Today was payday.
Went to the bank and scored some keepers!
No word yet back on the $500 and $1000 bills I spoke of earlier....
And "Player," who wanted some of my better coins showed his true colors.
I requested photos of 3-4 that I wanted and when I checked my swap monitor the next day,
I found that he had declined to continue the swap.
Imagine that!
I rescheduled my VA appointment and will have to wait until the 30th to be seen. Sheesh!
Good thing I didn't fall down a well and need help quickly...
This week went pretty smooth.
I went in early every day but had told Johnny, the second shift Supervisor,
that I would stay until all of the selectors were off and running.
That way, there would be no selectors needing repairs to run with no one there to take care of them.
I sought him out every night before I left to inquire if he needed anything. Once or twice he said, "Yeah, Scotty! Come on with me and fix this or that...."
I got some decent overtime this week.
This evening, as I was under a jack replacing a drive wheel, I overheard Kipp talking to Jason, the Plant Manager, my Boss's Boss, and Jason was asking about how things were going in the shop. Kipp said that things were going well; Tristan is learning more and more and that Scott has taken it upon himself to help Tristan learn. Kipp then said, "That Scott is a real worker!"
Jason then said, "Ain't he though!"
That made my day!
When Shannon comes back next week from Vacation, I'm gonna razz him by saying, "Who are you?"
He's from Florida and went down to Florida for his Vacation and had called me about something a couple of days ago. I told him to bring me a T-shirt from his favorite bar. He said, "OK!"
Hope all are Well!
Best, Always,