Have you ever felt that you were fighting a losing battle?
Yet, kept on fighting? Because of the Victory ahead?
I'm trying to teach Tristan some basic German, based upon my perception of his desire to learn....
So far, I've written down, phonetically and accurately, and daily speak to him basics like the day of the week, numbers from zero to 20,
and other basic phrases. Like, "Wie spät ist es?"
I messaged him thus:
"Our lunch is ready. When I ask, 'Und was ist heute?' I want you to answer correctly!"
Folks, Tristan has a slight learning disability and a slight lisp. Not to mention an inferiority complex.
You see my fight.
A fight to overcome a dismal and sad childhood and lack of nurturing....
However, I will continue to work with him to show him that he can do anything that he will show the desire to learn and do.
Yes, I have made a lunch for us again tomorrow.
Yes, We will practice German again tomorrow.
And, Yes, I will let him know again that he can do anything that he sets his mind to do.
Tomorrow is his last day of High School and he graduates.
The ceremony isn't until May, but, I promised that I'd be there to see him "Walk" at the moment and cheer at his success........
Hope all can help another, also.