I'm not worried about a government takeover. MUCH more worried about the possibility of Civil War 2.0...coming VERY soon unless a whole lot of stuff changes really quickly.

S-Elf: I live in Mississippi and the "Civil War" has never ended here. That is why Mississippi is #50, and Alabama #49's motto is "At Least We Are Not Mississippi."

"Strange But True" You ever run in to someone over and over in your life? Saw wife #4, for the first time when I was twelve. Next time I saw her I was seventeen. Next, thirty. Did not meet until I was thirty-two and I was married to wife # 3. Wives #1, 2 and 3, could not remember who they were married to and after, I filed for divorce we stared dating and the rest is history.

When I was in the 82nd Airborne, there was a guy who hung out in the break room and did not have anything on his fatigue jacket except his name. Everyone thought it was strange. He was always bumming drinks and cigarettes. I transferred to a Pathfinder unit and a few moths later we got a new 2nd Lt. It was the same guy. I had one of those unit books with his picture in it and after I showed it to some of the guys, the book was stolen. Anyway I was caught out of the pass limits, busted down and sent to the 11th Air Assault. About three years later, after my release from the hospital I was medically discharged and later looked at the discharge. It was signed by the same A-Hole.

A friend I have known for years, worked together and both moved far away, saw my van on the interstate and started blowing his horn. I pulled over and he told me he was on his way back to Tennessee. We talked for awhile and went our separate ways. About a year ago I was at the VA and went out to smoke while my wife waited inside. I came back and she said there was a guy with the same name as my long lost friend in the office ahead of me. When he came out I asked if his name was First and Last name, he said yes. I asked again First Middle and Last name. He said yes, do I know you? I showed him my right hand and he knew exactly who I was. After he retired he moved to the same county not even knowing I was there.

At least six other childhood friends live within fifteen miles from me, despite growing up over 100 miles away.


Welcome aboard as you can see the thread has been around for 5 years or so and kind off mutated in just a place for folks to hang out and have some fun.

Regards + HH


I'm not worried about a government takeover. MUCH more worried about the possibility of Civil War 2.0...coming VERY soon unless a whole lot of stuff changes really quickly.

The quote from Shakespeare you're paraphrasing is from Hamlet and the actual quote is "The lady doth protests to much....methinks".

Regards + HH


Yes, Bill, you are correct.
I DID say, "a vague quote...."



You win a million internet points!

As far as swinging my beep stick over the weekend, I actually bought another one that was offered for sale on one of the Facebook "Buy, Sell, etc" groups.
I now have 5 metal detectors.

It's another oldie but a goodie.

I already have a Garrett "Fortune Hunter TR" made between 1979-1981 and I like it alot.


(Helpful image. Not mine-image from Google...You know, that IS MINE! Found on a Google Search! I recognize the "Garrett" label scuffs! And I had labeled the switches. I think I actually posted this photo somewhere here on Treasurenet!)

So, I jumped on a Garrett "American S3" made between 1982-1983.


(Helpful image. Not mine-image from Google)

I then went to a park close to where I live to give it a test drive....

Works Perfectly!

At the park, I met a guy and his girlfriend and got to talking about locations.
He said he's a local and has some ideas....

We later connected on Facebook and I hope to soon put one of the Garretts in his hand and go find the good stuff!

Y'all Take Care.



It's rumbling, grumbling from the sky outside of my door tonight....
The weather "guessers" predict severe storms overnight.
We'll see......

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Got "Veteran's Court" in the morning.
Better get some sleep.
I'll see about leading the Court in "The Pledge of Allegiance." :thumbsup:

So, should I salute during the "Pledge of Allegiance?"
Though I'm not in uniform?
I feel that I should....
I believe that it is a sign of respect that only a Veteran in "civvies" should be allowed.



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Just put in a bid for 10 pounds of mixed foreign for $60 shipped from a different source on one of the Facebook groups I follow.

We'll see if it is accepted.....




10 pounds are coming my way for $65! :headbang:

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What the hell is wrong with ole Scotty?

I just messaged Marsha about going skydiving with Jesy and me.....

Oh well, she probably won't go.
I'm still trying to get her to go shooting with me.

Some folks would think that one is more dangerous than the other....but which one? :dontknow:

(Silly Scott, Everyone knows that ALL women are Dangerous! :tongue3:)



I've got the sheet music with chords around here somewhere.
I once could play this but would have to find the tabs to play it again....
Or, I could pick it up again by ear....

(Are those Rickenbackers? Why, Yes. Yes they are! Serious drooling going on here....)

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A Monday...
First thing at work today, the computer ran out of ink and I was not able to print out the usual sheets of jack PM's including battery waterings.

So Shannon said, "Water all of the 24 Volt jack batteries and all of the 36 volt Forklift batteries that are fully charged."
I said, "Sure!...."

Outside of the maintenance shop are located the chargers for the 24 volt batteries that the jacks use.
Around the corner are about thirty-forty 36 volt forklift battery chargers.

Typically, there are 50-60 jacks feeding on chargers when I arrive at work.

On any given day, I have to plug in 10-20 jacks and at least 10 forklift batteries that the day shift is too lazy to plug up.

Well, I have grown tired of plugging in jacks.
I have grown tired of removing debris from the battery compartments.
I have grown tired of the stickers and trash on the jacks.
I have even seen chargers plugged directly into the jacks instead of the batteries!

I waited until the second shift Supervisor, Johnny, came in and called him over.

I said,
"Johnny, tell these knuckleheads to plug in the jacks to charge so that I can water the batteries!
Tell them to NOT put crap in the battery compartments.
Tell them to not put stickers and trash on the jacks.
And, by all means, DON'T plug the chargers into the jacks directly!
Tell them if they want Scotty to respect them, they better respect the jacks!"

Johnny said,
"You know that the selectors come looking for you when they have an issue.
I'll tell them that if they piss you off, they are screwed."

Johnny will get the message across.....:headbang:

I then went about my usual "Git 'Er Done" routine...Including Drive tire replacements, caster wheel replacements, load wheel replacements, brake adjustments and building maintenance like fluorescent light replacements.
The Guard at the Post called me and I responded to a driver who had run out of gas in a delivery van. I took a gas can to them.
Then, a Supervisor called me that a dock door wasn't operating properly. I replaced the chain pull onto the sprocket.
Then, I assembled a 4 unit office cubicle including desk tops and overhead lights.
Then, I hear Johnny holler, " SCOTTY!"
The automatic Rytek door to the refrigerated dock is out of kilter.
I put on a "fall harness," ride a cherry picker to the top of the door and put it back into it's groove.
Yeah, Scotty does it all.

Who knows what fun awaits me tomorrow.... :icon_scratch:

I requested a day off this week to apply for enrollment for this Fall Semester towards my Bachelor's Degree.
Possibly Wednesday or Thursday.....
I'm wondering which is easier....
Work or academics?
I'm guessing that work is easier....
But, if accepted towards my Academics,
I'll have to do BOTH!


OK. One more Supertramp before I attempt an hour or two of sleep.....

"Ah, but sleep is just an escape of life." ©Scott


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"Let us forego sleep just a bit longer, shall we?
Until the morning light crashes my window sill.....
The darkness shall not dampen my spirit and resolve,
Nor that of my strength of will."

"When others heed to the call of sleep,
There are those who are yet awaken.....
Let not you be troubled by the darkness of the night,
For America is never Forsaken."


God Bless America's Vets and Active Service Members! :notworthy:


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Got "Veteran's Court" in the morning.
Better get some sleep.
I'll see about leading the Court in "The Pledge of Allegiance." :thumbsup:

So, should I salute during the "Pledge of Allegiance?"
Though I'm not in uniform?
I feel that I should....
I believe that it is a sign of respect that only a Veteran in "civvies" should be allowed.



Actually, it IS allowed for veterans under two laws from the last 9 years.
That being said, I think it would be inappropriate for the person "leading" the pledge to do so while setting the example for others.

Additionally, Navy and Marines are not supposed to salute while in civvies, active duty or vet, according to their traditions. That holds true for the Pledge as well as the National Anthem.

I do salute during the anthem, pledge, raising and lowering the flag, and the flag passing during ceremonies...

Army Stong! (...but wife in the Chair Force!)

I have attended approximately 14 High School baseball games this year I am proud to announce that ALL student athletes have STOOD UP during the playing of our national anthem.

Thought for today— this is for my daughter, son and wife —Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret.

A Monday...
First thing at work today, the computer ran out of ink and I was not able to print out the usual sheets of jack PM's including battery waterings.

So Shannon said, "Water all of the 24 Volt jack batteries and all of the 36 volt Forklift batteries that are fully charged."
I said, "Sure!...."

Outside of the maintenance shop are located the chargers for the 24 volt batteries that the jacks use.
Around the corner are about thirty-forty 36 volt forklift battery chargers.

Typically, there are 50-60 jacks feeding on chargers when I arrive at work.

On any given day, I have to plug in 10-20 jacks and at least 10 forklift batteries that the day shift is too lazy to plug up.

Well, I have grown tired of plugging in jacks.
I have grown tired of removing debris from the battery compartments.
I have grown tired of the stickers and trash on the jacks.
I have even seen chargers plugged directly into the jacks instead of the batteries!

I waited until the second shift Supervisor, Johnny, came in and called him over.

I said,
"Johnny, tell these knuckleheads to plug in the jacks to charge so that I can water the batteries!
Tell them to NOT put crap in the battery compartments.
Tell them to not put stickers and trash on the jacks.
And, by all means, DON'T plug the chargers into the jacks directly!
Tell them if they want Scotty to respect them, they better respect the jacks!"

Johnny said,
"You know that the selectors come looking for you when they have an issue.
I'll tell them that if they piss you off, they are screwed."

Johnny will get the message across.....:headbang:

I then went about my usual "Git 'Er Done" routine...Including Drive tire replacements, caster wheel replacements, load wheel replacements, brake adjustments and building maintenance like fluorescent light replacements.
The Guard at the Post called me and I responded to a driver who had run out of gas in a delivery van. I took a gas can to them.
Then, a Supervisor called me that a dock door wasn't operating properly. I replaced the chain pull onto the sprocket.
Then, I assembled a 4 unit office cubicle including desk tops and overhead lights.
Then, I hear Johnny holler, " SCOTTY!"
The automatic Rytek door to the refrigerated dock is out of kilter.
I put on a "fall harness," ride a cherry picker to the top of the door and put it back into it's groove.
Yeah, Scotty does it all.

Who knows what fun awaits me tomorrow.... :icon_scratch:

I requested a day off this week to apply for enrollment for this Fall Semester towards my Bachelor's Degree.
Possibly Wednesday or Thursday.....
I'm wondering which is easier....
Work or academics?
I'm guessing that work is easier....
But, if accepted towards my Academics,
I'll have to do BOTH!


OK. One more Supertramp before I attempt an hour or two of sleep.....

"Ah, but sleep is just an escape of life." ©Scott

I have been in the practice of watering prior to charging. To avoid charging a low leveled cell with exposed plates , and to ensure a better blended electrolyte during the process.

But it has been awhile except for the golfcart and yard toys, and battery designs and durabilities do vary.

Reads like you ain't slacking at work!

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