Just bought a "wind-up" table-top model Victrola and a stack of 78's including "The Carter Family," and many rare recordings found only in the long lost collections of Families whom gathered when the kerosene lamps were lit and the record machine was wound-up and a-playin'.....
The records alone are worth more than the machine.
Purchased from a man whom I suspect was older than me...LOL!

Manufacture date of this machine is around 1916, over 100 years ago.
It's in rough shape, but Scotty's hand will restore....
I've restored several 78 rpm machines in the past. In fact, one that I've restored was donated to a museum.
Once restored, this machine will be worth around $1000.
Perhaps another donation?
It has a "double spring barrel," and was once over-wound breaking a spring.
Other than that, and some cosmetic cures, I got this!
Can't wait to play some of my 78's on this machine, like,
How about Glenn Miller?
Don't we all have our pleasures?
If you do not appreciate this, you cannot claim to love music in all forms. Dig?
Let's all agree that music is the Universal language of Friendship, shall we?
Make peace with those you have disagreements with.
Show that you are not an adversary.
Show your love and embrace Friendship.
Friends, Life is too short to harbor hate.
Free yourself and show your love!
Bill, I love you, Brother.
Let's forget our problems and be Friends once again!