I've seen snow on Easter.
Went to Georgia one Easter with a friend ,and his Dad had a volunteer pumpkin about a foot diameter growing alongside his compost pile already......
Needless to say I enjoyed the weather!
I left Kansas to avoid snow, ice AND tornadoes.

I once was camping in the North Georgia Mountains when a storm hit and I had to find my tent down a mountain when the storm passed!
Tornadoes were all about the area and hail stones the size of golf balls required me to seek shelter from harm.
Since then, in Georgia, I have seen all of these anomalies.
I can't seem to escape....

Yet, I can endure and succeed!
My past has given me the opportunity that is needed to be a winner!

Let's go camping, anytime of the year, in the mountains.

Any mountains.
From the Rockies to the Appalachians....
I've experienced it all...
From below freezing to 100 degrees....

I'll show you how to survive.....
And enjoy every minute!

Who will collect the fire wood?

"Winter, Spring , Summer or Fall, all you need to do is call..."

'Cause you know that ole Scotty is a Friend to all.....



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Just sent a message to John, the Vet that I mentor, to wit:

"I'll see you on Tuesday, my Friend. A new day arises for you and I.
As Veterans, We are America's last hope for the future.
I'll see you then for our future!

I can never be more proud of John and his progress....



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57...... friends I’m sick, I’m mad, I’m angry, I’m hurt...... I just found out a friend ( my former commander) retired COLONEL, was killed riding his bicycle Friday.......this is a kick in the nuts. He was a true officer and gentleman..... I’ve now lost 57 friends......

A cigar, worthy of mention...
My purchase is "Dessert."

And, just received a message from John:

was just thinking about you. Hope everything is going well for you. Yep, I'll see you Tuesday.

Hope all is well for you., my Friends
Life is good for me.


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57...... friends I’m sick, I’m mad, I’m angry, I’m hurt...... I just found out a friend ( my former commander) retired COLONEL, was killed riding his bicycle Friday.......this is a kick in the nuts. He was a true officer and gentleman..... I’ve now lost 57 friends......

Life is a coin on edge.
The only sure bet , is that it won't stay how anyone would want it to.
Hang in there 2 G.F..

My old Dad gets wondering sometimes why he is left . When so many others have gone.

Sorry on the loss of your friend. Unfortunately life throws some nasty curves our way.
Regards + HH


57...... friends I’m sick, I’m mad, I’m angry, I’m hurt...... I just found out a friend ( my former commander) retired COLONEL, was killed riding his bicycle Friday.......this is a kick in the nuts. He was a true officer and gentleman..... I’ve now lost 57 friends......

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In response to my posting of the Facebook Group that I moderate,
The Administrator only had one word for a reply:




Sorry on the loss of your friend. Unfortunately life throws some nasty curves our way.
Regards + HH


Not my post.

However, every day, 22 Vets take their own life every day.

I'm working to reduce that number.
Because I could have been just a number....


Oh lord...... it’s sounding like the driver of the vehicle was texting......

57...... friends I’m sick, I’m mad, I’m angry, I’m hurt...... I just found out a friend ( my former commander) retired COLONEL, was killed riding his bicycle Friday.......this is a kick in the nuts. He was a true officer and gentleman..... I’ve now lost 57 friends......

Raise your head, hand and heart. Be proud of your service and be there when another cries out for help.
Only you and I, and those who know can help those who have been there and need our help...

Be there to offer compassion and support...
Be there as a Fellow Vet....

PM me anytime, Brother.


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I've approved some 300 folks to the Facebook site and have had to delete and ban nearly 50!

What is wrong with people?
Do they wish to "Test" my resolve?

They quickly find out....


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How about some "Comfort" music for Scotty while I continue my Moderating Duties?
An Orchestra would help....


Yep, a long night ahead.....

I have prepared another lunch for Tristan and myself:
Chicken wings, stuffing and peas.
Did I mention home-made gravy over the stuffing?
I LOVE to cook!

We'll see what repairs await us tomorrow and while we share lunch, I'll mentor him about life and the future.
Certainly I can provide advice and guidance....

What opportunities tomorrow provides!

Hope all take advantage of the promise that tomorrow offers!



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Laundry is washed, dried and put away,
A few hundred Lincoln cents searched and sorted,
Lunch is prepared for tomorrow,
A couple or three hundred folks added to the Facebook site
A hundred or so banned,
The boiled peanuts are eaten and I'm still on fire,
And it is time to retire.

A "Milky Way" candy bar, A chapter or two of Sandburg and my electric blanket await....

Hope all have a great week ahead!


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Well now Scotty... Your Facebook duties remind me of this!


Song for the Pirates! Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain
For we have received orders
For to sail to old England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.

Arriving home from work at my usual hour of 5 p.m., I discovered that it had not been one of my wife's better days. Nothing I said or did seemed to be right.

By 7 p.m., things had not changed, so I suggested I go outside, pretend I had just gotten home, and start all over again. My wife agreed.

I went outside, came back in and, with a big smile, announced, "Honey, I'm home!"

"And just where have you been?" she replied sharply. "It's after seven o'clock!"

Song for the Pirates! Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain
For we have received orders
For to sail to old England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.

I can't resist!

RC You a smart man...... song also sung in Master and Commander

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