Movin' on, Dig?



Meeting with Congressmen or Senators, it matters not, concerning Veterans issues....
I'm always there for my Brothers and Sister!

Spent the day organizing and sorting...

Eventually, I found myself deep in my photo archives (that large cardboard box of memories...) and I came across a photo that is of the fountain in St. Louis when I was a kid and we were on vacation.

Here's a snip from the video above...


And here's the photo of my Mom, me and my Sister...


Hope all are well!



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Here, we have two items.

One is worthless; the other is priceless.

Those who know will appreciate this thought.



Yeah, still got mine from the 70's!

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"Again, tonight, the sky rumbles,
When lightning flashes illuminate the night,
And with storms nearing,
Don't be afraid; It'll be alright."

Still waiting on that "cheapo capo" from China....

But, I've always got my guitar and notebook for lyrics at hand....
And hope that my vocal range can keep up with the higher notes....



Dang! Almost feel like I should be camping, along with the rain.

Just like bivouac, Boy Scouts and recent camping trips.....


Does anyone else know of musical notation?
And know of the Phrygian and Lydian scales?

Wish that I still had "access" to pianos.....


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And tonight's pleasure?

A new wine, hearty red, active to the palate and wanting more with each sip....
Perfect with my home-made spaghetti....
Including thin sliced garlic.....

From a friend....

For the "Playa" in us all!



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Das ist alles.

Tomorrow is a new day=one full of promise....
Of promise.....

Tomorrow is one's saving grace......



And now,
I seek sleep....
With my weapons of equality by my side,

Wake me. Please....

Hell will suerly follow.....

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When he left.... That was it. Foreigner never had another hit.
Same with Journey.
Great White
LA guns.

Hey guys....stay together!!


Friday morning I was at the lockshop.
At 8:55 AM.

It actually took right at an hour to pack and load my tools.
I never did try my key in the door....

I had taken 2 shirts back to him that I never wore.
I gave him the receipt book that I carried for calls that I ran and gave back my key to the van.

Overall, it was surprisingly civil---:notworthy:
Apparently, he had reflected upon my advice....

When I left, I hugged his wife and thanked her for all of the Thanksgiving Dinners I had been invited to.
I then hugged my Friend and told him, Thank You for being my Friend."
I also said, "If you need my help on that bank job or any other job that you know is my specialty,
before I leave the area, let me know.."
I had also mentioned my projected future in North Carolina.

He said, "Scott, you'll always be my boy, but we can't work together no more it seems."

Hopefully his patience level and ability to not always be right, especially when wrong,
will develop with age, as it did with me.
(Have I ever mentioned that Garry is African American? Not that it really matters. Except to explain direct quote grammar.)


At 8:30 AM this morning, my Landlord and I jumped in his truck and headed to Asheville!
The mountains grew in size every mile north.

View attachment 1410724

View attachment 1410729

The mountains reach to the sky!

I'm already liking what I'm seeing and feeling. :headbang:

We get to Asheville ahead of schedule to meet his Friend and Wife, Rob and Amber, for a noon lunch.
So we drive around a bit to get a feel of the layout and we cruise the University.

View attachment 1410733

Of course, being Saturday, the University was basically closed, administratively.
It is quite a sprawling Campus with many Academic buildings and some Residence buildings.
I like the feel.

We then met Rob and Amber at "EVG."
East Village Grille: Asheville's best wings!

Right across the street from the VA!

I had my note pad and pen, furiously taking notes as questions were answered.
In fact, everyone was done eating and I had barely eaten; requesting a "To Go" box.

We then piled into their mini van for a short tour of possible neighborhoods to live.
Rob has lived there since he was a kid and Amber just received her BA in Psychology.
We went to the "Visitor's Center," per my request, and I picked up every pamphlet that might interest me.
I walked out with a grocery bag full!

I also requested to show me where the library was and to stop and get a local newspaper at a "Dollar General" store and the local version of the "Shopper" type publication called, "IWANNA."

View attachment 1410760
I've always found these to be a good measure of what's wanted, what's for sale or rent and for how much for the particular area....

This area eclectic?

Well, yeah....Yes it is.....

The next few days will not be spent idly; I am approaching this juncture in my life with all of the study,
research, intensity and determination as if it was the most important course I have ever taken in my life.

Because it is.....
I WILL get an "A!"

One final note:

I got a package of wings, ingredients for my hot sauce, (Thanks, Bill!)
The new TV is hooked up,
And I'll get right on that "Studying" on Monday.

I promise!

After the "SUPERBOWL!"

Hope All are Well!

My Best Wishes Always,


Hmm, it seems in my absence on the forum things have changed a lot for you. I take it you had a falling out that's not reparable?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

I'am not sure if I would want a Geico motorcycle guitar.... But I entered to win it anyway.... Paul Reed Smith guitars are superb!
I have been working on a lot of Gibsons lately, they have have had some quality control problems over the years, and I'am seeing that to be true... Paul reed Smith not so much.

Cool video.



Neat video....lots of work goes into making a quality guitar.

Regards + HH


I'am not sure if I would want a Geico motorcycle guitar.... But I entered to win it anyway.... Paul Reed Smith guitars are superb!
I have been working on a lot of Gibsons lately, they have have had some quality control problems over the years, and I'am seeing that to be true... Paul reed Smith not so much.

Cool video.



Neat video....lots of work goes into making a quality guitar.

Regards + HH


That is true. I have worked on a few Gibsons that were just wrong from the factory. It's not just Gibson either. Ibanez, ESP/LTD, Jackson, Dean, Fender... all manufacture "lemons". Lately I have been "improving" import guitars. The electronics almost always need upgrading. Then a fret dress, in some cases a re level. I usually discard the plastic nut and install Graph Tech, TUSQ, man-made Ivory, self-lubricating nut and saddles, less string breakage and more harmonics.
You can file the slots (nut and saddle) and make them dead on.... Perfect intonation. Adjust the truss rod and action and the cheap imports are now a sweet instrument!


Since you're doing all this tweaking on the guitars did you ever consider building one from scratch?

Regards + HH



Since you're doing all this tweaking on the guitars did you ever consider building one from scratch?

Regards + HH


I have, but the time involved.... I have access to a cabinet shop that has a sander that will accept a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood.
But... Cut it. Sand it. Route it. Stain it ( I don't do stain). Then, neck thru ? Bolt on? Buy the pre-fabbed neck? Build from scratch?
I have bought a couple of body blanks and done the routing myself. Then the staining, or, send it to a paint shop. Tung oil? Poly? lacquer? Pearl? It's a commitment and a half!

I know Sully. This guy is great! That is what he does for a living, I just can't stop Building homes, decks, roofs, (I stay away from those...) doors, windows, flooring etc. Look around his website. Sully Guitars

Next project. Samick, Korean company that manufactures pianos and a lot of guitars for other brands.. and their own... Epiphone and Fender Squier, the two main brands.
Archtop. Two necks to choose from.






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Would imagine also that house building is quite a bit more forgiving precision wise that guitar making.

Regards + HH


Hmm, it seems in my absence on the forum things have changed a lot for you. I take it you had a falling out that's not reparable?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


One morning, things got off to a bad start, and it was just the impetus needed to find traction to move forward.

There are no animosities and I will always think back fondly on the last 10 years.

Having always been one to feel that new horizons of potential await me, I made my decision.

Obviously, I will not discuss the disagreement that particular day which led to my decision,
but I will say that it was in the making for at least 6 months.
I felt stagnated in this area for future options and had been looking to "Move On."

Hope all is well with you, my Friend!



Turnin' the page.....


Today I was a 4th grade chaperone for my grandson. We had a real cool field trip. God bless educators!!!!! Coming home on the "magic bus" I wowed a group of kids with some new magic...... one kid said "man you're a master" I smiled and said thank you but I'm a rookie. I had those kids laughing so hard, the teacher came back and asked us to quiet down...... I made some friends today. Today is a great day! Oh I scored major points for the girls for my grandson!!!!!!

I think I first heard this band, from a friend of a friend, of someone that bought the record.
Those big floppy things.....

Ladies and gentleman, from Japan I present loudness. Thunder in the East, 1985, great album.

Ah! my first thought was....


One's life is short...

Make the best in such a short time. Dig?


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