Yesterday was quite humbling for me....

After I picked up the 5 boxes of 9mm shells, I then went to the College for my scheduled meeting.
While waiting for my contact, I saw Dr. Havill who taught the Psychology Course that caused me to change my Major and ultimately my life. I also saw Dr. Cook who is the Chair of the Psychology Department. I had a pleasant chat with both.
I then had my meeting with Dr. Redding and once she pulled up my Academic records, she looked at me and said,
"I guess we'll be seeing you this Spring Semester!"

So now all I have to do is take care of the paperwork for admissions and the forms for Scholarships.
My Bachelor's Degree will be, "Human Services."

Feeling on top of the world, I went to work.
I was told to report to Shannon's Office. When I got to his office, he handed me an envelope. I opened it and this was inside:


A card signed by all of the Managers, the President and Vice President of the company and a "Challenge" type coin.



Just finished with lawn chores, but about 30 minutes before I finished, I sold my truck to a guy that I had talked to earlier in the week. He had driven to the house with 2 other guys and they were Hispanic. I know enough Spanish to have successfully negotiated the sale. :thumbsup:
Here's the brief exchange we had...

"Te daré $ 700. Yo dije:" No. $ 800. Dijo $ 750. Dije que no. Adiós, mi amigo. Regresa con $ 800 y es tuyo.
Yo quería $ 1000 pero venderé ahora por $ 800 "

Every time that he said, "Setecientos," I said, "No. Ochocientos!"

He then pulled out the other $100 from his pocket.
You can't play Scotty, Dig?
Now I have enough to buy a new wheel and some ammo!

Landlord is off racing this weekend in South Carolina so I won't go shooting until maybe next weekend.

Guess I better get started on that paperwork for School!

Hope all are well.

God Bless all Veterans, active Service members and God Bless America!


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I awoke today on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, and remembered the meaning of Veterans Day. It all started as Armistices Day in 1919. The day that was to be the end of all wars. That was changed when WWII, came along. Anyway Happy Veterans Day.

I awoke today on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, and remembered the meaning of Veterans Day. It all started as Armistices Day in 1919. The day that was to be the end of all wars. That was changed when WWII, came along. Anyway Happy Veterans Day.
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I watched the laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier today, and saw Vice President Pence performing the Honor and couldn't help but to break down and actually cry. Not just for those who have given "The Full Measure," including many of my Friends, but also because of the Pride and Love that I have for America. :usflag:



2GF, I can't say I did not say I did not see that coming. I have been married four times and don't think any of them were fateful to me. #1. I received a leave from the hospital and flew home to surprise her and I was the one who was surprised. She was off on a motorcycle ride in Kentucky. I waited until she went to work and went home to find her boy friend sleeping on my couch. He had me arrested for attempted murder. I was in a walking spiker cast from the tip of the toes on my right foot to my arm pits and a long arm cast on my left arm. I tossed him into a wall the out the front door. It officer who arrested told me to charge him. My mother made some calls and because I was on leave the arraignment was moved up and I plead guilty to Disturbing the Peace, and paid a fine. He skipped town. #2, made me get a vasectomy and I did. She started taking birth control pills, she said her doctor ordered the to equalize her hormones. I changed the pills for candy and she went of a Mexican vacation with female friends after came back she got pregnant, surprise. #3, Came home one day and made the happy announcement we were going to have a child. The divorce soon followed. #4, Has left me four times and I have always welcomed her back, only because we have been friends forever, (even before wife #1) haven't had sex in eight years, but she cooks and cleans.

Quiz answers and more questions...
Answers to questions #1-#10.

#1 Name the 5 components of the Human eye.
#2 Name the two "fluids" of the human eye.
#3 Name the component responsible in the human eye for:
a)Night vision.
b)Day vision.
#4 Name the strongest human external muscle.
#5 Name the area of skin separating the nostrils.
#6 Name General Robert E. Lee's horse.
#7 What is a charged atomic particle called?
#8 What characteristic makes some hair curly? (Besides the result of DNA?)
#9 What is the fear of the number 13 called?
#10 What is the name of a stamp collector? A coin collector?

#1) Lens, iris, cornea, pupil and optic nerve.
#2) Aqueous humor and Vitreous humor.
#3) a)Night vision=Rods. b)Day vision=cones.
#4) Gluteus maximus.
#5) septum
#6) Traveller
#7) Positive=Proton. Negative=Neutron. (credit if you knew either.)
#8) Curly hair is flat, not round.
#9) Triskadekaphobia.
#10) Stamp collector=Philatelist. Coin collector-Numismatist.

Next questions coming soon!




I'm quite the fan of western's a neat scene from Django Unchained.


Scott if you sent it that I have to sign, not delivered but here. I was at a soccer game when mail came so I was unable to sign today. Got a note in mailbox

Have you received my mailing yet?

Reached #1 Dec. 11, 1961 and was in the top 40 for 15 weeks.

Oh, Great.
Now I have a penchant for "The Oldies!"

Tamla records were the predecessors of Motown.
Fontana records were eventually consolidated in a buy-out of other companies that had enough money to buy... And royalties are now paid to whom?

And, we all know the great music that Barry Gordy was responsible for!


Let's hear your favorites from way back when!



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How about this, The Kinks, " Wish I could Fly Like Superman."
Reached #41 in 1979....

Many of my dreams are about flying, though I hate being off the ground.
Perhaps why I am adamant about a possible experience of skydiving....
And, I'm old enough to have no more fears.....
Just say when and where....I'll be there....
I've lived a good life....
I'll give my all....
Just messaged my Friend about skydiving...

Free falling soon....More exciting than Camping, eh?



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Back in the day, many whom I served with knew this tune.

I played this record on my turntable in High School, waiting to serve....

At the time, I had no idea of what it REALLY meant.
But, I do now....
My Service causes me bad dreams.
I cannot image the dreams of service that others dream....


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Life is so fragile. One has only their life to give.
The most precious gift that one can give.
Heroes give their life for their fellow Brothers and Sisters. For all humans.

Today, we celebrate America's Heroes.
America's Veterans!


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Who would you want to be awake, ready, and willing to give their all for you while you sleep?


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Once, long ago, now, as it is the same today....

The Service that my Fellow Vets are employed today is the same as it has always been...

My Question is thus...

Why is there no Peace on earth among all of Humanity?


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Cain and Able on forward.
Always something to assault a brother about.

I was trained to kill indiscriminately, yet, I feel for life.

Many know of my passion to explore and appreciate the life that I experience when I camp.
I can provide many pictures and videos of amazing examples of pleasures seen on past journeys.
From a blazing campfire to a butterfly sucking nectar from a flower...

Life has a reason.
Whether it is your life or mine.

We both have amazing things to accomplish for good.

But, if you want to be bad in your life and hurt others, and you and I meet...
You will die. No Questions. No Discussion.
I Carry. I will defend and protect.
That's all you need to know.
Why is now what is wrong is now right?
Why is now what was once right now is wrong?


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Cain and Able on forward.
Always something to assault a brother about.

The riches of one over another surely is a quantifying factor.

When mankind ultimately finds the ability to coalesce, surely there will be peace.

Until then, many will die, hoping, like me, for worldwide prosperity and Fellowship.



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Certainly, my acceptance for a Bachelor's Degree holds a special amount of ability on my part; Perhaps a Scholarship or two in my future?
My past academic performance has obviously been a contributing factor....
When one has enjoyed "Honors" status, it is thus easy to return to academics...




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Hey Scott still nothing buddy

Hey Scott still nothing buddy

I sent it awhile ago..

Keep on checking the mail...
You know how the mail is....

One day soon, it shall come...
If you do not receive my gift soon, I'll send another to you.
I'm sure the address I sent it to was correct....I'm still in the business of knowing things....


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Now, I will enjoy some hot, boiled peanuts, a chapter or two of Sandburg's 3rd volume of
"Lincoln, The War Years," and hope that I have pleasant dreams.
Until later, my Friends,
My Best Wishes.


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