I found it!

Jayhawk puzzle 002.webp

Jayhawk puzzle 003.webp

The guy in the picture was my Friend who drove a bus on KU. I kept his "Jam Box" righteous and he always had the BEST music as one would ride from one end of the Campus to the other for classes.
Sometimes a great song would be playing when he got to my stop and I'd ride the "round" again just to hear the music.
Yeah, sometimes I was late to a class....

Turn it up for Rockin' Ron!

This was played at his funeral.....

The students called him, "Rockin' Ron."
I called him my Brother.....

We bonded quickly when I learned that he was a Viet Nam Vet.
Sadly, he passed several years ago....

Hope all are well.



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Got the Epiphone yesterday! :headbang:

Beautiful Guitar!
Thanks OV!
Pictures soon....

Also got the shipment of a new batch of 12 pounds of foreign coins from a different source.
I spread them out and my eye immediately saw a 1930 Silver Greek 20 Drachma!
I'm in the process of sorting them and then will add them to my "swap" list at Numista.
I think that this shipment will put me close to 10,000 coins for swapping with others worldwide to hopefully get some coins to fill holes in my personal collection.
I'll provide a list later of countries represented in this mixture.



I have paid again for another's Charter Membership.

However, the wheels move slowly....

Soon, we will have another "Critter" among us enjoying Charter Status! :hello2:

Y'all be good and do good!


As a reminder of the "Wolf Pack," of which I was originally named as Ambassador of here at "Crispin's Critters,"
I offer this....

If one has any questions as to the origin of "Crispin's Critters,"
this link says it all, in my opinion......
Many here are players from years ago.
Some are new and stand strong with their ideas....
I think that I speak for all, as the Wolf Pack Ambassador, that all are Welcome, regardless of your opinion.
We all have an opinion.
Let's discuss it civilly!

But, I'd rather talk about recipes.....once having been a Kitchen Manager of a Sorority....
I am currently drying a half-dozen "skunk eggs" (onions) about the size of softballs.
I find that once dried and crushed, they take up less room and last much longer.
Yeah, summer is coming!

Got your grill ready?
What's your favorite "Go To" grill item?
Shannon is talking about a 60 pound suckling pig to slow cook come the 4th of July.
Ole Scotty says that he will supply any side dishes like baked beans, 'tater salad, deviled eggs, wait, what?
'Tater salad?

Yeah, one time I was going to play on stage at the Bottleneck in Lawrence, Kansas, and I showed up at the door wearing a hat, carrying my Ovation....
A big ole boy stopped me at the door.
I was told that there was a "Dress Code" for this establishment...."No hats allowed."
I set my guitar down and asked the doorman to repeat what he said.
Immediately I saw two gorillas approach me....
One to the left, one to the right....
They grabbed my arms.....Big mistake.
After I finished kicking the bouncers' asses, yes, two of them, the owner ran over and calmed the scene...
It was calmed by then 'cause there weren't any more bouncers....Dig?
I then picked up my guitar, walked in, wearing my hat, and tuned up....

I then later went on stage and played my original songs!
The crowd loved it!

I got a full tank of gas ready, but, I'd much rather cook on an open campfire, Dig?
"Coffee is ready. How do you like your omelette? MY! What a beautiful sunrise!"
How 'bout a "Misty Mountain Hop?"
My version of an omelette....
Three eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese,a pinch of hot stuff, and a fair amount of rashers and toast...

If you ever have to depend on someone for your next meal, Ole Scotty should come to mind, Dig?

Saving a life....



I saved a life a few years ago...
One whom I didn't know...
Whom I never met.
One whom would have died if not for me.....
I performed artificial respiration and saved a life.
I do not know their name, nor is it important.....
But, I know that if not for me.....


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if i knew there was thread like that AU24K i would of joined it because i'm against it to

i've seen that movie it funny

yea i wonder but it still is funny

2GF: I am a collector of knives mostly military mostly used and all have stories to tell. I will post some pictures when I can figure how to turn on the thumbnail pics.

Some of my Used British Commando knives:

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Johnny I love these knives you have pictured. What did you think of mine? I really like the Benchmade knives.

Well ****....... I was playing basketball with the boys today........ I’ve broken 3 ribs and cracked one. Same ribs I broke about 10 years ago when training in MMA. Every breath hurts........ but the bad news is my grandsons favorite fish I bought him for his birthday, did a death spiral into the log in the fish tank. It’s now belly up........ I face that when I wake up...... he LOVED that fish........ Lord guide my words......


Good luck with consoling your grandson. I'm sure you'll find the appropriate words.

Regards + HH


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Well ****....... I was playing basketball with the boys today........ I’ve broken 3 ribs and cracked one. Same ribs I broke about 10 years ago when training in MMA. Every breath hurts........ but the bad news is my grandsons favorite fish I bought him for his birthday, did a death spiral into the log in the fish tank. It’s now belly up........ I face that when I wake up...... he LOVED that fish........ Lord guide my words......

i take MMA too it can be a little rough sometimes but i don't care i get right back up and go. Sorry about the fish too

Gold boy, I use to train with Militech fighting systems of Florida, then when that gym closed I picked up BJJ. How about you friend?

i do bjj to i love it i feel i'm more safe since i've started doing it i actually have a tournament the 14th hope i place

Well ****....... I was playing basketball with the boys today........ I’ve broken 3 ribs and cracked one. Same ribs I broke about 10 years ago when training in MMA. Every breath hurts........ but the bad news is my grandsons favorite fish I bought him for his birthday, did a death spiral into the log in the fish tank. It’s now belly up........ I face that when I wake up...... he LOVED that fish........ Lord guide my words......

Them ribs gonna haunt you for a month... or longer.

Fish can be quite fickle.....

2GF: That is a nice collection of knives. Also, sorry about the fish, you spend so much time in the water you probably considered him a brother.

I see that the Charter Membership has been applied! :thumbsup:

Yesterday, Tristan and I went to Johnny's BBQ for lunch.
I ordered first and he ordered the same thing;
Started with an appetizer called, "Redneck Eggrolls," then a "Whole Hog " BBQ sandwich, the endless salad bar and sweet tea.

About half way through the appetizer, we heard a choking, coughing sound from across the dining room.
Sounded like a child...
I immediately dropped my fork and ran over to see if anyone needed help.
A young boy, about 8-9 years old was coughing and trying to catch his breath and a couple of servers were already there.
I asked if everything was OK....
The child was able to speak so I knew then that he was alright.
Tristan and I went back to our table and I said, "I think that it should be mandatory for all restaurant employees to know the Heimlich Maneuver."
He agreed.

When we left, I patted my stomach and it sounded like a ripe watermelon!

Used up all of the gift card and I played a $10 bill for a tip....8-)

Hope all are enjoying their weekend!



As much as I would like to pay for everyone's Charter Membership, I cannot.
If you would like to help me to facilitate other Charter Memberships, please PM me.

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If anyone is interested in making pasta from hand this website should fit the bill. Lots of different types of handmade pasta courtesy of Italian grannies.



I just paid for another Charter Membership.

I will pay for Charter Memberships for those that I believe positively contribute to Treasurenet.

Y'all be good to one another, hear?

My Best wishes to all!


Y'all sing along...You know the words....

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