A story about a "rock" that I gave to my Landlord today....
When I lived in Kansas, building my Boss's house, I had talked him into going to Colorado to camp and pan gold.
In October.
Must have been in the 90's....
We get to Blackhawk, feeling hungry.
I-70 is a long drive across Kansas....
We decided to have the buffet offered at "The Red Dolly" casino.
The restaurant was in the balcony, overlooking the casino floor.
While I worked on my $3.95 full plate, I watched the action below.
I noticed a "pattern" of the slot machines.
After we were done eating, I decided to try my observations.
I bought a roll of nickels and chose my machine to play.
I hit a hundred dollar payout!
I then bought a roll of quarters and played my choice of machines.
I hit a $600 payout!
I then bought a $100 of $1 tokens.
Alas, I played it out and I said, "I'm done."
Back to the rock....
When we got to Colorado that day, it had snowed and my boss wasn't much into snow camping.
We did a bit of panning and he said that his wife called him and told him to come home....
I wonder...
Anyway, the last day there, we panned a bit in a COLD stream.
I Found no gold that day but I found "The Rock."

A "Paperweight" with an unique story!"
My Best Always,