One day a fella went a fishin' and caught a frog to use for bait.
As he held the frog, about to apply the hook, the frog said in a woman's voice,
"Please don't put the hook in me. If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful Princess."
The fella's eyes got big and he stuffed the frog into his gunny sack.
The voice of the woman said from the gunny sack,
"Please let me out! Don't you want to have a beautiful Princess?"

The fella said,
"Hell no! I'd rather have a talking frog!"



Sound logic!

Y'all know how much I like to camp and hike.

One trip, not long ago, I had a light "Day Pack" on my shoulders as I made my way along a new trail.
Suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me. I looked over my shoulder and not more than 30 yards behind me was a 400 pound black bear!

I immediately picked up my pace and looked again and that bear was only 20 yards behind me!

I then started jogging and when I looked again, that bear was only 10 yards behind me. AND GAINING!

I shed my backpack and started running full speed.

Well, everyone knows that you can't outrun a bear, so I saw a branch about 10 yard off the ground on a tree ahead of me,
and I jumped for the branch just as the bear caught up to me and ripped the seat out of my trousers with a mighty swing of his claw.

DAMN! I missed the branch!

But, it's OK....
I caught the branch on the way back down.



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Y'all know how much I like to camp and hike.

One trip, not long ago, I had a light "Day Pack" on my shoulders as I made my way along a new trail.
Suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me. I looked over my shoulder and not more than 30 yards behind me was a 400 pound black bear!

I immediately picked up my pace and looked again and that bear was only 20 yards behind me!

I then started jogging and when I looked again, that bear was only 10 yards behind me. AND GAINING!

I shed my backpack and started running full speed.

Well, everyone knows that you can't outrun a bear, so I saw a branch about 10 yard off the ground on a tree ahead of me,
and I jumped for the branch just as the bear caught up to me and ripped the seat out of my trousers with a mighty swing of his claw.

DAMN! I missed the branch!

But, it's OK....
I caught the branch on the way back down.



You're about ready for fishing alright......:laughing7:

Y'all remember how I said that the Director of Human Resources is the cousin of Dennis DeYoung of Styx?

Anyway, I have become quite popular with her as she has my personal phone number and calls and texts me to perform various chores for her during work.
Yesterday she wanted me to move 10 (FULL) file cabinets to another area.
Today, she had me put together a cubicle desk for her.
What will she have me do tomorrow?

Anyway, we talked more about her relationship with Dennis.
I mentioned the many concerts of Styx that I've attended.
(I said nothing of the bootleg tapes that I have....)

I said that I've even got a record of when Styx recorded on the "Wooden Nickel" label.
From 1971. BEFORE Tommy Shaw!
She seemed impressed.
I also mentioned that I play guitar and have performed on stage.

I wonder if I take in the 1971 album to her, if she would get Dennis to autograph it for me?
I'll pay shipping to Chicago and back, where he lives.

The album?

Why, "The Best of Styx," of course!



We'll see how this works out, shall we?



One of my favorite songs by Stxy, soon after Tommy Shaw joined the group....

Would it be too much to attempt to discuss and promote a Concert in the future for Atlanta?

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Scott that would be awesome!!!

Johnny you a funny man!!

One late night, when the moon was waning, I was on the river catfishing.
Them fish were biting hard!

I soon ran out of worms and saw a snake slithering by with a frog in it's jaw.
I thought, "Perhaps I can use that frog."
So, I grabbed the snake and took the frog for bait.
I then felt bad about taking the frog from the snake, so I poured a bit of my whiskey into the snake's mouth and turned him loose.

A few minutes later, I felt a nudge on my leg and looked down.

There was that same snake with two frogs in it's mouth!





Yeah, tomorrow is only Wednesday, but remember, Scotty, you get paid by the hour.

Make each minute count!


From my observations, Styx broke up shortly after Tommy Shaw joined the group.
Chuck Panozzo,(Bass guitar) JY and Tommy continued to perform together.
John Panozzo (Drums) died in 1996....Leaving Dennis alone.
Perhaps that might be a sore point that I'll have to dance around....

Who actually owns the group name of "STYX."
Dennis was replaced on keyboard and a new drummer was found...


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And, I just won another poker tournament.
$2,000,000 of play money ain't worth squat in the real world. Dig?
Guess I better go to bed now and get an hour or two of sleep.

And the poster of the KU Championship that I posted from 1988 now has 78 likes and 5 shares.
Imagine that!

Y'all be good, hear?



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well they were there

Yep, I now see 26, 13 plus parts hehe good one Johnny

Raise your hand if you are excited about 2018 Shark Week, 30 year anniversary!!!!!!! I am!!!!


Yes I’ve had a couple close calls, but the sharks knew I am called “ The Shark Man of the Delta” So they didn’t bite me. Quick story many years ago I was fishing off the pier at Myrtle Beach ( wife’s family has had condo there for about 40 years) I caught about a 3 foot Lemon Shark. I bit it on the nose and threw it back in. Wife said “ why did you do that?” I said “ if I was in the water, he would’ve bit me. So I struck first! You’re crazy she says.....

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Not for the weak of heart

Dang everybody on summer vacation?

nope i had MMA camp all day and tomorrow too

Awesome gold boy!!!

i am sore today was grappling tomorrow is striking

Excellent. I love MMA!

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