Anyone into online war games? A few friends and I play Battlefield 1942 DC Final, and we could use some help.

RC not to be confused with European football called “ soccer” hehe

“Never get out of the boat!” There are 3 of us that have used this quote forever with one another. I miss you LD and GJ!!!! When times were really tough we would say this and then break down laughing. We relied on one another.......During Desert Shield, the FOREVER build up of Desert Storm, let’s face it, life would get boring. We were stationed at King Fahd International Airport. So the three of us made ourselves “ snowboards” we ahem “acquired “ a HUMMER from the 101st Airborne. Hehe. We headed out to the dunes and went sandboarding during our down time. It was awesome!!!! So LD buried that Hummer. He got it stuck so bad......We had to walk the 10 miles back to our base. Two days later we drove back out there and the Hummer was gone!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha


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2GF: I sent you a Statement of Charges. Confession is not always good for the soul.

Hehehe I believe it’s called “statute of limitations has long since been over” hehehe

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Today was payday.
Went to the bank and scored some keepers!


No word yet back on the $500 and $1000 bills I spoke of earlier....

And "Player," who wanted some of my better coins showed his true colors.
I requested photos of 3-4 that I wanted and when I checked my swap monitor the next day,
I found that he had declined to continue the swap.
Imagine that!

I rescheduled my VA appointment and will have to wait until the 30th to be seen. Sheesh!
Good thing I didn't fall down a well and need help quickly...

This week went pretty smooth.
I went in early every day but had told Johnny, the second shift Supervisor,
that I would stay until all of the selectors were off and running.
That way, there would be no selectors needing repairs to run with no one there to take care of them. :thumbsup:
I sought him out every night before I left to inquire if he needed anything. Once or twice he said, "Yeah, Scotty! Come on with me and fix this or that...."
I got some decent overtime this week.

This evening, as I was under a jack replacing a drive wheel, I overheard Kipp talking to Jason, the Plant Manager, my Boss's Boss, and Jason was asking about how things were going in the shop. Kipp said that things were going well; Tristan is learning more and more and that Scott has taken it upon himself to help Tristan learn. Kipp then said, "That Scott is a real worker!"
Jason then said, "Ain't he though!"

That made my day!

When Shannon comes back next week from Vacation, I'm gonna razz him by saying, "Who are you?"

He's from Florida and went down to Florida for his Vacation and had called me about something a couple of days ago. I told him to bring me a T-shirt from his favorite bar. He said, "OK!"

Hope all are Well!

Best, Always,


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Also this week, a guy that works at PFG, from Mexico, Juan, whom I'm getting his interest in coin collecting fuelled, brought me a jar of habanero salsa that his wife made. He's the same guy who supplied the Carolina Reapers that Tristan ate, for pay, on a dare awhile back.
I had given Juan a new mason jar with a new ring and flat when he asked if I wanted some salsa....


When he gave me the jar of salsa, I pulled a plastic spoon from my lunchbox and ate a spoonful in front of him.
His eyes got REAL big!
I then had another spoonful.
He couldn't believe it.
He told me that I'm the only white man whom he has ever seen do that.
Yeah. It was warm.
My lips got hot and tingly, my sinuses cleared and my scalp sweated.

I then had a third spoonful.

I told him that I've been eating hot peppers since I was a kid.
I can drink Tabasco sauce....

He is growing Habaneros and Reapers in his garden and I put in my bid for some of his crop. :headbang:

Y'all be Good!


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Where I come from. You can see Whaleshead beach..and creek.lots of black sand... where I do all my beach mining -100 -200 mesh.


anyone know why a yellow tomato plant would not produce, but red ones do?
anything I can put in the soil?

Ah, my Friend Jeff.

Good to hear from you!

I've heard that tomato plants are similar to marijuana plants in genus and species.

That being said,
When I used to grow...tomato plants,
I had went to a thrift store and bought a used $2 blender.
I then would go to bait shops and purchase their dead minnows real cheap....
Put two and two together with the blender and dead minnows, add "Miracle Grow"[SUP]©[/SUP] infused water at proper dilution and apply with that mixture about once a week.
Or, you can go to your local garden store and pay $$$ for "Fish Emulsion."

Perhaps it would help to sing and talk sweetly to your plants as you water them. I did....
Plants thrive on the carbon dioxide that warm-blooded animals exude. It's what they need for the process of photosynthesis....
Also consider planting flowers nearby to encourage the presence of bees and butterflies which help in pollination.
Without the bees and butterflies to provide pollination, life on earth would cease to exist....

Also make sure that your soil is not too acidic.
That's a real "buzz-kill" for your plants.

Here's a link that will further explore the condition of soil...

Best of Luck!


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thanks Scotty, love you man

anyone know why a yellow tomato plant would not produce, but red ones do?
anything I can put in the soil?

Yeech. Tomato's.
Soil test compared to requirements is the long route.
Yellow though.....Nitrogen can factor . A biggie first though is watering. If good sunlight and watering is covered....
One thing that used to encourage (yeech) tomato plants where I had some ,was the spent charcoal out of the grill. Really seemed to cheer them on.
Heat with this weather is a stressor that might factor in weaker plants.
Never spotted a red tomato plant. Red veins on one can be a hint of a lack of phosphorous.(Per Google).

One other consideration is, "What other plants are close by?"

What I mean is that some plants will grow side by side more readily based upon what they require from the soil.
If you have two plants growing side by side that require high amounts of the same soil nutrients, neither will flourish.

Choose which plants to place next to each other.

That idea is somewhat akin to the concept of "Crop Rotation."


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My hand is forced....
Y'all know what Scotty was once about....

I excelled in propagation techniques including grafting, hybridization and hydroponics.

I'll bet that you didn't know that marijuana can be grafted onto a hops plant....Did ya?

I'll say no more concerning my self taught botanical endeavors....Except, OH, YEAH!
(Ever hear of "Mean Green?" I grew buds that when thrown against a wall would stick, Dig? Purple haired bowl buds!)


I meant music, as always....

Y'all be good, now. Hear?

Truth be told, ole Scotty had the fire, dig?
Just ask anyone at a block party that I DJ'd...
Fire Chronic....
I certainly miss those days....


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Perhaps it needs to be said...

I'm a white man.

I grew up in a racially tense era.
My dad was a racist. I'm not proud to say that.

One day, I invited a schoolmate to my house for supper.
He was black.
My Mom had no problem.
My Dad?

My Friend from school had to go home.
I got a whipping for inviting a "Nig ..."
From that day forward, I swore that ALL were my equal.

And, to this day, no matter your color, your belief or whether you speak english, we have a common bond.
That bond is that we are humans.

And we both share the same desires of life and goals.

The ideas that I propose are not based on politics nor prejudices.
The ideas and principles that I live by are merely those of humanity.

Do you not see the foibles of those who wish to gain power through the blindness of others?

Perhaps my beliefs and philosophy are wasted here and in life....


My locksmith Friend is Black.
I have enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner at his table with his Family many times.
Does love of Humanity and fellow humans discerne color?
And yet, some would call me racist? Why?

The Democratic left, that's who....

Don't get me started on politics and Democrats, the ones who keep the minorities down....
Because you will have a debate on your hands that you cannot win. Heh, heh...
Try me. Learn what it means to lose.....
Accepting all takers....Come get educated....

I'm sorry.
Do I appear to be pompous? Perhaps bombastic?

Well, I am NOT one to lay down and have the Democrats make up sh@t to try to sway my way of thinking.

Perhaps you also can think for yourself, read how the wind blows and make your own intelligent decisions.

My Friends, I have faith that you can make decisions of an intelligent nature...Don't let me down....


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In Germany....

Hope you "sprich die sprache" Dig?

Your life depends on it....

Been there. Done that....Questions?


Und wann wirst du sterben?

Als ich in Deutschland stationiert war, traf ich eine süße Dame. Wir verbrachten Zeit miteinander ... Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen, die nur sie zeigen konnte. Dig?

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I made dinner tonight.
Tacos and I sliced some Carolina Reapers into the mix....




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