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Now, how shall I pack my Christmas ruck?

What meals are planned?
Shall I take a map and compass this time?

At my age, with an 80 pound ruck on my back and a gallon jug of water swapping hands as I hike and count steps.....
And a new mountain to climb at about a 45 degree slope,
what are Scott's chances of awakening on Christmas Morning giving Praise!~

Do the math!

So many questions...

So few answers..

Which way to go...


"Here, in the twilight zone...."

And, is being lost in the mountains any worse than being lost in the city?

Gentlemen and Ladies...

Play your best hand of songs!

You know my preference....

And Journey was just chosen for induction to the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!" :hello2:

Coincidence here again?

You decide....
Don't stop believing!
In yourself and your fellow human.

After all, we are all here. Right now. For only a mere moment.....

Let's make this "one time chance at life" run smoothly, shall we?



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Mehh,Journey had one decent tune. ( Hide under chair icon).

My favorite Journey tune to play on my geetar(s)

Steve Perry won't be at the R&R HOF induction. He hasen't been in the band for years. They hired a guy called Steve aquiery looked like him and sounded like him.. Then they did it again!
I hope Mr Perrys voice is holding out... So many (REO) (Tesla) (Def leppard) they sound horrible now.... No one tells them???

Success expressed succinctly="Ta Da!" :notworthy:

One more Christmas Blessing before my journey....

(a private story of helping another....)


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Another..... This is what guitars are for tune....


And, once I reach the mountaintop,
I will reflect upon the past year...
one smooth sip at a time....


Has to have been at least a quarter of a century since I last tasted this....

Certainly a journey this Christmas to remember! Santa is welcome to come along for a sip or two!
But, Big Daddy Nick gotta pack his own ruck, Dig?
(Sorry. No cookies or milk here....)

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Ever find your self leaving notes to yourself?

To do this or that?


Well, Me too.

And, I just want to say....


"I forgot what I was gonna say...I'll make a note.....

But, if the wimmin don't find you handsome,

hopefully they'll find you handy....."




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Fought more with the snow plow in Nov. Solenoid for plow motor and the usual rusted in place lights that have never been right ,so move light bar around.
Extra red wire with nothing on the end?????

Mounted the plow after a foot of snow and neighbors dragging around getting stuck.
( None dragged themselves over to shovel my ramp or clear off the truck though, should have waited another day or two...kidding.)

First push the plow came off the carriage on one side.Wheeeeeee!

Tis cold out. No snakes ,spiders,bee' s though.
Kid walks for college graduation farther north Sat..
A plow is nice for running into stuff ,but might pull it for the trip. Forecast says it will be snowing well though so ...who knows.

I'm lazy, usually once I put the plow on, it stays on until spring. I hate the Fisher minute mount design.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

I'm lazy, usually once I put the plow on, it stays on until spring. I hate the Fisher minute mount design.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

I'm running a boss rt3. Not too bad a mounting....
Red wire must be for an auxiliary battery I don' t have , but odd to not have noticed it in the past several years. Everything is working.
Hard to see at night. Reset headlamps to center near trucks one has wandered into the ditch with it' s beam.
Ahh well,just more stuff to do.
Been digging snow to get utility trailer out.( Who p loved it in? L.o.l.. Maybe finish today then get it's lights working ,get trike running and pair them for ice fishing?

I'm running a boss rt3. Not too bad a mounting....
Red wire must be for an auxiliary battery I don' t have , but odd to not have noticed it in the past several years. Everything is working.
Hard to see at night. Reset headlamps to center near trucks one has wandered into the ditch with it' s beam.
Ahh well,just more stuff to do.
Been digging snow to get utility trailer out.( Who p loved it in? L.o.l.. Maybe finish today then get it's lights working ,get trike running and pair them for ice fishing?

I'd check online about that red wire, I've never worked on a boss. A guy at work has one though. I've never gone ice fishing but up here the shacks are on the river. I just got done salting a few roads. Spring coming soon? Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Checked a couple diagrams.
They show two red wires from two batteries.
Now I don' t remember what color from solenoid to pump , but not red.

Spring ...haa!
St. Patrick's day is close around here with swings from rain or snow and three feet of snow on ground to only a couple inches left.

Them salters are not cheap.
Used ones are usually ate up on the spreader.
Been watching them as a possible seed spreader should spring ever return.... Probably go another route though.
Running one would mean mounting something to hold an auxiliary 12V batt on the6 V tractor.

This one is all stainless and run off hydraulic from an under hood pump. Bearings and bed chains still rot though

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

Did any else notice that our old friend, stockpicker, logged in and posted back on Oct 05, 2016!?!

Did any else notice that our old friend, stockpicker, logged in and posted back on Oct 05, 2016!?!

No!! I missed it!!! Now that I'm thinking about it I'll email him.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

ELO is in too

prolly cause of rosie vela


Glad you get a kick out of the hot pepper dust.....and yes the pun was intended....:laughing7::laughing7:


All is fun and games until Bill's pepper dust hits the table. :censored:


DON'T mess with Bill's Best! :thumbsup:

Trust me!

(Yeah, I'm a slow learner, I guess.....:tongue3:)




If you manage to track down stockpicker give him my regards....we did have quite the rebellious crew on here over the

Regards + HH


No!! I missed it!!! Now that I'm thinking about it I'll email him.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


If you manage to track down stockpicker give him my regards....we did have quite the rebellious crew on here over the

Regards + HH


I just exchanged emails with him. I'll send another with your regards.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

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