One of my favorites Uncle Bill. Scott I wish you the best buddy......... January 31st I had another death in my family. That's 2 deaths in 2 months...... my uncle and a cousin I was close to. No matter where I ended up in this world she always found me and sent me care packages. She's almost my mothers age and like a mother to me.......The elders are going home now.......

In honor of my Uncle......when I was a kid he had a juke box and pinball machine in his house!!!!!! He played this all the time..I think he was married about 5 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quite a "first day" of my "studying."

Spent the time perusing the pamphlets and other items collected on Saturday, taking mental and written notes.
Interspersed were internet searches of the VA,

Charles George VA Medical Center - Asheville, NC

the College and various other inquiries.
Registering for info, etc, ad nauseum....

I learned quite some knowledge of the area....

Not all good....

Mostly good.
The Mountains that are still close to the AT, a mecca for beer and craft/micro breweries, a diverse community that is mostly Eco-friendly, many opportunities for employment and fresh, crisp air to breathe!

Not so good are the prices of rentals.
And, I can see myself waking soon, after a bad dream, wondering again,
"Where the hell am I?"

And I just finally quit having those thoughts. After living here for nearly 12 years.

I've lived here the longest period of time anywhere since I was a kid.....

I find it hard to reconcile the prices of housing without knowing the wages for various employment positions.....

Sent an email to an estate liquidation outfit to meet with and discuss options.
Perhaps they will call tomorrow and we can get this show on the road. :thumbsup:

Certainly, I'll have to camp at least one more time in my beloved mountains here.

And check on "The Treasure Tube!"

Hope all have a GREAT WEEK!



I FOUND IT!!!!! This was my uncles' favorite song..........Oh man this takes me WAAYYYYY BACK! Remembered in music! have to listen to the entire song.................for you Scott

I FOUND IT!!!!! This was my uncles' favorite song..........Oh man this takes me WAAYYYYY BACK! Remembered in music! have to listen to the entire song.................for you Scott



Part of the info I gleaned today is that The Dirt Band will be playin' in Franklin, NC this spring.

Yeah, I took notes....

Be Well, Brother!



Uptown Theater?
In KC?

Saw Foghat there when I was married to my second wife.

Now THERE'S a story.....
Do I still have the bootleg tape?
I dunno....Maybe. Somewhere around here....:dontknow:

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band | Tour Dates and Appearances


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That's awesome buddy! I sure want the best for you!!


Here's a story I may have already shared, but...

When I was married to my second wife, living in Kansas,
I did quite a bit of river catfishin'.

Kinda like, every night.

Anyway, the wife had a wild thought that I was havin' some affair.

She was right...

A fishin' affair!

So one night she says that she's coming with me.


I tell her to choose clothes that she'd rather throw away than wash.
And be sure to pack any bug spray you think you might need....

So, as the sun was setting in the west, we drove to a secret spot on the Wakarusa river.
Following the tractor path on the edge of a corn field, we eventually stopped and began our inventory of gear.

Flashlight? Check.
Hooks and sinkers? Check.
"Seasoned" chicken livers, frogs and worms for bait? Check.

We work our way through the jungle underbrush, me ahead, and soon I am at the muddy riverbank.
I listen and look for wifey, but see nor hear anything.

I've got both rods to a brushpile on the opposite bank and another next to a swift channel.

All of a sudden, the line at the brushpile starts to go upstream!


Right beside me, the wifey falls on her backside and slides in the mud into the river!

I said, "Quiet, Dammit! I gotta bite!"

She made her way out of the water, went back to the truck and never wanted to go fishing with me again. :laughing7:



I've heard that "Jumping Jack Flash" was a gas.

But, how about Mason's composition of "Classical Gas?"

Performed by Tommy....

Keep practicing, my Friends.

We'll surely get it right eventually!



Yeah, here was a good day....

Many more ahead!

Movin' on, Dig?



Meeting with Congressmen or Senators, it matters not, concerning Veterans issues....
I'm always there for my Brothers and Sister!

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Wenn das Leben scheint schwierig, für das Leben dankbar sein!


Philosophy in a foreign language?

Perhaps I've set my horizons too low...:coffee2:

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"Damn, this is gettin' good! Get me some popcorn, will ya?"

No more posts tonight, my Friends....

I instead stepped outside and found another Georgia rainy night......,the rain, so cold.....
I turn my face to the sky and think of past trips in my mountains.......

And cry....

I think of future trips to new mountains, and also cry......

Tonight, sleep will come easily to me.....

My Best Wishes,



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The Queen Extravaganza - Under Pressure the official tribute band.


What's the difference between a rock musician and a jazz musician? A rock musician plays 3 chords for 20,000 people and a jazz musician plays 20,000 chords for 3 people!

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