You be careful there Johnny...... gravity you might not like it, but it’s the law.... hehe


Scotty you have 45's headed your way. Condition? Well a lot do not have sleeves. Jackets. Holders. The things the records are sposed to be in!!!! I will at least separate them with paper towels? Unless you have a better idea...

I have bought and sold many 78 rpm's and 33 rpm's and of course shipping is a dilemma.....

I have found that pizza boxes work very well depending on how many are shipped.
I separate each disc with bubble wrap, tape it closed and then wrap it like a Christmas present with a brown grocery bag that I split.
Yes, you can still get paper grocery bags at the store, but, you gotta know which store and you gotta ask for them....

Be Well, my Friend!



I'm still impressed with the "coffin' that you shipped our Gibson 12 string in.

Stopped at the local "Wally World" yesterday after work and got my fishing license. :thumbsup:

This coming Tuesday morning, I'll arrive early at Veteran's Court with the sole mission to catch Judge Roberts before court to discuss my plan for the Fishing Trip for the guys. I will seek his input and request that I be allowed to speak before the Court of the plan.
I will ask the group if there is any interest and if so, would any others be interested in helping. Certainly we will need grill masters to keep the hot dogs and burgers supplied and also an "Official" Judge for the competition.
Perhaps Judge Roberts will be in attendance AND Be The Judge!

Depending on the responses that I receive on Tuesday, I will either proceed further in the acquisition of "Prizes" and talking to those at work for assistance. Or not.

I have a feeling though, that a lot of the cost will be paid for by me.

That's fine. I will gladly pay for my Vet Brothers to share an afternoon with Friends that they will likely never forget! :notworthy:

Hope all have a GREAT Weekend!



Now then, where did I put my rods and reels?
I KNOW that I got a whole tackle box of lures, rubber worms and such around here somewhere....:icon_scratch:

I'm more of a midnight cat fishing guy on a river bank.....
Carrying a .357 for snakes, wolves and....

Perhaps I've told the story of a particular trip on the Wakarusa River with my second wife in tow....

Oh. I've told the story?

You want to hear it again?

It gets funnier every time that I tell it.....
At least to me....

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I have bought and sold many 78 rpm's and 33 rpm's and of course shipping is a dilemma.....

I have found that pizza boxes work very well depending on how many are shipped.
I separate each disc with bubble wrap, tape it closed and then wrap it like a Christmas present with a brown grocery bag that I split.
Yes, you can still get paper grocery bags at the store, but, you gotta know which store and you gotta ask for them....

Be Well, my Friend!



I'm still impressed with the "coffin' that you shipped our Gibson 12 string in.

I wanted it to arrive in the condition it left in...That seems like improper English...
45's? They are not mint so......

OK. Stop twisting my arm. Here's the story:

When I was married to my second wife and living in Kansas,
I knew of the BEST cat fishing locations on the Wakarusa river, south of Lawrence.
My Grandfather, my Uncle and my Pap showed me how, when and where to catfish.

I fished every night after work.
Well, one night after work, I told Ruth, "I'm going fishing."
She boldly said, "I'm coming with you."

I looked at her and said, "OK. Get clothes on that you'd rather throw away than wash, we'll get you some bug spray and let's do it!"

So, I had 2 butter tubs of chicken liver bait ready, we got bug spray and away we went to my "secret" fishing spot about 10 pm.
I parked and we walked about a quarter of a mile across a corn field that I had permission to be at from the owner for the last 20 or so years and finally reached the river. Of course, it is dark.

I led the way and had to wait several times for her to catch up....

Negotiating the slippery bank down to the river, I found the spot that I wanted to sit and cast my lines.

I have 2 lines cast and have a strong bite on one and here she comes.

Sliding on her ass down the river bank into the water, spilling her bucket of bait and gear and I said,
Dammit! Be quiet! I got a bite!"

Yeah. She wasn't too happy.

She climbed out of the river, went back to the truck and NEVER wanted to go fishing with me again. :dontknow:



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I wanted it to arrive in the condition it left in...That seems like improper English...
45's? They are not mint so......

Try this for proper English....

"I want them to arrive in the condition that they were sent."

Yeah, I always got "A's" on my written college thesis papers....




I got some bad news and some GREAT news.

First, the bad news...

I don't have a black T shirt for you.

And, the Great news?

I got a red shirt AND a black shirt coming your way!

I just thought that you might want to have your Grandson share in your winning!

I'll have them in the mail early this coming week.

Be Well, my Brother!

Best Wishes,


History buff, eh? Let's go! Pick an era, pose a question. I don't need Google....I've lived a lot of history....Perhaps I've mentioned that I was selected to appear on "Jeopardy" but I didn't want to fly to California. I still have the letter sent to me requesting my appearance. I can provide a photo....I told Tristan just today that when one plays the fool, they might just be playing....Dig?


"And, let's have a warm round of applause for one whom is winning, My Friend and yours, Mr. Two Green Feet!"


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Yesterday I turned seventy-two, the oldest age achieved by any male in the history of my family. My two younger brothers are both dead. I had a grandmother who made it to eighty-four. My mother made it to sixty-two, received her first social security check and died a few days later and the SS, withdrew the money from her account. GO FIGURE! Well, since I was reported killed in Viet Nam, maybe God checked me off his list and now I have a free pass. I would, from time to time, run into old friends who would say that they had heard I was dead. I would say something like "Must have been some other good looking guy." It would make a good movie, anyway. So, I am checking in to let you know I am still with you for the time being.

OK. Stop twisting my arm. Here's the story:

When I was married to my second wife and living in Kansas,
I knew of the BEST cat fishing locations on the Wakarusa river, south of Lawrence.
My Grandfather, my Uncle and my Pap showed me how, when and where to catfish.

I fished every night after work.
Well, one night after work, I told Ruth, "I'm going fishing."
She boldly said, "I'm coming with you."

I looked at her and said, "OK. Get clothes on that you'd rather throw away than wash, we'll get you some bug spray and let's do it!"

So, I had 2 butter tubs of chicken liver bait ready, we got bug spray and away we went to my "secret" fishing spot about 10 pm.
I parked and we walked about a quarter of a mile across a corn field that I had permission to be at from the owner for the last 20 or so years and finally reached the river. Of course, it is dark.

I led the way and had to wait several times for her to catch up....

Negotiating the slippery bank down to the river, I found the spot that I wanted to sit and cast my lines.

I have 2 lines cast and have a strong bite on one and here she comes.

Sliding on her ass down the river bank into the water, spilling her bucket of bait and gear and I said,
Dammit! Be quiet! I got a bite!"

Yeah. She wasn't too happy.

She climbed out of the river, went back to the truck and NEVER wanted to go fishing with me again. :dontknow:



First ex-wife ,dark night.
Walking the faint narrow path through the heavy growth of swamp grasses on the edge of the river delta towards the railroad trestle destination ....I held the lantern and had her walk ahead of me with just enough light to see where she was stepping.
She screamed while turning ,jumping , and running in place; about to run me over. I leaned around her with the lantern held at arms length.
A very confused mallard hen sat blinking perplexed on her resting spot for the night......

Johnny that’s funny........ Scott we don’t need shirts, but thank you my friend!!!

Joke of the day — At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. "Isn't it true," he bellowed, "that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?"

The witness stared out the window as though he hadn't heard the question.

"Isn't it true that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?" the lawyer repeated.

The witness still did not respond.

Finally, the judge leaned over and said, "Sir, please answer the question."

"Oh," the startled witness said, "I thought he was talking to you."

Scott, since we are talking about Lincoln’s death, where did Dr Samuel Mudd do his time and what happened to him? I’ve been there a few times....

Joke of the day — At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. "Isn't it true," he bellowed, "that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?"

The witness stared out the window as though he hadn't heard the question.

"Isn't it true that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?" the lawyer repeated.

The witness still did not respond.

Finally, the judge leaned over and said, "Sir, please answer the question."

"Oh," the startled witness said, "I thought he was talking to you."

haha funny its like the bumper sticker i saw today it said Don't steal the government hates competition

Welcome to late night radio. 100,000 watts bouncin' of the atmosphere...
Blast from the past!! past.. .. ..


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Joke of the day, for Scott....... I was meeting a friend in a bar and as I went in, I noticed two pretty girls looking at me.

"Nine," I heard one whisper as I passed.

Feeling pleased with myself, I swaggered over to my buddy and told him a girl had just rated me a nine out of ten.

"I don't want to ruin it for you," he said, "but when I walked in, they were speaking German."

Joke of the day, for Scott....... I was meeting a friend in a bar and as I went in, I noticed two pretty girls looking at me.

"Nine," I heard one whisper as I passed.

Feeling pleased with myself, I swaggered over to my buddy and told him a girl had just rated me a nine out of ten.

"I don't want to ruin it for you," he said, "but when I walked in, they were speaking German."


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My mother just rolled out of surgery. She’s having clamps put on her spine..... I begged her not to.

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