Welcome home Johnny.

My grandson won his 5th grade science fair!!!!!! How does color affect temperature??
Beautiful version of Amazing Grace and thanks for sharing. One of my friends who's father was a member of the Devil's Brigade during WW2 had a bagpipes version played at his funeral.
I'll post one up shortly.
Regards + HH
Gonna be a long night....
I am in the process of either approving or declining requests to join the Facebook group that I moderate.
Over 500 want to join.
In the hopes of reducing the madness, I just posted and pinned this:
Scott Xxxxxx
Moderator · 31 mins
You have been approved to join Atlanta Georgia Buy/Sell/Trade based upon answering that you are selling a TANGIBLE item.
"Cable Services, " "Work From Home," "Weight Loss," "Credit Repair," "Tax Services" and such are NOT tangible items.
If you post these, you WILL be immediately Banned!
1. perceptible by touch.
I WILL delete your post and block you if you post:
Work from home opportunities.
Cable services.
Weight loss products.
In addition to violations of Facebook policies:
Tobacco/hookah/vape products.
Alcohol products.
In addition to the rules that you have read and agreed to.
There will be no warning.
You WILL be Banned!
IF you are unsure of whether you can post,
ASK an Administrator or a Moderator first!
To be approved to join, you MUST answer ALL of the questions.
Due to the competition for hair services, "mink" services, eyebrows, braids, etc, I have noticed that posts are being reported as spam. I'm tired of the crap. If I see more reports of spam on the subject, from others who post the same services, EVERYONE will be banned. If you are offering hair, eyebrows or whatever, DON'T report someone else as spam. I can and will delete and ban EVERYONE! "Services" are borderline unacceptable. Don't push it....Don't make me require that you post your Georgia Cosmetology license number to your post.....But, if you have a Georgia license number, please post it.
That way, folks will know that you are legitimate.
So, everyone, play fair, and everyone can play. Dig?
If you have any questions, PM me.
Fortunately, I have a pot of boiled peanuts in play instead of popcorn....
And, them peanuts, with only 1/2 of a reaper, will keep me on point!
Several inches of snow to shovel. More falling.
Shovel the ramp. Then a little more around vehicles.
Shovel part of the back deck and both sets of stairs for the dogs.( One dog is in season ,so gets isolated in lower kennel when out. Goes out alone after switching gates from the fenced rear yard stairs to lower kennel stairs... ..So ,shovel again to each gate and go back out to let her in and switch gates again.)
Shovel ramp out front again. Expand range beyond again.
Shovel more on back deck and clear stairs again to turn dogs out again.
Dishes need doin. But would cut into coffee and snack and computer breaks.
Gotta keep an eye out online for loader tractors I don't really need ,ya know?
A guy posted wanting to know how to get a two stroke to start in the cold ,after having to tarp it and put his heater under it when ice fishing....
So ,I looked elsewhere after everything from plugs to carb to priming were brought up.
Did not get far before wondering if he did not already have a solution.....
Shoveling snow.
Reminds me why I left the North.
I was once the "Maintenance Supervisor" of a 4 story bank Building and a "satellite" bank branch in Kansas.
Back in the 80's.
One winter morning, I arrived at work, while the snow fell heavily.
I was tasked to clear the sidewalks all around the bank building.
Folks, the bank building was every bit of the whole city block.
So, I put on my gloves, donned my ski cap, grabbed a snow shovel and began clearing the sidewalks.
About an hour later, after rounding the third corner of the block, clearing the whole damn sidewalk around the bank,
I found that where I had started was again covered in 2" of snow!
I went inside to find the bank President and said,
"I cleared the first 2" of snow and I'm gonna wait until it quits."
He smiled at me and said,
"I saw you fighting the snow. If people here don't know how to keep from falling and busting their ass, they will fall and bust their ass.
Wait 'till it stops snowing and hit it again, Scott."
I went to my office with a hot cup of cocoa, warmed up, then hit it again when it quit snowing later that morning.
Don't like snow, ice and cold anymore.....
It's OK for kids as an excuse to miss school, but as an adult, I ain't got time for any of it!