Ok 45 Johnny....... MLB scouts showed up to watch the pitcher pitching against us. I was introduced to the scouts and I told them forget that guy, you’re here for my grandson, number 1. They laughed. We won 4-3....... my grandson scored 2 of those points, both while stealing Home!!!!!!!!!

Oh lord...... I just heard a helo with 7 people on board crashed in Western Iraq killing all 7 on board....

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Hard year so far.........

Why? Just one damn question. Why is everybody’s problems, trials and tribulations always more than yours? Why????????????? I’m tired, very tired.....


Well when you hear about people having a rougher time than yourself if you put it in the proper perspective it lightens your own burdens somewhat...think about it in a positive light.

Regards + HH


Just eat some more infested sushi and walk it off. ( Hide under chair icon).

I finally got my sushi bazooka today! :hello2:

I had ordered one from eBay, from China, way back before Christmas. Remember?
I never got it so I requested a refund and got the refund.

I then ordered another from someone else.
From China...
sushi bazooka 001.webp

I'll be trying it out this weekend!
Need to pick up some fresh salmon, tuna, an avocado and some Kikkoman[SUP]©[/SUP].
I already have what I need for home-made crab rangoons....
Maybe some jumbo tiger shrimp for a stir fry in the wok? Peanut oil? CHECK!
I think that tomorrow I will have a fine meal. :headbang:
Saki? Perhaps....OK. YES!

I've much to do this weekend.

Since no one replied to my query about the bushes, I'll take some samples to local garden centers for ID and pruning info.
I also have a few boxes of books to donate to a local organization that has a store for retail sales and works with handicapped folks.
(Another potential opportunity to volunteer?)
I sure hate to part with books, but they are some that I've read enough times that I don't want or need to read them again.
Of course they are non-fiction and reference....
Also, a trip to the Post Office to mail more coins to 2GF for his "Great Treasure Hunt."

Then, I have a few hours set aside for a "Garage Cleaning."
I will make up several boxes to sell on the Facebook groups that I moderate or am a member and the one I have created;
Electrical goods such as wiring, switches, outlets, boxes, etc.
Plumbing goods to include fittings, copper pipe, valves, etc.
and MANY other misc items.

I also will go to a pawn shop that I frequent to see if they have any new tools that I want.
And a pistol or two....

Also think I'll go to Pendergrass Flea Market and fight the crowd in search of tools...
Pendergrass Flea Market

I'll also see my Friend at the coin booth and make an offer on ALL of his foreign coins in his "25 cents each or 5 for a dollar box."
I'll offer to buy by weight....

This time of year seems to put a "spring" in one's step...
Spring cleaning!

And, time permitting,
I'll go swing my beep stick for a couple of hours.
I have a spot in mind.....

Hope all have a Great Weekend!



Anyone notice a new ad on TV for Applebee's[SUP]©[/SUP] using this song?

They must love Ovations as much as I do....

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This is a video of the one and only reunion concert by Pink Floyd.



This is a video of the one and only reunion concert by Pink Floyd.

Thanks, Bill. :headbang:

We all know that you are here with songs that make one's day.
Sometimes with uncanny insight....

There are days that I "check in" here but don't post.
I check in to see what music that you may have posted.
I especially enjoy tunes that are new to me.
Many times, I have "checked in," having no intention of posting, but your musical selections "tickled my fancy" and caused me to post....

Keep on "tickling the Fancy" of me and of our Friends.

"A day without your music postings is a day that is lost...."

Be Well, my Friend!

Best Wishes,


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Just issued a "challenge" to my Friend about skydiving.
Her Birthday is the first week of April....

If you are afraid to jump and don't want to check off a bucket list item, I understand. But, down the road, will you regret not challenging death by gravity? I'm going to make the jump and I want a Friend to share the opportunity to piss their pants with me. Are you in?


We'll see....

I haven't told her that I've jumped before.
I'll play that it is my first time also.

Yeah, Scotty is an ass....
I just want to see her scream!

Is that wrong of me? :dontknow:

She was the Manager of one of the Dominos that I worked at when I returned to my College academics.
She was there when I walked across the stage to receive my Degree.
I love her like a Sister.
Therefore, I'll be as evil to her as a sister! LOL!



If you are afraid to jump and don't want to check off a bucket list item, I understand. But, down the road, will you regret not challenging death by gravity? I'm going to make the jump and I want a Friend to share the opportunity to piss their pants with me. Are you in?
If you are afraid to jump and don't want to check off a bucket list item, I understand. But, down the road, will you regret not challenging death by gravity? I'm going to make the jump and I want a Friend to share the opportunity to piss their pants with me. Are you in?


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Got a line on a "Hi Point" .9 mm.

They want $150.
Only one mag. No holster. Sight unseen...
I'll flash a $100.

Details later....


Just got a pic or two....


Short, sweet...

Yeah, a Franklin offered....
But, Hi-Points need constant maintenance....Just like Harleys...Dig?

I'll suggest that we go shooting....
I'll supply the ammo....

And, when you realize what is going down....It will be too late!

Recognize the band?

Tommy Shaw from Styx.
Ted Nugent.
Jack Blades.
Michael Cortellone,

Damn Yankees!

Marsha offers the weapon for sale....

I sadly see a connection with Marsha.

I do not want to love another woman, yet, she is what I've always thought a woman should be.....
Camping? I'll ask.

Someone please kick some sense into me!


No need, Friends.....

I just remembered that I always do better for myself when I am on my own and do for myself.
I do not need "baggage."

How do you feel when you are at the mercy of someone else? HUH?

I may be alone, but I am NEVER lonely!


Another Friend for sure!

Maybe $125.
But, we GOTTA go shooting!
Y'all know that Scotty will watch every move that she makes....
For one reason or another....
It is my business to know things.

"Doth our Friend, 'Scotty' think too much?"

HA!~ I slipped in a vague Shakespearean reference....
Anyone with literary knowledge, please supply the quote to the literary origin and win untold interweb points!
I heard at least a million!

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A "Surprise" visit at work today from Steve, the "Safety Nerd" from work.
At the time, I had a Crown double jack flipped on her side, changing a riser, the chops and a tenon kit.
Yeah, I have a name for all my Jacks.
This one, I call, "Black Betty."

Still, as I lay on my back making love to "Black Betty," others come to me.....
"I Need my load wheels repaired."
"I need a new drive tire."
"Senor Grandpa, you can help me, yes?"

I rise, bump fists and say, "I'm your guy. Take a number."

Then, I work my fool ass off and miss my lunch break.

I've missed lunch break all this week except Tuesday....
I have 4-5 hours of overtime just in the last week....

Questions asked by Steve the Nerd were...
(Oh, crap...)

"Explain the use of fire extinguishers."

(My "Wheel House!")
I stepped forward and said, "PASS."

He looked at me with a puzzled look....

I said,

"Pull." Pull the pin.
"Aim." Aim the direction of the extinguisher.
"Squeeze" Squeeze the handle of the unit.
"Sweep." Sweep the direction of the discharge from the extinguisher towards the base of the fire.
Steve looked at me, wounded, and said, What are the uses of the classifications?"
I asked to repeat the question, as everyone looked at me...
He repeated the question, and, I smiled, at attention, as I stated....
"Class A is for trash. Wood and paper."
"Class B is for liquids.
"Class C is for Electrical."

Steve, the nerd, found nothing else to bother us with....

He knew that Scotty was on point....

No one knew that I once held a job that I worked with local Fire Departments and gave training sessions of ABC extinguisher use.
But, my past knowledge made everyone look good. :thumbsup:

Don't play with Scotty....You don't know what you might step into....
Then, I went back to the jack on her side. Betty?


But, remember that Y'all are an inspiration for my daily struggle.
Without my Friends, I am no one...


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Bill, do you want to hear some amazing guitar $hit?
Listen to this.....

Gimme an Ovation or a 12 string Eppy.....
I have many original songs to share.....
My potential?
No one knows....

But, as my Friends know, some day, over the rainbow, we all shall all meet again.......


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Happy St. Patrick's day all.

Might be a short meteoric rise and fall.....but a beer will fall this day. ( Maybe two!).
Been months ,so I'm out of practice.
The war dept./ ladyfriend asked the plan last night when found to not be visiting relatives as prior possibilities had hinted.
" Green beer" was my reply ," and Chinese food if I can get to the restaurant."

Waiting for a call to get an all clear in a friends garage shop for a tractor item refabrication. Tomorrow would be better ,but need to go when his time allows...


I came across this version of Africa by Toto. The chap who posted it somehow redubbed the sound to resemble it being played in an empty shopping mall kind of adds a different twist to it.

Regards + HH




She seems to be an attractive lady....but, if you feel more comfortable being solo just keep the admiration from afar.

Regards + HH


Hey 45 Johnny I’m building a wicked 300 Blackout........ awaiting my Moriariti Armament Upper and my PDW collapsible Stock.


With tomorrow being St Paddy's Day here's some Corrs for you.


The quote from Shakespeare you're paraphrasing is from Hamlet and the actual quote is "The lady doth protests to much....methinks".

Regards + HH


Got a line on a "Hi Point" .9 mm.

They want $150.
Only one mag. No holster. Sight unseen...
I'll flash a $100.

Details later....


Just got a pic or two....


Short, sweet...

Yeah, a Franklin offered....
But, Hi-Points need constant maintenance....Just like Harleys...Dig?

I'll suggest that we go shooting....
I'll supply the ammo....

And, when you realize what is going down....It will be too late!

Recognize the band?

Tommy Shaw from Styx.
Ted Nugent.
Jack Blades.
Michael Cortellone,

Damn Yankees!

Marsha offers the weapon for sale....

I sadly see a connection with Marsha.

I do not want to love another woman, yet, she is what I've always thought a woman should be.....
Camping? I'll ask.

Someone please kick some sense into me!


No need, Friends.....

I just remembered that I always do better for myself when I am on my own and do for myself.
I do not need "baggage."

How do you feel when you are at the mercy of someone else? HUH?

I may be alone, but I am NEVER lonely!


Another Friend for sure!

Maybe $125.
But, we GOTTA go shooting!
Y'all know that Scotty will watch every move that she makes....
For one reason or another....
It is my business to know things.

"Doth our Friend, 'Scotty' think too much?"

HA!~ I slipped in a vague Shakespearean reference....
Anyone with literary knowledge, please supply the quote to the literary origin and win untold interweb points!
I heard at least a million!

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