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Searching for this or that, once again,
I found a $100 bill that I had once hidden in .....a book!
In my "Library."
That I had forgotten......10 years ago? :icon_thumright:
Carl Sandburg. Volume 3. Page....372...

In proclamations, in recommendations of Thanksgivings....

Funny how I had prepared for my future...

What else might I have forgotten? :icon_scratch:


Now I can buy groceries like a Boss! :hello2:

I'm suddenly hungry....

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A dream recently....

I could fly.
Beyond one's goals.
Beyond my goals...

And I could fly....

And, can't we all fly?

My Love and Best Wishes,


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By the way, I'm less than 24 hours older than VP Elect Mike Pence....


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So, ummm..

How 'bout a rocker of a tune, lads?

As we prepare for yet another Monday....
DANG! It Is now Monday....


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It aint Monday here..... Bro

Tomorrow I will purchase what I need.
Such things as matches, coffee, sugar, lamp oil, gun powder, flour, milk and eggs.

Another week ahead, my Friends...

Ah! This Thursday is Thanksgiving
Perhaps I'll find myself in the mountains....



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Got a personal call today from the bank that my locksmith Friend and I do safe deposit box locks for.
I had given them my number and told them that I would buy their $50 bags of unsorted, loose Lincoln cents.
I'd be saving them money on shipping, processing, etc.

I'll leave early tomorrow before work and pick them up and maybe see if they have any Ikes, Kennedys or $2 bills.

I'll probably get about $500 in ones to try to find a star note or three.

Hope All have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember those who can't be home....


Best Wishes,


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And this is the song that I now contemplate....



Don't wait too long to rip.

Also, NEVER count past 5 after pulling the pin, and the lever flips before throwing......Dig?
I once counted 7 one day and my training Sgt. found a new "understanding" of me.
As he stood in the bunker next to me....a live grenade in my hand.....
My gaze fixed upon his....The look of understanding was exchanged and I then threw that grenade like a baseball through the window of an old practice deuce and a half at about 30 yards.

Peeled the top like a can opener....

Let's just say that I never skinned a tater or washed a pot. EVER.

Did I mention that as a kid, I was a pitcher on a "Youth League?"
And once tried out for Collegiate level Baseball?

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Not me bro... I ain't jumpin atta a perfectly good plane!

This guy likes to skydive, even wrote a song about it.


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"To the mortal man,
What is life but the constant prospect of Death?"

"Shall we live by others designs I ask?
Nae, for, my Friends, we shall live Free and work towards a common and
human understanding and prosperity!"©scott 2016

"I say to the Gentlemen And Gentlewomen of the
House and Senate Committees that I address here today.....,
As a Veteran, I ask for your commitment.
Your commitment to Veteran heath care."

Perhaps great things soon! :headbang:
Are you aboard?

Best Always,


I now face the sentence of sleep.

Perhaps my dreams will be of flying Over mountaintops and valleys.....
Seeking new paths and vistas.... :coffee2:

Perhaps dreams not so pleasant....

As usual....

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To you " legs"...... there's no such thing as a perfectly good airplane...... why do you think they document everything in the aircraft forms? Hahaha

Tomorrow I will purchase what I need.
Such things as matches, coffee, sugar, lamp oil, gun powder, flour, milk and eggs.

Another week ahead, my Friends...

Ah! This Thursday is Thanksgiving
Perhaps I'll find myself in the mountains....



Dang ,you're in need indeed short on all that.
A good mind can overcome shortages for a spell though.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Yeah happy Thanksgiving. Question-do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada? Hehe. Dram where ya been brother?

Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I spent the day preparing my ruck for a journey into the mountains for a few days.
It might be an interesting journey because all "Open" fires are strictly prohibited.
Bad drought here in NE Georgia....

I've got 2 Coleman stoves...Those are deemed usable by the DNR.
And, I may find myself where no other human has been in many years. If ever.
But, a secluded campfire, at night, on a mountaintop,
seen by fire patrol airplanes just might cause a bit of a stink....
We'll see how this plays out, shall we?

And I've also been searching through a few handfuls from a bag of 5000 Lincoln cents. So far, about a half dozen "wheaties."

And all the pre '82 copper. Sorted in tins by decade.
Later to sort by year and mint mark. Then roll up 50 of each in wrappers and mark the date and mintmark on the wrapper. I've probably got 2 or 3 hundred dollars in face value stored like this.....
I remember when copper was high. One copper Lincoln cent was worth 3 cents.
Now, not so much...

A lot to be aware of when searching Lincoln cents....
"Wide AM's," Coneca listed double dies, etc.
I once found a 1999 wide AM.
It's worth about $700.
I paid one cent.
(I still have it)

No Halves or Ikes from the bank, but I got about 23 $2 bills and one was a 1953 red seal.
Also got $500 in ones.
Only 2 star notes. Sheesh!

Now I'm trying to figure out the 2009 series...:icon_scratch:

USPaperMoney.Info: Series 2009 $1

Best Wishes,


I've have also found 1998 and 2000 WAMS, a 1972 Coneca Double die and many interesting things.
Once, even a blank planchet! (of course, I still have these, also!)
I've probably searched through around 50,000 Lincoln cents in the last few years.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe that I included a 1998 and a 2000 WAM in the Treasure Tube!

Helpful Links to Lincoln Cents...
Mine is the 3-0-1


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A "light" musical selection tonight for my Friends....

Where did you find Love?

I met my first wife at an all night gas station in the late '70's.
My second wife while bowling.
My LAST wife at the Nursing home that I was the Maintenance Director.

Girlfriends that I've met?



"My Friends, the Love, they can be anywhere!"



(Yet another Scott digression. My apologies...Thank you for your understanding.)

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And, an epic song truly showcasing the vocal talent of Whitney....

Such vocals verify to me that Angels are always around us....

Be Well, my Friends until I post again.



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