You are NOT allowed to use my answers, you have to use different ones!
1. Name something you use in the shower?
A: shampoo
2. Something people hate to find on their windshield?
A: bird poop
3. Name something a man might buy before a date?
A: gas
4. What is something you cook in a microwave?
A: frozen entree
5. Name a reason a younger man might like older women?
A: their brains have come in
6. Name an item found in a mans wallet?
A: drivers license
7. Name something a dog does that bugs
its owner?
A: farts
8. Name a kind of test you can not study for?
A: test of courage
9. Name a phrase with the word home?
A: another home run
10. Sport where u might lose a tooth?
A: hockey
11. Name something a teacher can do to ruin a good day?
A: pass out test results
12. Name a fruit that isn't round?
A: my cousin
13. Name a bird u wouldn't want to eat?
A: cardinal
14. Name something that gets smaller the more u use it?
A: soap
15. Name something a person wears even if it has holes in it?
A: a smile
16. Name 2 people that will play this?
A: Mary and Jacque
Copy and paste this status and make sure your answers are different from mine
***>>> I NEVER do these things, but--Candice was sure I'd play, so... <<<***
My Post: #1=Soap #2=A ticket #3=Flowers #4=Leftovers #5=Security #6=Cash #7=chews up shoes #8=Blood test #9=Home, Sweet home! #10=Football #11=Assign homework. #12=Strawberry #13=a Jayhawk! #14= An eraser #15=Socks #16=Twiddly Dee and Twiddly Dum
Having finished posting items to that local web page on "Facebook,"
I put fresh batteries in a coupla beep-sticks, the
Compass and the Garrett, and will find a site or two that I haven't yet been.
Can't wait until tomorrow!
Sights seen the last few years while going to locksmith calls.
Yeah, I always take notes....
Of locations and stories.....
Well at 0343 my wife ran in and woke me up, but I wasn't asleep. She said the cops were outside our house and she had heard two men arguing. I called them and asked them to clear the outside of my house. They did. They are still out there with K9s......... I want to help them. I know the woods and so does my Pitbull. We will pass let them do their job.......