where I've been and what I've been through....
as the many Vets that I mentor rely upon me for support will attest....
So, piss on you because you have no idea nor ability or desire to help....

Friends, Have you ever seen a Vet break down and cry?
Do you know why?
I do. I have.

Have you taken the time to reach out? To be there?
As a Friend? As another human?
Do So.
And "Carry on...."


"Carry On Wayward Son"

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more


Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming,
I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son,
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man,
Well, it surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune,
But I hear the voices say

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more no!

Carry on,
You will always remember
Carry on,
Nothing equals the splendor
Now your life's no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry,
Don't you cry no more,

No more!

'Nuff said....


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For Scott —

Top Ten Reasons Why A Dog Is Better Than A Woman

10. A dog's parents will never visit you.

9. A dog loves you when you leave your clothes on the floor.

8. A dog limits its time in the bathroom to a quick drink.

7. A dog never expects you to telephone.

6. A dog will not get mad at you if you forget its birthday.

5. A dog does not care about the previous dogs in your life.

4. A dog does not get mad at you if you pet another dog.

3. A dog never expects flowers on Valentine's Day.

2. The later you are, the happier a dog is to see you.

1. A dog does not shop.

1. Loyalty
I know well enough that there have been dogs so loving that they have thrown themselves into the same grave with their masters; others have stayed upon their masters’ graves without stirring a moment from them, and have voluntarily starved themselves to death, refusing to touch the food that was brought them.

Miguel de Cervantes
Dog and Dog Owner in Car

There are some that would say a dog is only loyal so long as it is getting food and shelter. But if you have ever known a dog and seen the reaction it has when you come home or it is reunited with a fellow four legged friend you know it is about more than that. There are plenty of examples of dogs showing loyalty to their owners. Some of the most famous are the dog pictured lying next to the casket of his Navy Seal owner, or the dog that would greet his owner at the train station every day after he arrived home from work. Even after the owner died, this dog, Hachiko, went to the station every day for the next nine years waiting for the arrival of his best friend.

2. Friendship
Thorns may hurt you, women desert you, sunlight turn to fog; but you’re never friendless ever, if you have a dog.

Douglas Mallock
Dogs have been human’s best friends for thousands of years. They are there for us through thick and thin. They never judge and are always happy to see us return, whether we’ve been gone five hours or five minutes.

3. Therapy
I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.

Doris Day
Animal-assisted therapy has been linked to the reduction of anxiety, pain, and depression in people with a range of mental or physical health problems. Many people can benefit from pet therapy, including patients undergoing chemotherapy, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, and physical therapy patients working on their fine motor skills. Even students can take advantage of pet therapy that alleviates feelings of homesickness and depression.

4. Health
People who keep dogs live longer on average than those who do not. This is not some kind of pro-canine campaigning fantasy. It is a simple medical fact that the calming influence of the company of a friendly pet animal reduces blood pressure and therefore the risk of heart attack.

Desmond Morris
There are many ways that having a dog is good for our health. People with dogs are shown to have less heart problems because they get regular exercise from walking their pets. Having a dog improves our mood and reduces stress which in turn means lower blood pressure. Spending just 15-30 minutes with your dog can help you feel more calm and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Playing with your pup increases your brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, both of which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and tranquility. Dogs even seem to be able to detect the smell of cancer in humans.

5. Unconditional Love
A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw)
cut pet bull dog

It’s easy to see with the wagging and happy barking when we come home that our dogs love us. Scientists have recently proven that dogs love us back the same way we love them by scanning their brains in an MRI machine. Those body wiggles aren’t just because he is excited for food (but it’s probably safe to say that’s a part of it).

6. Protection
The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.

Winston Churchill
It is believed that man’s first interactions with dogs (wolves at the time) resulted in a beneficial relationship for both species. The wolves got easy pickings from the scraps that people left behind after their meals and people got the benefit of having the wolves around to protect them from any other predators that may prey on those people. In more recent times, dogs were trained by the military as sentry guards, protecting troops from attack. And as silent scouts, dogs would warn troops to the presence of enemies, diminishing the chances of an ambush. The troops lucky enough to have these attack dogs by their sides were most likely to survive war. From puppyhood, dogs innately learn to watch and be aware of anything rotten coming your way. Potential burglars are put off by a barking or watching dog in the window.

7. Selflessness
It don’t care whether I’m good enough. It don’t care whether I snore or not. It don’t care which God I pray to. There are only three things with that kind of unconditional acceptance: Dogs, donuts, and money.

Danny DeVito as Lawrence Garfield in Other People’s Money
Your dog never lies to you when he says he loves you. The more you give of yourself, the better the connection developed between the two of you. There is nothing better than coming home from a very hard day at work or maybe school or college and find your dog there waiting for you to support you.

8. Exercise
Golf seems to be an arduous way to go for a walk. I prefer to take the dogs out.

Princess Anne
Dogs requires daily exercise, and we do to. Dog owners carry the responsibility of playing with and working their dogs, so it only makes sense that dog people tend to be more active. One study found that dog owners were 34 percent more likely to achieve their recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week than non-dog owners.

9. Forgiveness
My dogs forgive anger in me, the arrogance in me, the brute in me. They forgive everything I do before I forgive myself.

Guy de la Valdene
Dogs don’t hold grudges. They don’t hang on to what someone said years ago. When one of them plays too rough, the other dog lets them know immediately by letting out a yelp. The two dogs make up and instantly start playing again.

10. Happiness
The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.

Samuel Butler, Higgledy-Piggledy

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For Scott —

Top Ten Reasons Why A Dog Is Better Than A Woman

10. A dog's parents will never visit you.

9. A dog loves you when you leave your clothes on the floor.

8. A dog limits its time in the bathroom to a quick drink.

7. A dog never expects you to telephone.

6. A dog will not get mad at you if you forget its birthday.

5. A dog does not care about the previous dogs in your life.

4. A dog does not get mad at you if you pet another dog.

3. A dog never expects flowers on Valentine's Day.

2. The later you are, the happier a dog is to see you.

1. A dog does not shop.

All can be said of a cat....

Yet, there is no other feeling of a pet cat, after a bad day and purring as soon as you pet them...

Let me introduce you to Otis.....

Give me a minute or three while
I fire up my terabyte backup.....

Ah! here he is!

Picture 105.webp

My buddy.
He came to me after a hard day, and purred when I played....

I so miss Otis....


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Four surgeons were taking a coffee break and were discussing their work. The first one said, "I think accountants are the easiest to operate on. You open them up, and everything inside is numbered."

The second one said, "I think librarians are the easiest to operate on. You open them up, and everything inside is in alphabetical order."

The third one said, "I like to operate on electricians. You open them up, and everything inside is color coded."

The fourth one said, "I like to operate on lawyers. They are heartless, spineless, and gutless, and their head and tail are interchangeable."

I designed something a couple years ago that I wanted to patent. I contacted Invent help. They just called me...... for a thousand dollars we can.........I said for a thousand dollars you can kiss my ass!!!!!

Be proficient in your everyday life so when the Devil knocks on your door...... you answer unafraid

An eccentric philosophy professor gave a one-question final exam after a semester dealing with a broad array of topics.
The class was already seated and ready to go when the professor picked up his chair, plopped it on his desk, and wrote on the board: "Using everything we have learned this semester, prove that this chair does not exist."
Fingers flew, erasers erased, and notebooks were filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote over 30 pages in one hour attempting to refute the existence of the chair. One member of the class, however, was up and finished in less than a minute.

Weeks later when the grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how he could have gotten an "A" when he had barely written anything at all. His answer consisted of two words:

"What chair?"

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