gold boy,

Someone started a thread on the Canadian forum for folks to post up their favorite finds. I'll dust a few off and post them here as well.

This one was kind of neat a sterling silver handled bottle opener circa 1920's or so made by Birks which is a high end jeweler in Montreal.

Regards + HH



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:occasion14: pretty sweet after seeing the these i'm going detecting tomorrow

gold boy,

Since I've given you the urge I'll keep posting some finds.

My Rolls Royce long service ring.

Regards + HH



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Well, today "Monday" I went to the VA for my regular Psychiatric visit and I was told I will no-longer receive travel pay to Biloxi, MS, because there is now one at the VA clinic in Bogulosa, LA. I have been seeing the same doctor for the last 25 years and now they want me to talk to a stranger????? The doctor put in a waver request, but who knows what they will decide. I hereby declare myself cured. I have had enough of those 2.5 hour trips one way to spend an hour with the Dr.

As for the psychologist, I have not been back for fifteen years. She asked the group what could be done to improve the group? They said to put me in charge, and her supervisor was there. After the session ended, she followed me out and said, "Do Not Come Back". Psychologist are all nuts. Wife #2 was one, so I should know, right.

Brother Johnny. I’ve had 8 different General Practitioners in 8 years!!!! My last visit she said I have diabetes. I asked her when was she leaving because all VA Drs do is serve a couple months so they can write it on their resume. I feel for you friend; in the end WE pay the price!

Uncle Bill I love Your finds there buddy. I’m doing a lot of research on the 1715 Fleet. I have some great info and now...... the boat! Hehe check this out. In 1986 after the Shuttle Challenger blew up, one of my friends was a diver for NASA. Well they went hog wild dragging a magnetometer looking for wreckage. ( we use to work for NASA for all launches and recoveries) so long story longer........ we have the coordinates to all HOTSPOTS up and down the East coast! I have the area near Sebastian where they say part of the 1715 Fleet dunk! Could be something could be nothing but it’s worth a tank or two of fuel in my boat and stories do the grandkids!!!!!!!


Just don't give out overly precise info as to location....remember loose lips sink on words

Regards + HH



Good luck with sorting things out however it works out.

A short story from my youth which might help....back in the 1970's I had a close friend of mine who committed suicide and it really through me for a loop.

I ended up seeing a psychologist for about 3 months he had me on tranquilizers that didn't agree with me so the last prescription I flushed them down the toilet. Next visit I told him we could rehash things forever but the bottom line is my friend is gone and it's time for me to move on with my life.

He told me I wasn't ready I didn't return and 40 years later I'm still

Regards + HH


Well, today "Monday" I went to the VA for my regular Psychiatric visit and I was told I will no-longer receive travel pay to Biloxi, MS, because there is now one at the VA clinic in Bogulosa, LA. I have been seeing the same doctor for the last 25 years and now they want me to talk to a stranger????? The doctor put in a waver request, but who knows what they will decide. I hereby declare myself cured. I have had enough of those 2.5 hour trips one way to spend an hour with the Dr.

As for the psychologist, I have not been back for fifteen years. She asked the group what could be done to improve the group? They said to put me in charge, and her supervisor was there. After the session ended, she followed me out and said, "Do Not Come Back". Psychologist are all nuts. Wife #2 was one, so I should know, right.


Since I'm shut down until spring I'll post up some finds from time to time to help pass the time.

Some of the silver jewelry.

Regards + HH



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Well, today "Monday" I went to the VA for my regular Psychiatric visit and I was told I will no-longer receive travel pay to Biloxi, MS, because there is now one at the VA clinic in Bogulosa, LA. I have been seeing the same doctor for the last 25 years and now they want me to talk to a stranger????? The doctor put in a waver request, but who knows what they will decide. I hereby declare myself cured. I have had enough of those 2.5 hour trips one way to spend an hour with the Dr.

As for the psychologist, I have not been back for fifteen years. She asked the group what could be done to improve the group? They said to put me in charge, and her supervisor was there. After the session ended, she followed me out and said, "Do Not Come Back". Psychologist are all nuts. Wife #2 was one, so I should know, right.

Stuff seems pretty one sided in clinical settings sometimes....
Wonder how Psychologist's feel about discussing their intimate challenges details with strangers?


Another find for the pot. 10k men's wedding band found at a local sports field among the trash about 4" deep along with a George V1 silver dime found at the same location.

Regards + HH



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Another find for the thread. Women's 10k white gold grad ring with ruby I tried to return it without luck unfortunately.

Regards + HH



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One of my favorite ring finds 18k 2 tone gold snake motif ring stamped 750 so odds are European made and possibly a custom ring also.

Found at a local park circa 1900 that's been pounded to death by me and others it must have been my lucky day as it was near the street and most detectorists probably avoided that section due to by foot and car traffic nearby.

Regards + HH



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In our home we tend to get the children to help out. One day our youngest son came in to the living room and asked, "Does anyone want a cup of coffee?"

"Yes please!" we said.

He replied, "What kind of coffee do you want? Capitated or decapitated?"

Uncle Bill those are some sweet finds!

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