In the course of locksmith calls daily, to various car lots, dealers, individuals and such, today we went to an audio installation place to "reprogram a push start Nissan Altima."
My first thought is, "Why would an audio installation place need a push start reprogrammed for a car?"
I'll get back to that later....
So we arrive and the dash cluster is laying out of place with a visible unhooked plug.
Many other signs of electronic such happenings before we got there.
Y'all know ole Scotty...
He's always looking about....
Where's the OBDII port?
Behind the kick plate, on the floorboard? Hanging loose? Really?!?
I look at my locksmith Friend with the look that I give him when I wish to convey:
"Chicken soup out of chicken sh*....?"
So we manage to program the chip key and a dispute arose because the car would not start.
Hey! It's programmed. Our job is done. Here's our bill.
I sense bad fookie and immediately my eye sees tools laying about to perhaps pick up for closer examination.
Or use.
Invitations were offered to step outside for further discussions, but, we haven't been paid yet.
Let's settle up on the bill first, shall we?
Then we'll do some dancin'.
In their shop, there were three of them to only my Friend and I.
They would have had no chance.
My Friend and I would have went to jail.
Depending on whether they pulled a gun, what my charges would have been; Aggravated assault or justifiable homicide.
Could have been any charges. Doesn't matter....I always have my Friend's back. Dig?
D-Weed cut a check and no blood was shed.
I like the idea of ankle carry.
Any suggestions?
Ya know, it's gettin' harder to make an honest living now a days. Sheesh!
The reason that they needed a key reprogrammed is because they nicked a wire to the ECU and fried it. They got a used ECU and thought that would work without flashing it...anyway, it gets kinda technical from there so I'll stop.
But you get the drift, right?