Another one for you Candy Dulfer - Lily was here.
Great tune, Uncle Bill! Thanks!

(Will play this many times..."Full screen," Don't you know....)
The girl plays with soul from the first note!
Imagine the teasing and bullying that she must have gotten carrying a Sax to school every day.
That's why I tell kids to jump into their passion and dreams.
The teasers and bullies have nothing in their life to channel THEIR passions and dreams.
I know firsthand.
I used to carry a home-made butterfly net to school so that I could catch butterflies at recess.
Must have been about third or fourth grade......
My Mom helped me make the net.
She always told me to learn about anything I wanted to.
I learned so much of entomology in grade school that I still have a decent collection of specimens.
That led to my desire to learn herpetology....
The teasers and bullies generally had their way with me...
A couple of nets were broken, but never my desire to learn and never my Mom's dedication and nurturing....
The University of Kansas was in my backyard, and I knew that Snow Hall was the Science Building that housed the University's entomological specimens. I became Friends with a Professor (at about 12-14 years old) and have made many donations to their collection.
I also was interested in music at the time, but no musical instruments were sought...
"If you want to carry an instrument to school every day, you will buy it yourself with your paper route money. I can't afford to replace it every time the bullies break it," my Mom would say.
I also knew that Murphy Hall was the Theater and Music building.
At night, I would sneak into the small, soundproof practice rooms that had pianos....
Ah! You forget that I've known locksmithing for YEARS!
So I taught my self how to fight and bought my first a Sophomore in High School.
I quickly found that I could play a guitar, even teaching myself as a left-hander to play right-handed, better than I could fight, so I kept the box at home...
There came a day that my ability to play that first guitar exceeded my intended goals with that guitar.
I smashed that guitar and bought a newer and better one.
I've smashed 2-3 guitars for the reason that they would not hold a tune or various other reasons.....
But, I've NEVER smashed an Ovation!

(Let's not talk about guitars lost in divorces, shall we?)
Think I'll post this tune to my Facebook profile!
Be Well!
Oh, She is also a "looker!"
And yes, I still have 2 home-made butterfly nets....
A recent acquisition; yet uncatalogued.....

Hemileuca maia?
Species Hemileuca maia - Buck Moth - Hodges#7730 - BugGuide.Net
(Yes, I am a member.....)
A painful acquisition? Why, yes. Yes it was!
Still learnin'....
Sometimes the hard way.....
Certainly, the brief aroma of a passing lady's perfume, (Poison) or a song can trigger memories...
Always seek the memories that created you.
Generous? Benevolent? Caring?
Play your best hand.
If you don't like the cards dealt to you, you can always draw....
And don't forget to bluff!
But, with "pocket bullets" I really don't need to bluff, Feel me?
Beats your "Big Slick" all day long, don't it? Wanna go "All In?"
Am I bluffing?
I'll leave that for you to decide....
All In?'em
Texas Hold-em Poker Lingo Dictionary
(Additional info on terminology.
one of my favorite terms is, "Motown," meaning that you have Jacks and Fives....