With the ominous dread of moving looming near,
I have begun a modicum of investigation into UNCA.
They have a Psychology Program that I feel I can fit into and advance my learning...
The University is merely 144 miles away.
And yes,
Perhaps a weekend visit is in my future?
The best option that I have found to date!
Best Wishes,
Now then...
VA centers in the area for internship?
I sent this message to my Academic Adviser from UNG.
(We still stay in contact. She has always been by my side!

She replied thus:
Ashville is a wonderful place . . . or, at least it was— I’ve only visited once and it was years ago . . . but it reminded me of Oregon more than any place I’ve been since Ieft Oregon
I found this reply to be a bit of "non-committal" in nature, for some reason.
Compared to previous replies....
Perhaps I should invite her to meet for coffee soon?
She is absolutely my closest Friend on Faculty at UNG.
I cleared my workbench today.
Probably was a good thing.
But now I won't remember where I put things....
I filled 2 toolboxes to bring home.
Now then, I've got the shelves to do.
Then the "pinning" workbench. Yes, 2 shelves there, also....
Did I mention that I built the workbenches?
Oh! and the machine workbench...
AND the front counter?
I got pictures here somewhere....
I'm gonna have to find an auctioneer soon! Or do it myself....
"Hey! Got one now two, who will give five? Got 3 now five. Gimme five, got three..I'll take four. Thank you in the back. Now who'll give me five?"
"I'll take 4.5........"
"Ah! Thank you from the front row....."
eBay just won't work and Craigslist takes too long with all of the idiots saying they want and not following through or trying to lowball you.
I ain't got time for the damn games, Dig?
Hope all are Well!