
Here's a mini concert of The Band from about 45-46 years ago.




Searching, once again,

I found potentially 2 classes to take this Spring Semester.

Courses - University of North Georgia - Acalog ACMS?

Now then, if I could just find that plan of study,
that I worked up with my Academic Adviser that shows what classes I need for a Bachelors...
I know that it is around here somewhere....:icon_scratch:

I need either a Secretary or a Curator.
Or both! :tongue3:

Best Wishes,


Welcome to age lol

Yeah, I've been gettin' AARP "WE WANT YOU TO JOIN" mailings for a few years now.


My heart leaps with joy of your posting again here with your Friends!

How 'bout not bein' such a stranger? OK?

'Cause I am the strangest one here! LOL! :laughing7:

How's Winston?

Picture 105.webp
"Me and Scott knew that you would come back!"

My Very Best Wishes
(and behavior...)


Yes, Otis loved to pose....sniffle....

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In the course of locksmith calls daily, to various car lots, dealers, individuals and such, today we went to an audio installation place to "reprogram a push start Nissan Altima."

My first thought is, "Why would an audio installation place need a push start reprogrammed for a car?"
I'll get back to that later....

So we arrive and the dash cluster is laying out of place with a visible unhooked plug.
Many other signs of electronic such happenings before we got there.
Y'all know ole Scotty...
He's always looking about....
Where's the OBDII port?
Behind the kick plate, on the floorboard? Hanging loose? Really?!?

I look at my locksmith Friend with the look that I give him when I wish to convey:
"Chicken soup out of chicken sh*....?"

So we manage to program the chip key and a dispute arose because the car would not start.
Hey! It's programmed. Our job is done. Here's our bill.

I sense bad fookie and immediately my eye sees tools laying about to perhaps pick up for closer examination.
Or use.

Invitations were offered to step outside for further discussions, but, we haven't been paid yet.

Let's settle up on the bill first, shall we?
Then we'll do some dancin'.

In their shop, there were three of them to only my Friend and I.
They would have had no chance.

My Friend and I would have went to jail.
Depending on whether they pulled a gun, what my charges would have been; Aggravated assault or justifiable homicide.
Could have been any charges. Doesn't matter....I always have my Friend's back. Dig?

D-Weed cut a check and no blood was shed.

I like the idea of ankle carry.

Any suggestions?



Ya know, it's gettin' harder to make an honest living now a days. Sheesh!


The reason that they needed a key reprogrammed is because they nicked a wire to the ECU and fried it. They got a used ECU and thought that would work without flashing it...anyway, it gets kinda technical from there so I'll stop.

But you get the drift, right?

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This is how Scotty is groovin' tonight...

But, it will certainly change...

Before the previous song finishes....

Much to analyze here....



"Here's something else for your listening pleasure...."

Wake each morning embracing new life one more day.
Wake each morning ready to share new hope and opportunities.
Wake each morning as if it is your last.
How will you spend your day?
Who can you help.
You really don't need their name, do you?
And, at the end of the day, how do you feel?
About yourself?
About how you might have helped another fellow human?
A Relative?
A Friend?
A Stranger?

My Best Wishes,


So, PSYCH 3070?

What do you think?

Nothing to see here...

Move along! Move along!

Must have been a cold day in hell......


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Welcome back Squiggy!!!!!

Thank you😊😊

Looks like if I use tapatalk it works, but not tnet app??

Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk

I was considering an international coin swap with one member in Germany on the website, "Numista."
However, when I viewed their profile...

I declined further participation.

They just sent me a broken English reply, not real friendly.....


Scotty bein' Scotty, I sent this reply:

Mein Freund, ich gebe nicht das Urteil. Ich hoffe, dass Sie die Situation beheben können. Es tut mir leid, dass du Hass für mich findest, weil ich vorsichtig bin.
Hoffe es geht dir gut.

Ya see, I've had one other misfortune on the site out of about 90 swaps world-wide.
Scotty doesn't make the same mistake twice. Dig? 8-)

AU24K's profile ? Numista




"Yeah, we all get a little bit older every day, don't we?"
A little bit wiser? Pass the knowledge!


"I Got This!"

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Just talked with my Friend in Lawrence.

I find no reason to attend KU...Again. Ever.

A Liberal hotbed? My hometown? ???

Yeah, You know that I know what we ALL know.........



Missouri perhaps?
I have personally hugged the "Gateway to the West...."


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Searching, once again for something I don't remember...

I came upon some pics of a vacation from my youth.

I took most of the photographs that I now find once again........

Where was your youth? How was it spent?
Are you still "Young?"

View attachment 1383611

View attachment 1383612

Other states were visited also long ago.
And, yes,
I have pictures....

Now I will continue to search for what I have been looking for....a quote mentioned by Carl Sandburg....

Hope All have a productive week ahead!


My Best Wishes,


Yes, our lives certainly grow shorter day after day...

Face tomorrow with a new plan!

You can bet your ass that I will! Dig?


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