bill from lachine
Platinum Member
When you miss your friend just remember this song.
When you miss your friend just remember this song.
There’s a reason Florida is my Home!!!
To blame parents for the actions of their children will ultimately fall short. Not necessarily due to a fault in a childs upbringing in some cases. ( a disorder,drugs,or just a poor decision.)
That is in cases where a parent,or parents,or other( s) made a concerned effort to raise a civil child. Children raised to disrespect law and order may well do just that.
When do we blame a child for their actions when beyond the " control" of their parental figures? At what age are they responsible for their own actions?
Discipline .....has evolved. Physical force is not always a positive ,( think application,timing, ect.) Consider a small woman training horses ,not by brute force.Why does it work?
Consequences are part of discipline. When one is encountered ,does the child know it is the behavior ,not the soul that is at fault?Loss of privilege hurt me more than getting thunked upside the head . And both were applied.
Authority exists. To fight or comply with. Either response carried to extreme might not be my goal in teaching a youth what I think of life. But a civility is required in a civilization.
My principle of using a gun against some one (not trying to kill me or mine and also having the means and ability to do so) as being wrong does not mean everyone thinks that way. Blame their parents? If proven the parents made them pull the trigger ,then to prison with them along with their kid( s).
The consequences are not enough to deter such violence. Obviously. How then do past consequences factor for unrelated discipline?
The gun holder made a choice/ decision. That decision ,and the fault behind it is what I would discipline.
Who does not know what the difference between being wrong or justified self defence is when using deadly force even at a pre-teen age?
Why do people kill innocent people? Why is it tolerated in any culture? Answers may be older that a gunmans parents.