Also, about that time, a popular band was, "The Average White Band."
My Friends' color or ethnicity make no difference to me.
I was one of the only "white" people to be welcome in a socially closed group of that era....
Once, years ago, I met up with a poor Black family in Georgia.
I don't remember particulars, only the general time period.
Anyway, I was picking up aluminum cans and saw a guy who was employed in the same endeavors as I.
He didn't have as many cans as I did, but, we struck up a conversation and decided to pool our resources.
After we cashed in our bounty, he invited me to share a meal with him and his Family.
I agreed.
We went to his home, that he shared with his Mom and 3 siblings.
Well, before dinner, we had to gather some greens from their meager garden....
Friends, I know of hard times but I have never really had to provide for anyone else but myself.
We gathered the greens and, with the can money, we were able to buy a fresh chicken and a bag of rice.
His Mama got out her cast iron skillet and performed magic!
A meal that I'll never forget.....
After the dinner, he brought out an old, beat-up guitar....
I tuned it as best that I could and played simple tunes and we made up words to accompany the chords.
After awhile,
As it was getting late,
I bid the Family Good Wishes, and went into the night, to try to find my way for another day....
Even today, I sit at my Friend's house to share a Thanksgiving meal.
Yes, he is Black.
And I am White.
Does it matter?
We are both Men created by the same God.
We are equal.
Any questions?
My Friends always fondly called me, "AWB."
"Average White Boy."
Think about it...
The protests of Viet-Nam, racial unrest, Nixon just resigned as President.....
A very turbulent time in American history.
Yet, ole Scotty cruised along with his music.
I learned to play some chords on a piano, after teaching myself how to play a guitar right-handed,
started writing down words in a notebook, to put some of those chords to,
and have only looked back with fondness as to where I am today.
Have you ever walked along a road, hitch-hiking, while playing a guitar?
I have.
So, If you don't like my music......Get the funk outta my face. Dig?
Some Kansas and Steve Walsh...
Listen to the words...It is my story.....
I cannot forget whence my education comes from.
Nor can I forget my Friends.
More importantly, I must remember my enemies...
for they plan for my demise 24-7....
Yet, they have no idea whom they fark with....
Bring it!
I'm "Locked and loaded!"
Come git ya some of this....
"You look scared.
I've looked into the eyes of many...
I see fear in your eyes.
Don't play me.....
Well, I guess that we've all been scared once in our life.
But, now, your being scared is real.
If you attempt to draw, you will die.
I'm standing before you now because I can.
I have never lost."
Do you feel "Lucky?"
"Well, Punk, do you feel lucky?"
Time to throw some rounds through my pistols.....Dig?