That was one of my favorite songs back in my single days, pretty much anyone who did a bit of partying can

Regards + HH


What are dreams but a subconscious extension of one's waking life?
Are there subliminal messages one should heed?
Perhaps one's dreams are a portend to future experiences?

Or, are the unpleasant dreams that one may have be a "release" of some sort, that equalizes the pressures one may face from day to day?

Without sleep, one experiences hallucinations. But, what if one experiences hallucinations while sleeping?

A young man, Me, in a foreign country, who speaks the language, yet is lost in a familiar town....
Again, me, lost in my hometown, and cannot find a friend to help me....

These are a few of the Nightmares that visit me while I sleep.

There are many others, that I won't relate, that involve death, pain and horror....
Perhaps you are familiar...
Being chased by a killer and you run but trip.....
You fire your weapon but it only clicks....
Or trying to call for help on a phone but cannot make the call....
Trying to save someone but you fail.....

In real life, my weapons don't just, "Click."
That's why I am fastidious about cleaning and oiling....

But, fortunately, you awaken before the worse comes about.

I do not awaken. I endure the worse before I awaken.
And, trust me, if you die in a dream, it's obvious that you don't die in real life.
You just have a bad day when you awaken.....

It has been documented in studies that most people don't remember ALL of their dreams; only the most pleasant and the most disturbing.

Tell me of the dreams that you remember from last night....


No horror,no haunting' s during last nights fitful sleep.
Once in a while a doozy fades with the cobwebs and shadows fade upon awakening. They are not dwelled on long. My goal just being to get to the other side and waking again. Those of being able to run ; or even those of walking linger . As well as those with animals encountered while being outdoors ,usually good times.
When I was on meds after surgeries ,and when trying a popular one to quit smoking though....whoa Nelly!
A dark swirling vortex ignoring logic or reality from which the only escape ( vs steering) was to slam ,or be slammed into consciousness again with such an adrenaline charge as to shake " awake".


For those with an interest in philosophy, psychology, etc....this short video by Dr Jordan Peterson is quite interesting.

He has an inate ability to take matters and topics that are very complicated and distill into short snippets of wisdom.
He has a doctorate in psychology, he's practiced clinically for 20 years, has taught at Harvard so quite the pedigree.

He has a load of other videos on youtube for those who would like to check it out.



Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge - Help me make it through the night.



Bruce Willis & The Temptations - Under the Boardwalk.



For those with an interest in philosophy, psychology, etc....this short video by Dr Jordan Peterson is quite interesting.

He has an inate ability to take matters and topics that are very complicated and distill into short snippets of wisdom.
He has a doctorate in psychology, he's practiced clinically for 20 years, has taught at Harvard so quite the pedigree.

He has a load of other videos on youtube for those who would like to check it out.

Bill I really liked the story board that went along with that.


Dr Peterson is quite the personality and a Canuck to boot he's based out of Toronto and I'm currently reading his new book 12 Rules for Life.

Regards + HH


My wife, Kate sat straight up in the bed last night. I said “ what’s wrong babe?” She said “I know” Know what?” I know about your girlfriend. I said but....... she asked what’s her name? I said Edith...... She got out of the bed, stood there for a moment and said “ look dude, no matter what you think....... you can’t have your Kate and Edith too! ( read it fast)

YEAH! I got a new (older) computer today! :hello2:

It runs on Windows 7 and I've got to jump through all of the hoops again and remember a half dozen or so passwords to access all of the different sites that I'm on....good thing I have a good memory!

The photo editing site that I've used for several years is no longer available. (Picasa). SHEESH!~

And I happened to take my camera to work today.....

I've downloaded a new imaging program and will try it out here in a few minutes.

I hope it is kind to an idiot like me.....

We'll see...



Let's try and all.

The first jack I was faced with was "throwing a wrench," meaning that there was a problem running.
So I accessed the read-out and it was a 336 error code.
A 336 code usually means a potentiometer.
So I open the control handle and program the display to show the voltage in forward and reverse.
Everything checked out. Hmmmm?
I asked Bryan what the problem might be.
He said that it was likely a micro switch was bad. There are 2; one for forward, and one for reverse. He said to change them both. He asked, "Have you ever changed out the micro switches?"
I said, "No."
He said, "Time to learn, Rookie!"
I smiled at him and said, "I got this, Brother!"

So, away I go!
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Yep. Got 'er done!
Bryan acted surprised....
View attachment 1543317

He said, "Well, since you know about everything in the handle as far as controls,
there's another jack out there that needs the pot changed."
I said, "I'm on it!"

I hope the pics came out OK....



Negative on the pics Scott

Joke of the day — A little boy was waiting on his mother to come out of a store. As he waited, he was approached by a man who asked, "Son, can you tell me where the post office is?"

The little boy replied, "Sure, just go straight down the street a couple of blocks and turn to your right."

The man thanked the boy kindly and said, "I'm the new preacher in town, and I'd like for you to come to church on Sunday. I'll show you how to get to Heaven."

The little boy replied with a chuckle, "Awww, come on; you don't even know the way to the post office!"

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