Scotty Pepper:
Y'all right?

The wind is not bad...( there is a rectangular piece that works the windchime in the small oak tree visible in the right picture in front of truck, and not moving.)
But it is looking like yet another non boating day here......

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RC I promise I won’t tell you it’s 83 degrees today........

There’s a reason Florida is my Home!!!

I have a question to pose for your opinion.

As you know, I follow the news of my hometown.
Back in October, 3 men shot and killed 3 other people, one was an innocent bystander.
This is BIG news in my hometown.

One person posted this in the "comments" at the end of the article in the online version of the local newspaper....

Ya'll with no compassion (which I'm seeing in the Facebook comments)... On one hand, I get it. The triple loss of life is a tragedy that cannot be described in words (the frequency of tragedies like this should never allow us to become apathetic).But also remember: we as the adults of this society failed these young boys, or whoever was ultimately responsible.We failed as policymakers, as educators, as media creators, as citizens whose duty it is to create a society that does not do violence to its children.No child is born with an intention to kill. All children who grow up to commit violence did so because of a toxic culture, a culture without enough guides, without enough safety and security, without enough positive environmental influences, without meaningful rites of passage to guide our youth into adulthood. We failed them. It is true that we are also the product of the wisdom and foolishness of our elders, and what they transmitted to us wasn't enough to prevent more tragedies like this. But somehow, we must resolve to do better.We must live and care as if every child is our own.

I then felt compelled to reply...

Tim, you fail to mention, in all of your blame shifting to everyone else, the real individuals responsible for the failing of these defendants reaching adulthood: Their parents.
If, as a member of society, as you so state, one was to show discipline to these men as a child when they erred, one would be subject to the penalties of the law and the disdain of others as a "meddler." Once, several years ago, if an adult, such as a neighbor, an educator, etc were to encounter a juvenile acting in a behavior that was unacceptable to society, a swat to the bottom and contacting the parents would have assured a correction to the negative behavior. However, in our society now, that option is no longer feasible. Therefore, more responsibility must be assumed by the parent. Unfortunately, there is a growing lack of parental responsibility for various reasons that I will not go into because we all know of those reasons. So, I agree that violence should never be done to children, but, the bulk of responsibility to correct adverse behavior lies primarily with the parents, not society as a whole.

My question is...Am I off base? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for y'all's opinions.


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To blame parents for the actions of their children will ultimately fall short. Not necessarily due to a fault in a childs upbringing in some cases. ( a disorder,drugs,or just a poor decision.)
That is in cases where a parent,or parents,or other( s) made a concerned effort to raise a civil child. Children raised to disrespect law and order may well do just that.

When do we blame a child for their actions when beyond the " control" of their parental figures? At what age are they responsible for their own actions?

Discipline .....has evolved. Physical force is not always a positive ,( think application,timing, ect.) Consider a small woman training horses ,not by brute force.Why does it work?
Consequences are part of discipline. When one is encountered ,does the child know it is the behavior ,not the soul that is at fault?Loss of privilege hurt me more than getting thunked upside the head . And both were applied.
Authority exists. To fight or comply with. Either response carried to extreme might not be my goal in teaching a youth what I think of life. But a civility is required in a civilization.
My principle of using a gun against some one (not trying to kill me or mine and also having the means and ability to do so) as being wrong does not mean everyone thinks that way. Blame their parents? If proven the parents made them pull the trigger ,then to prison with them along with their kid( s).
The consequences are not enough to deter such violence. Obviously. How then do past consequences factor for unrelated discipline?
The gun holder made a choice/ decision. That decision ,and the fault behind it is what I would discipline.
Who does not know what the difference between being wrong or justified self defence is when using deadly force even at a pre-teen age?
Why do people kill innocent people? Why is it tolerated in any culture? Answers may be older that a gunmans parents.

Thanks Scotty.
Now I'm thinking of the things I was told not to do but did anyways........

To blame parents for the actions of their children will ultimately fall short. Not necessarily due to a fault in a childs upbringing in some cases. ( a disorder,drugs,or just a poor decision.)
That is in cases where a parent,or parents,or other( s) made a concerned effort to raise a civil child. Children raised to disrespect law and order may well do just that.

When do we blame a child for their actions when beyond the " control" of their parental figures? At what age are they responsible for their own actions?

Discipline .....has evolved. Physical force is not always a positive ,( think application,timing, ect.) Consider a small woman training horses ,not by brute force.Why does it work?
Consequences are part of discipline. When one is encountered ,does the child know it is the behavior ,not the soul that is at fault?Loss of privilege hurt me more than getting thunked upside the head . And both were applied.
Authority exists. To fight or comply with. Either response carried to extreme might not be my goal in teaching a youth what I think of life. But a civility is required in a civilization.
My principle of using a gun against some one (not trying to kill me or mine and also having the means and ability to do so) as being wrong does not mean everyone thinks that way. Blame their parents? If proven the parents made them pull the trigger ,then to prison with them along with their kid( s).
The consequences are not enough to deter such violence. Obviously. How then do past consequences factor for unrelated discipline?
The gun holder made a choice/ decision. That decision ,and the fault behind it is what I would discipline.
Who does not know what the difference between being wrong or justified self defence is when using deadly force even at a pre-teen age?
Why do people kill innocent people? Why is it tolerated in any culture? Answers may be older that a gunmans parents.

Your opinion is well understood and appreciated.
Thank You for your reply! :notworthy:

A child is always looking for "Boundaries."
They will always test the limitations of those boundaries.
Parental correction and discipline must also encompass learning and discussion of the reasons. Not just a whippin' or "time out."
There MUST also be "Quality time" to show that the parent loves the child and wants the best outcome.
Personally, I have "danced with a belt," administered by a parent who would rather praise me for good behavior than to punish me for my digressions of error.
For me, deterrence was a motivating factor....
I knew that I was loved and I knew what behavior was expected of me.
I knew that if I eschewed expected behavior, I would have another dance....
I danced a lot growing up.....
The most important thing that I can remember is that I enjoyed the praise for the positive rather than the repercussions of the bad.
I learned to think twice about my actions and what would be the end result.....
Conditioned response?

And, yes, I was once spanked in school for bad behavior, after my Mom was contacted for permission.
First or Second grade, I believe....

I also had a neighbor snatch me by the arm once and admonish me.
When I got home, I learned that the neighbor had contacted my parents and related my activity.
Yep. Another dance.

I was somewhat of a slow learner, but I eventually caught on.....
A parent can only provide their best, if they are there, and the rest is up to the individual.


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Well, here we go again.
Buckle up, kids.

I've just approved about 200 requests to join the Facebook group that I moderate....

I got a pot of boiled peanuts simmering with a half of a Carolina Reaper thrown in for diligence and got my finger on the "Delete and Ban" option.

"Let the Fun Begin!"

Did I mention that I'm a glutton for punishment?



Looks like only a half of a "Carolina Reaper" ain't gonna be enough.
Let's up the ante and cut up a WHOLE Reaper and add it into the boiled peanut mix, shall we?

Banned 8 so far. And felt compelled to merely warn 2 others....
But, the night is still young and I'm about to approve another 100 or so....
Still another 300 or more request to join....


"Do you play by the rules? Let's Play then, shall we?"


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Speaking of hot peppers and "Carolina Reaper" peppers,
You might want to check out "Catfish Cooley" on YouTube.

The following Videos have language that may be offensive, but, really, if you ate a Carolina Reaper, or three,
you would be lucky to even speak.....

PLEASE, Y'all, DON'T try this at home!
Leave it to us professional rednecks!
And just enjoy the laughs!



I got a whole plateful of them pepper seeds waitin' to be planted this spring!

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Yeah, them HOT boiled peanuts are finally ready!

reaper 002.webp

Y'all come git ya some!
Bring your own sweat rags!
When's the last time that your HAIR sweated? Your eyes watered?
Your tongue felt like you touched it to a hot fire coal? And, you couldn't breathe?
Wasn't it great!?

Enjoy the BURN!
Them goobers be so hot, make you wanna kick your grandma!

"Bet you can't eat just one...."

And, I've waited all week for this moment! :headbang:

We all have our weaknesses, don't we?


Just banned 6 more.
3 were about "Work at home opportunities," 2 were about "Tax Credits and Credit Repair" and one was about "Weight loss" crap.
You can see that I have no patience with those who can't follow the rules?
They obviously failed to heed my admonishments.....And they paid the price.
"Adieu, Pinheads!"
Perhaps they may find solace on another Facebook Group.....
Always pushing time for losers, 'cause....


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Those you really know me are but a few.
Those who really know me truly understand me.
Those who really understand me I call my Friends.....
Though my peccadilloes may be few, my passions are many....
Do you really know me?
If you do, you are truly my Friend.....
If you say that you understand me, you know that I am always there.
For a Friend, or one in need, and certainly for a Fellow Vet.
That is who I am.
Do you REALLY know me?
Say, "Aye, Scotty!"

Sail on, my Friends, towards the shore of Peace....As we all should.


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