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Another ladies bracelet this is the highest carat I've found detecting stamped 800 so equates to 19.2k and appears to be from Portugal. And yes before you ask it's in the missus collection the quarter in the center is silver. This was found at a primary school sports field during the summer.

Regards + HH



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A heart locket pendant I found at a soccer field in the next city to where I live a few years ago.

Regards + HH



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Rod Stewart - I'd rather go blind live from Philly.



This was my honorable mention find a custom made ring lost in the snow something like $26,000.

Great to see the smile on his face when I found it.

Regards + HH



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Went shooting last weekend.
The weather was beautiful!

The Taurus .45 wheel has a hair trigger and I really don't think that I care for it much....
The old Colt .38 is smooth, comfortable and VERY accurate!

I ran through a 50 round box for each and a 50 round box with my 9mm
in addition to a hundred or so .22 in the rifle and a couple of dozen .410 rounds.
Overall, I had a pretty good day of shooting.

Talked to Marsha tonight.....

Perhaps we might get together this weekend.
Not for coffee, but,
To go shooting!

She has a 9mm and a .380 auto!
A gal with similar interests! :hello2:

I must remind myself to not out-shoot her! 8-)
After all, wouldn't we all like to have an "Annie Oakley" at our side?

Perhaps I'll use my "Employee of the Month" $50 gift card for a nice shared meal afterwards.....

Hope all have been well.



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Tonight, at work, the challenge was presented.....

"Change out a right side riser tension bar, chops and all related parts in 2 hours."
Crown Double-Jack #P115.

Challenge accepted! :thumbsup:

Beginning time: 14:00 hours.

I began by removing the 24 VDC battery from the Crown double jack and getting it flipped on it's left side.

I then removed the lock/adjustment nuts on the tenon.
Then, it was on to removing the dual caster wheel assembly.
Time; 14:20 Hours.

Next was removing the shafts that hold the "chops." A BIG hammer and a drive rod was employed.
OK. Now, time to drive the broken tension bar out.
Time: 14:45 hours. (tick, tick, tick....)

Grab replacement "chops," install grease fittings and drive a roll pin into the axle rod.
(Tick, tick, tick....)

Slide the tension bar into the fork and install a new tenon rod kit, roll pin and lock nut. (1 1/2 inch wrench used.)
Time? 15:05.

Align "chops" to accept shafts, ("Anti-seize" goop is your friend....)
Install bolts to hold shafts. Screw the other two nuts on the tenon.
Fight the 80-90 pound casters into place, screw in the 8 bolts that hold it into place...(3/4 inch. Glad that I bought gear wrenches...)
Time? 15:30.

Flip that beast back on it's feet, replace the battery, adjust the forks, Check everything over, and done!

Time? 15:50!


The whole time, I was showing Tristan how to do it.




It took me 15 minutes to log on the work and all of the part numbers on the computer of the work performed. :tongue3:
I then clocked out, washed my hands and went to lunch.....
Yeah, Scotty's always up for a challenge....
An hour and a half next time?

But, if it takes longer, in the sake of safety, there is no time limit. Dig?

I'll try to get pictures of the Crown manual tomorrow of the parts....
Sometimes in the morning when I go to work, I wonder if I should take my camera....

When I got back from lunch, I had to repair the horn button on the handle of a jack that would continually honk when you turned it on,
replace a drive potentiometer on another jack and water 24 and 36 VDC batteries on the PM list.
Surely I performed other repairs that I now fail to remember.....
I like to stay busy.

Today, as I was replacing a dock light, A forklift driver came to me to shake my hand.
He said, "Senor Scott, You are the employee of the month. I see why. You are always fixing for us."
I said, "Gracias, amigo. Siempre estoy aquí para ti."

I felt humbled.
I am only doing that what I was hired to do.
And I do that.
And, I do it well.

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Can Spring be far from our grasp?
Ah! I feel it fast approaching!

No more snow.
No more cold.
Lazing somewhere,
Watching life and girls pass by.....

It is never too early to plan your "Spring Get Away."

I've put in for my Vacation.
Around the first of June.

I'll surely be approved.
But, how shall I occupy myself with the week of vacation?

I'm thinking of food....
Louisiana has great seafood!
Somewhere that I've never been....
Perhaps somewhere to bury a new Treasure.....

"Life's for livin'...That's my Philosophy."


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After the next row of my service ribbons, I'll have a Nike Nuclear missile on my left forearm.


I still have details yet to work out....
Like my unit Crest on the tail fin, etc....

Yeah, I once hugged this weapon and provided security and, well, never mind.
My tattoo artist is good......


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It's tomorrow again?
I wasn't done yet with today!
So much left to do.....
That's for the Dreams.....


"Sleep? I don't need no stinkin' sleep!"


Let's watch a new day rise....

I guess that I'll just keep on truckin'......

Maybe I should get an hour or three of sleep...Maybe.....

Gary, of "Spooky Tooth" shall lead the way....

Shall I dream of flying, above my fears?
Or being chased by a monster?
Most times, I fight an unknown and unbeatable monster.
I have given a name to my fear of dreams.
That name is "Jack."
I have named my fears.
By giving my fears a name, I am closer to winning.
I have consolidated my fears of sleep and all that entails to a single entity.

Jack ain't jack to me.
Bring it.

Let's see who wins.


"You want it, you got it!"


Every time that I close my eyes to sleep, my dreams are a crapshoot.
One can surely see why that I dislike sleep.


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I've just realized, waiting for a new morning's blessing,
that my dreams are nothing but memories that I hold.

When I choose the memories that I wish to keep, my dreams will always be pleasant.

What a simple path, yet one that has been agonized over.

A path that I shall try, based upon self genuflection....

I've once read the wisdom of many, whom cried out, "Physician, Heal thyself."
And, I thought to myself, "How can I help others when I cannot help myself?"
A tormented soul, seeking peace....


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Post deleted, please remember our rules on language, substituting characters for letters to bypass censor STILL violates our rules.

Rut-Row! What did Treasure Hunter write that was so bad?????? Thirty lashes with a wet noodle and send him to bed without his supper.


I'm scrounging around to add a few more tidbits to the pot.
Another grad ring I found no luck returning this one either it's sterling silver with a blue stone.
Sorry for the fuzzy picture.

Regards + HH



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Another for the pot. This is a sterling stamp safe which was a common item used by the ladies back in the day when most people actually used postage stamps instead of emails to

Regards + HH



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Another for the pot. I can't remember if this ring was sterling or just a costume item.

Regards + HH



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Another for the pot. Instead of just posting jewelry items thought I'd toss in this US artillery naval button I managed to find 2 or 3 of them in nearby sports parks.

The story I was told is the area I live in which is Lachine a suburb of Montreal was a major staging area for shipping horses to Europe during WW1 for the calvalry effort which would explain the US buttons since we were both fighting for the same cause.

Regards + HH



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